Imagine cheating on Loki with Bucky
Imagine cheating on Loki with Bucky
"Are you ready?", you ask Loki walking down the Bifrost bridge, holding his hand. "Of course. I am excited to meet your friend Bucky", Loki chuckled smiling at you as you approached Heimdals observatory. "To Midgard", you shout and in a flash of light, you blink in the bright sunlight of Earth. You were back in your hometown, just in a back alleyway not to far away from the park where you'd agreed to meet Bucky. "Wait here", you say to Loki, pecking him on the cheek. "Why?", he asked, attempting to follow you. "Well, I don't know if you remember what happened last time you were out in public, we ended up with SHEILD chasing us!", you say, pushing him back against the wall. "Now stay here. Il come back to get you once I've checked it's safe", you say, squeezing his hand. "Alright. Il wait. You best stay out of trouble Y/N", Loki chuckled, giving you a quick peck on your lips, making you blush. You smile, then dash up off up the alley, leaving Loki standing up against the wall in the shadows. You get to the end and peak out, and spot Bucky hiding under a shady tree near the edge of the park. Slipping out, you weave through the pedestrians and traffic until you reach him. "Bucky!", you squeal, rushing over to him. He smiles, pulling off his hood, wrapping his arms around you, giving you a kiss on your cheek. "Y/V, I've missed you", he whispered into your ear, stroking your cheek. "I know, I've missed you too. Bucky, there is someone I want you to meet", you say back smiling. "I don't want to meet anyone, I just want to see you", he said, placing his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. "Bucky, you promised", trying to wriggle out of his grasp but he just pulls you closer. "No. I don't think you quite understand how I feel. You were my friend, then you got saved by this god that you can't stop talking about. What happened to us? Do you even care about me anymore?", Bucky snarled, his voice a deadly whisper. "I do care!", you say, reaching up and stroking his cheek, but Bucky grabs hold of your wrist stopping you. "Prove it. Prove that you still love me", he snarled. You don't know what to think, what has brought this chance in Bucky, but you do feel guilty, as you did leave him behind. You leaned up to him and kissed him tenderly on the lips, you gently biting his lip. He let out a little moan and let go of you, his hands wrapping tighter around your waist. He returned the kiss, this time harder, and you let out a moan, you didn't mean to, but Bucky always knew how to hit the right spot. "See Bucky, I still love you", you say breathlessly to him, pulling away from him, looking up into his eyes. "I know. I just wanted to be sure", he said, looking up to the direction you'd come from, a grin on his face. "Come on", he said, taking your hand in his metal one, "Lets meet your friend". You walked with Bucky back over to the alleyway, hand in hand, and saw Loki standing where you'd left him. He was stood leaning against the wall, hidden in the shadows, his green eyes firmly fixed on the both of you as you approached. "Bucky, I'd like you to meet-". "-Loki", he snapped, cutting you off, a grin on his face. Loki chuckled, and he stepped out of the dark, standing over to you. "So, this is your friend who you had from before I met you", Loki said, his voice cold. "Me and Y/N have history Loki", Bucky said, letting go of your hand, "Perhaps I should fill you in". "No thanks, I think I've seen enough", Loki snarled, his eyes turning to you. "What do you mean by that?", you say, feeling intimidated by the stare he was giving you, feeling his rage start to build. "So he's just a friend is he? So what does that make us Y/N? In that I can hold you in the same way he does, that his lips can meet yours and nothing I can do can convince you of my feelings for you?", Loki said, his voice breaking. "I don't understand", you say to Loki. "You love him! I saw you kissing him!", Loki shouted, causing you to flinch, yet all the while Bucky remained silent. "What, no. That wasn't, I mean, it was nothing", you say flustered, alarmed that he had seen. "Don't lie to me!", Loki snarled, grabbing you by the shoulders, pushing you into the wall behind. "Do you love me?", he asked his face next to yours, his eyes enraged. "Loki. I-". "-Do you love me?!", he shouted shaking you, his eyes welling in tears. You don't say anything, you're too frightened by this sudden turn in him. Your silence was enough of an answer for him, and he shoved you aside, storming off up the alley. "Loki", you shout after him, chasing him. "NO!", Loki screamed, spinning around and slapping you, sending you to the floor. "I loved you", he muttered in a deadly whisper, before his face contorted in rage and he turned and ran, running off and in a flash of light, vanished. Bucky came over to you as you lay there crying, putting an arm around you. "It's okay Y/N. He's gone. I'm here for you", Bucky said, stroking your head as you cried into his chest. "I love you", he whispered to you, lifting up your chin, stroking away your tears. You didn't know what to think anymore with all the conflicting emotions inside you, so just nodded, and buried your head into Bucky's chest again. He wrapped his arms reassuringly around you, resting his head on yours, his eyes fixed on the spot Loki had vanished from, a grin on his face.
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