Imagine seeing Tom in Coriolanus
Imagine seeing Tom in Coriolanus
Why today of all days did it have to happen. Stuck on the other side of London, and the tube has to go down. Great, you thought to yourself as you rushed along the street, il have to get a bus. You glance at your watch and at the massive queue of people piling onto the buses. There was no way that you were ever going to get on there. You were frantic now, as were a few other people, quickly looking around for a means to get across London. You were not going to give up on this moment, you'd stayed up all night just so you could get tickets for the show when the bookings opened, and you were not going to miss it. Eventually you spotted a taxi. You knew it was going to cost a lot, but you didn't care, you didn't want to miss the show, not for anything. You dashed across the road, and jumped into the back of the taxi, another gentleman jumping in right behind you. "Donmar warehouse please", you both say in sync as the driver sets off. You look startled at the man who'd jumped into the taxi with you, holding a book in his hand, wearing a hat and shades, as well as a tight fitting leather jacket and jeans. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump in your taxi. I just really need to get to the theatre, I'm very late", he said in a British accent, flushing you a charming smile causing you to blush. "It's alright. It's a good job we are both going to say the same thing then", you say and he chuckles. "Yes, I suppose you're right", he chuckled as he leant back in his seat, flicking open the pages in his book. You continued to look out of the window, excitement building inside you as you realised it was getting closer to show time, and closer to you seeing Tom, your idol, in Coriolanus. Although you kept looking out at the world passing by, your eyes kept looking back to the gentleman who continued to read. You were sure that his eyes kept looking at you from behind his shades, but you didn't let it bother you. "What are you reading?", you ask him after a while, thinking it would help pass the time in the awkward silence. "Oh Shakespeare, Coriolanus to be exact. A brilliant piece of work", he said excitedly. "Really, I love that play. It's what I'm seeing tonight!", you practically squeal in excitement. "Really? Well, I am sure you will enjoy it", he chuckled, grinning at you. "Well you're going to the theatre too aren't you? Aren't you watching it as well?", you ask a little confused, knowing he was going to the Donmar as well. "Yes, but I'm not watching it. I'm working on it", he says, glancing out of the window, checking to see how far away you were from there."Oh, you work as a technician on it backstage? Wow, it must be pretty amazing", you say noticing the black tshirt he's wearing underneath and his muscles standing out from underneath his jacket. He chuckles, taking off his hat, slicking back his hair. "No, I do work on it, but I'm an actor", he says softly, almost dropping his voice. You stare at him, your mouth dropping agape as he takes off his glasses, and you finally see him. Your heart was racing in your chest, butterflies, fluttering in your chest as you suddenly saw him, Tom Hiddleston, sat next to you in the back of the taxi. "Oh my god", you manage to whisper as you held out your trembling hand which he shook. "I was wondering how long it might have took for you to realise it was me. I'm terrible at disguises", he chuckled lightly, leaning back and smiling at you. "B-but-but-but- it's you!", you squeal at him, "You're- you are- you're amazing!!". He sits there smiling at you as you practically fangirl over him as you reel off everything to him, how every time you watched him die in War Horse you cried, or how you'd changed your personality because you loved Loki so much, or how you'd finally found a reason to get your friends to like Shakespeare because he performed it. He laughed along as you told so many stories about how he'd changed your life. "Go on", he chuckled, looking at your phone you clutched in your hands, as if he'd read your mind. You squealed in excitement as he put his arm around you, taking your phone in his hands and took a picture of the both off you. The taxi pulled up outside the stage door to the theatre and Tom shook your hand as he helped you out. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, but I have to dash. I hope you enjoy the show", he grinned as he escorted you to the street corner. "Thank you so much. And I am sure I will", you smile back at him. Then without thinking, you hugged him saying "Good luck". He was a little taken aback, but hugged you back, almost like a bear, before whispering in your ear "Thank you". You both let go before he glanced at his watched and swiftly waved goodbye to you, before sprinting back round to the stage door, as you turned and did the same to the theatre box office.
