Imagine Tom as a cat
Mini Imagine time ! •
Finally you got home, slamming the front door shut behind you, before running through to the front room and collapsing into the sofa in a heap of tears. Today had been horrible, and you just wished the world would let you disappear, as they didn't care about you. The one person who did though soon heard your cries of anguish and nestled down next to you, soothingly rubbing your back. You buried your face into his chest as he calmed you down, gently kissing your forehead. "Shhh, it's okay baby, it's alright. You're here now, you're safe", he whispered, stroking away your tears as you laid your head on his chest sighing. You lay there for several minutes, Tom holding you and kissing your forehead every now and then. You reached up your hand to play with his curls, but froze as you felt something furry. "Tom?", you questioned as you sat up, and almost burst out laughing. He had a pair of cat ears on, and immediately he was blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry. I-I was just trying out a costume idea for a party", he chuckled trying to hide his face in his hands through your fits of laughter. "I didn't expect you home so soon. Oh god"
By now you were hunched over in laughter, rolling off the sofa onto the floor. "Oh my god Tom, you're a cat!", you squealed laughing as you could now see clearly the two ears sticking out from his curls. "It's just a costume. I don't think it works". "You look so cute though!", you laugh as he gets up, shaking his head to leave the room, only you stop laughing when you see it. "Tom, is that ... a tail?". Sheepishly he looked back over his shoulder at you with the cutest, most embarrassed expression ever as his tail gently slunk back and forth. "Please don't tell the others I tried to be a cat?", he asked, but it was too late. You'd whipped out your phone and taken a picture, and now lay rolling around on the floor in tears of laughter as Tom leapt on top of you, wrestling to grab the phone. The next few minutes were a blur of you getting tickled by Tom, his adorable face only making you laugh harder with his cat ears and tail, until finally, both of lay in each other's arms, happily smiling and cuddling.
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