Imagine comforting Tom
Imagine comforting Tom
You sighed, looking over at the clock on the wall as you emerged from your room in your PJs into the kitchen. You hated getting home late, especially when you'd missed the last train and had to catch the long horrible night bus ride home, but it worked out better than spending loads on a taxi. You reached into the cupboard and pulled out a cuppa soup, switching on the kettle as you got a mug, feeling slightly hungry after having to put up with the smell of vomit, alcohol and pizza all mixed together on your way home. You were just about to pour the hot water when someone knocked on your door. Not only did you jump out of your skin a little, snapping out of your sleepy zone, but had to double take at the time; it was nearly 2am, who on earth would be knocking at this time? Again whoever it was knocked again, this time louder and a little more frantically. You put your mug down and head over to your flat door and open it and nearly die in fright. It was Tom, your friend you'd known for years, looking as if he'd been dragged through hell. His hair was messed and soaking wet, as well as the rest of his suit, his eyes red and wet, his face half upset and exhausted as he nearly collapsed on top of you. "Oh my god Tom! What happened?! Are you alright?!", you asked him frantically as you caught him, helping him into your flat, bringing him to sit down on the sofa. "Y/N, I'm so sorry for disturbing you. It's just, I didn't know where else to go", he choked, struggling for breath as he buried his face into his hands, hunched over. You grabbed the blanket from your bedroom and wrapped it around his as he sat there shaking, running back over to the kitchen to pick up your soup you were about to have, giving it to him. "Here, have this. It'll warm you up", you said handing it to him. He smiled weakly taking it off you, holding it in both hands taking a sip. You ran back to your room and grabbed your phone. "What happened? Did you get attacked?", you asked him coming back through, already on the phone calling Luke. "No, I didn't get attacked", Tom muttered sadly, taking another sip of the soup, some of the colour coming back to his cheeks. "Then what happened?", you asked him, holding your phone against your ear, listening to Luke's voicemail and cursed; tonight was his night off, typical. Tom bit his lip as he closed his eyes, trying to hold back tears. "Tom?", you asked gently, hanging up your phone, sitting down next to him. He sighed, looking up, staring out across the night view of London as a fresh tear rolled down his cheek. "It's Rachel", he muttered, his lip quivering. You knew Rachel, she was Tom's girlfriend and had been seeing him for nearly a year now. "Has something happened to her?", you asked him urgently, panic in your voice but he calmly shook his head. You must have sat there for a good minute in silence, just listening to the ticking of the clock between yours and Tom's heavy breathing. Eventually, Tom placed the mug down on the coffee table, his hands shaking as you watched another tear fall down his soaked face. His knuckles clenched white as he bit his lip. "She broke up with me", he whispered finally, before breaking down into tears. Your mouth dropped open in shock; you'd never thought it would have happened, Tom thought the world of her, and you knew they were the perfect couple. "Tom, I'm so sorry", you muttered as you put a reassuring arm around him as he sat there, his head buried in his hands, crying. You couldn't help but let a tear or two fall down your own cheeks listening to his heart break, it was horrible; you'd never felt so helpless. "Can I ask why Tom?", you asked him quietly after his crying had died down. He sniffled, trying to compose himself. "She said that I wasn't a true gentleman, and that I would never be good enough for her. And that I was cheating behind her back with ...", he trailed off, his voice dying as he buried his face back in his hands. "Oh Tom that's horrible. I'm so so sorry", you said stroking his back, comforting him. "Yeah, it's just, how can she say that? I've loved her, I'd never do anything like that to anyone", he sighed in frustration, his knuckles whitening. "Well, she was always a bit of a drama queen", you said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood and cheer Tom up. "Yeah, no kidding. She made the biggest song and dance about it too, and all whilst we were out at dinner", he chuckled lightly. "That's terrible". "Yep. That's why I came around. After she stormed off she went back to the flat and locked the door so I couldn't get back in. I didn't want to have to break it down, and what with Luke off and Ben being away, yours was the only place I could think of to come", Tom sighed, trying to give a weak smile. "Well you can stay here for the night. I know there's not much room here on this sofa so you can take my bed. I'll sleep here", you said to him smiling. "Oh no, I don't want to do that. Please Y/N, you sleep in your bed, I'll stay here", Tom said quickly. "Oh no you don't Mr Frost Giant. You've had a terrible night and the last thing I want is to have you suffering being squished up on this stupidly small thing. You are sleeping in my bed and that's final", you said sternly to him, waggling your finger at him to prove your point. He chuckled, the familiar grin shining through as he smiled at you. "Okay, I will. Guess that's me told. And I thought I had an strict side", he chuckled as you playfully hit him on the back. "Hey, you may be an evil god in disguise, but that doesn't mean you start giving the orders around here. Besides Tom, you're my friend. I've lost count of the amount of times you've helped me. Don't you think it's time I return the favour?". Tom looked at you, and it was almost as if all his troubles just disappeared in his face as he looked into your eyes. "Y/N, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a friend like you", he said, resting his arm on yours as he smiled at you. "I know. Come here". You reached your arms around him and embraced him into a big hug, kissing his cheek as his arms snaked around you too. "Thank you", he whispered as he leant back, his hand stroking your cheek, before he gently kissed your lips. Although it had come as a bit of a surprise, it didn't shock you at all; it was as if you were both comfortable just being together like this, as if you'd never been apart. "I think it's time to go to bed, don't you think?", you said to Tom, grinning at him, realising you two were never meant to be apart.
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