This was it, the moment you'd been waiting for, months in advance, and now it was here. As if meeting Tom in the back of the taxi hadn't been crazy enough, now you were going to actually watch him perform, live! You moved through the large crowd of people to get to your seat. Wow, you realised as you sat down, you could actually touch the stage from here, sat in the middle of the front row. You glanced around and saw other excited young women who were dressed in various Loki memorabilia, and you couldn't help but giggle to yourself. No one would be able to top the experience you'd had today. You routed through your bag, pulling out the programme, your purse, everything. You cursed under your breath, and felt a little upset, your phone wasn't there. You searched again, and went through all of your pockets, but it wasn't there. You went over and asked one of the front of house people in case your phone had been handed in, but they sadly said no. You sulked back to your seat cursing. You wouldn't have minded much, but it had the picture of Tom and you on, and that had meant the world to you, but now it had gone. You soon pushed it to the back of your mind as the lights dimmed, the show was starting. Your chest started to flutter again, and you knew why. There he came, striding onto the stage, commanding the whole attention of the audience. You didn't know if he had seen you, or if he even remembered you from what felt like hours ago as his eyes scanned across the audience. But then his eyes stopped, and lingered on yours briefly, and in that second you felt your heart stop, before he turned around and continued. Throughout the whole show, you couldn't stop yourself just looking at him, and just being in awe of him. You knew exactly what scene was coming next, your friends had told you because they couldn't stop talking about it, but nothing quite prepared you for it. Bloodied and looking exhausted, you watched Tom tear off his shirt as water started to pour from the ceiling, his ripped chest glistening in sweat as he stepped under it. He shook himself, sending drops of bloodied water all over you, everywhere, his chest rising up and down. You bit your lip to stop a sound escaping, you just couldn't stop looking. Then before you knew it he was off, and back onstage dressed in tight trousers and leather. Damn you cursed to yourself as he started talking huskily, angrily towards his fellow actors. "Tom, your Loki is showing", you thought to yourself. You giggled a little to yourself, gaining a strange look off the person sat next to you. You had to pinch yourself when Tom came back onstage however, as you were pretty sure he wasn't wearing anything under that incredibly thin and revealing sheet. You realised you hadn't actually remembered to breath as he looked at you briefly. He was slowly killing you, but nothing could prepare you for the end. You had already been moved to silent tears as his mother pleaded with Coriolanus, and now you were watching him being killed. Your eyes were wide in shock, your heart aching as you looked at Tom hung, upside down, blood pouring from his sliced neck. The room filled with darkness and silence. Then exploded with applause and cheering, you immediately jumping to your feet. All the company bowed and thanked everyone for coming, Tom taking the bows again as everyone continued to scream and cheer for him. You were sure you could see a little tear running down his cheek as he wiped blood off him. His eyes finally rested on yours and he smiled at you, before mouthing "Thank you" to you as he bowed and left the stage. You slumped back in your seat, completely in shock.
You pinched yourself until your arm was red raw. You just couldn't believe it, you must have been dreaming. Not only had you shared a taxi ride with Tom, but now you'd just watched him in a breathtaking performance of Coriolanus. It took you by surprise then when you looked around and realised that nearly everyone had left the theatre by now, as it was only you left sat in your seat at the stage crew came out to tidy up the stage. You were picking up your bag and just about to leave when a young woman dressed in black wearing a headset came out onto the stage. "Excuse me miss, are you Y/N?", she asked hurriedly as she held various props in her hands. "Yes, that's me, but how do you know my name?", you ask a little confused. She rolls her eyes looking at her watch as she quickly ushers you to follow her as she heads off backstage. Confused, you follow her into the labyrinth of maze backstage, weaving past half dressed actors, jumping over cables, feeling like you'd be walking for ages. She stops outside a door and knocks, before turning back to you, opening the door. You step inside and she closes it behind you. You sigh and look around the dressing room your in, looking at all the cards and flowers everywhere. You hear the shower running in the small bathroom off and are about to have a peep when a card catches your attention. Curious, you pick it up and look at the front cover, two figures looking drunk and passed out on the cover. One of them you recognise as Benedict Cumberbatch, but you squeal when you figure out who the other is. It was Tom! "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be here so quickly", Tom says from behind you, and you scream in alarm and spin around. He chuckles as he's stood in the doorway to the bathroom in just a towel, dripping wet. Your cheeks instantly blush red seeing him and you look straight at the floor embarrassed. "I'm sorry. The woman told me to follow her", you mutter trying to stop looking at him, which was impossible. "It's alright Y/N, it's my fault getting covered in blood every night", he laughed gesturing to himself which only made you blush harder. "You wanted to see me?", you manage to speak, it a little higher pitched that you'd liked. "Oh yes, of course. I nearly forgot", Tom said, snapping back walking over to his jacket and reaching into the pocket. "My phone", you say as he hands it to you, him still dripping wet. "You left it in the back of the taxi. I knew you'd be seeing the show so I waited until I was out on stage to see where you were sat. Then I asked the box office for your name". He smiled, brushing his wet hair back as you still just stood there in shock, blushing. "Oh right. Erm, sorry. I'll just change", he said quickly finally noticing as your eyes had drifted down to his chest, and he picked up his clothes and dashed into the bathroom, his towel falling down just as the door closed. Your legs gave way underneath you, and you fell into the chair. This cannot be happening you said to yourself as you looked in your shaking hands at your phone, unlocking it to see the picture of you and Tom there. "Right. I'm changed now", Tom announced as he came back into the room, chucking on his jacket smiling at you. "I think you've seen enough of my topless don't you think", he laughed as he picked up his things. You couldn't help but giggle at him, and have a grin on your face at his comment. "Oh yes, I thought you might like this", Tom said, holding out a Donmar tote bag, offering it to you. "Thank you", you say leaping up and taking it off him. "Ah", he says, keeping his hand on it so you couldn't open it. "It's a surprise. Wait until you're home", he chuckled. "Thank you", you say again to him, and this time, he hugs you. "No, thank you. I saw you applauding. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you Y/N". He broke away and smiled at you, before then opening the door. "Right, I better take you out the front. I don't want you to have to put up with the crowds of fans outside", he chuckled as he led you back through the darkened corridors of backstage. Eventually you ended up back at the box office, and out the front of the building, with the sound of cheering coming from around the corner. "Well, my fans await. Thank you Y/N", he joked as he waved you goodbye before heading back inside. Nothing could stop the grin that you had on all the way home. As soon as you got back home, you rushed to your room and opened the bag Tom had given you and gasped. Inside was a signed poster from all the cast, as well as a plain one, as well as a copy of Coriolanus, or to be more exact, A signed copy by Tom. You squealed in excitement and collapsed onto your bed, living on cloud nine, still thinking it was all a dream.
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