Imagine meeting Tom at rehearsals
Mini- Tom Imagine *
It was lunch break in rehearsals and you'd popped in to drop off some more props for the show. As you finished unpacking, you noticed Toms sword, and checking to see no one was around, picked it up and did a few quick swings with it. "Ahem", Tom coughed as he made you jump, nearly dropping it as he stood in the door watching, drinking his tea. "Sorry. I just couldn't resist", you admitted, putting it back down with a smile. He chuckled, nodding in agreement as he came back over and picked it up. "Wanna try a bit of fighting then?", he asked as he swung his sword back and forth, playfully egging you on. "I don't know how to. I don't want to hurt you", you admitted, feeling a little nervous. "Come on. Trust me, you'll be fine. These cant do much damage, there blunt anyway", Tom charmed as he backed off into the centre of the room, beaconing you to join. Cautiously you picked up the other spare sword off the table and joined him in the centre. "Right. First thing, don't put your fingers there", he instructed, his hand adjusting yours on the handle. "Now you've got better grip. Now I want you to swing a hit at me", he instructed, holding his arms out wide, leaving himself exposed. "But what if I hit you?", you asked nervously, taking a step back as you tried to stop your palms from sweating. "You won't. I'll block it. Trust me. Now just swing it". Feebly you swung the sword to try and slash across him, but he quickly brought his sword down in front of him to block, making you nearly drop the sword. "Not bad, but aim higher", he chuckled as he taunted you with a smile, again leaving his arms wide. Getting your breathe back, you tried again, unwillingly trying to swing towards his head, but Tom easily ducked and blocked the blow effortlessly. "You're getting the hang of this", he charmed as you laughed a little. It was actually more fun that you'd thought. "Now, I want you to bring your sword up and slash down at me", he instructed, demonstrating the action with his own sword slowly. "But you can't dodge that? I'll slice your head in two!", you stammered alarm as he took his position ready for you to strike again.
"Y/N, trust me", he winked, grinning at you. "Just pretend your a solider and you're about to kill me. Really give it all the force you can". You couldn't believe what you were hearing, Tom actually wanted you to attack him! He gave you another reassuring smile, and you built up the courage inside you, and with a scream of power, you swung your sword high above your head, and brought it down straight towards his face. Tom sidestepped and swung his sword upwards to meet yours, the blade sliding down the shaft until it locked under the hilt. With his free hand and a sharp tug, he flicked his blade and pull your sword out of your hand, sending it flying. His free hand grabbed your arm, locking it around your body as he pulled you towards him. It all happened in a matter of seconds that you didn't realise until it was all over. You arms were pinned by Toms arm around you, your back pressed tight against his chest as his sword blade rested at your neck, his head towering over yours. "Surrender?", he said darkly with a grin, before he gave you a quick kiss.
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