Imagine being on a film set with Tom
Imagine being on a film set with Tom
"I forgot to say this earlier, but you looked beautiful tonight", Tom says to you as he hugs you in his trailer. He'd just finished filming for the day and was in the process of getting out of his Loki costume. He'd wanted you to come along to the set to watch the filming, only to surprise you in getting you to play an extra in one of the scenes too. "Oh Tom, thank you", you kiss him gently on the cheek. "I mean it Y/N, you look beautiful. I'm sure everyone else will say that when they see you in the film." You giggle, stroking his cheek "Oh no, I'm pretty sure Loki deserves more screen time than me Tom". He chuckles turning around, as you spot his helmet and sceptre on the table. "May I?", you ask, a small smile creeping on your lips. He nods, flashing you his trademark grin before turning around, putting stuff away. You walk over and place the horned helmet onto your head, and pick up the sceptre. You spin back around to see Tom staring at you smugly. "Kneel!", you command him in your best Loki voice, resisting the urge to laugh. "Of course, Lady Loki", he says in his husky voice, kneeling, smiling at you. You giggle at the sight before you, Loki/Tom kneeling to you. You can't contain your laughter any more and turn around, taking off the helmet, putting it and the sceptre down. You turn back around, and Tom is still there, kneeling, smiling up at you. "What are you doing Tom? You can get back up now you know". "I know Y/N", he said softly, smiling at you. "Means it's just easier for me to do this". He reached forward and took your hand into his, holding up a ring in his other hand. You gasp, unable to breath. You couldn't believe what was happening, he was proposing to you. Without him even saying a word, he slipped the ring onto your finger, kissing your hand, before standing up, drawing you into a tight embrace, planting his beautiful lips onto yours. "Y/N, you are amazing. I love you so much", he whispered into your ear. "I will always kneel to you", he said in his husky voice, as you realised you had just gotten the best of both worlds.
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