Imagine Tom at your door
Curled up on the sofa, TV blaring and the empty ice cream tub tossed on the floor, you groaned as you heard someone knock on your door. You thought that they'd go away, but the knock came again and again, until it became a constant hammering. "Okay! I'm coming!", you shouted annoyed, pushing yourself up off the sofa, slouching over to the door. You looked a mess and your bed hair hung over one side, so whoever it was was bound to get a shock. Or you were. As when you opened the door, Tom stood leaning in your doorway, towering over you, his long fingers tapping against the wood. "Hi", he said huskily, flashing you a seductive smile as he leant in closer. Half of you wanted to close the door on him, the other half was too entrances looking into his deep sapphire eyes. "I know what you're going through. Y/B/F told me Y/N. I'm here to show you your more than that. To show you how important and special you really are ...", he cooed gently, brushing aside your hair as his hand stroked you cheek. Then he kissed you, a soft, long kiss on your lips, taking you a little by surprise. Pulling back, leaving you breathless, he wrapped his longs arms around your waist and pushed you back inside, closing the door behind before he rammed you up against it, planting a fierce kiss on your lips, biting your lips as he growled against you, you following suit. His jacket tumbled to the ground as your hair flopped around in the battle between your kisses, both of you crashing through into the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind ...
[ The rest is up to you to fill in to your desires ;) in your wonderful minds of course. Enjoy ]
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