Imagine taking Tom to the beach
Mini-Tom imagine *
"Which turning is it that I need to take?", you thought to yourself as you drove along. Tom was fast asleep in the passenger seat, snoring away as you drive his Jag towards your surprise destination. He's been working endlessly all week, but instead of wanting to rest on his day off, he wanted to be with you, so you'd both agreed to go out for a drive. Tom had said that he'd wanted to go to a castle that was just outside of London, but because he'd fallen asleep straight away as soon as you'd set off, you changed course to somewhere else. Soon you saw the blue skyline of the coast growing closer, just as the grey sky began to darken. So much for a sunny day at the seaside, you thought. The beach was empty and hardly anyone was around as you pulled into the car park, overlooking the choppy sea. "Wake up darling. We're here", you whispered into his ear as you kissed his head, giving his hair a quick ruffle. "Mmm. Five more minutes", he groaned, trying to roll over in his seat, burying his head into his jacket hood. "Fine then. Guess I won't be sharing", you chuckled as you climbed out the car, purposefully locking it behind you. At that Tom sat bolt upright in his seat, looking straight out at the view. You dashed over to a coffee shop and emerged with two ice creams and couldn't resist laughing at Tom. He looked like a trapped puppy with his face pressed against the window, tapping it in an attempt to escape. "I want ice cream. Pleeeease", he pleaded, doing his puppy eyes as you began to eat yours, teasing him. His bottom lip quivered and as soon as he shed a little tear, you unlocked the car and he bounded out after you as you ran down the beach with his ice cream. However, he soon caught you, and laughing and giggling, you and Tom enjoyed the windswept day at the beach, Tom eating his ice cream as he gave you a piggyback, before running into the sea, dropping you in, before both of you ran back to the car, soaking wet, but laughing and hugging all the way.
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