Imagine Bucky being jealous
Imagine Bucky being jealous
You heard the front door slam shut which woke you from your sleep. You glanced over at the clock puzzled. It was only 7pm, what was Bucky doing back so early. You slide out of bed and creep through to the front room. You can see Bucky sat on the sofa, head in his hands, breathing heavily. "Bucky?", you ask quietly, but he doesn't respond. You walk over to him, and kneel down in from of him, gently resting your hands on his knees. "Bucky, what's wrong?", you ask him, trying to look up into his face. "Why me, Y/N. Why is it always me", he mutters looking up at you. You can see his eyes are red and puffy from where he's been crying. "What do you mean Bucky? Why, what's happened?", you ask gently, squeezing his leg. He sighs, dropping his head back down. "Everyone else I know is getting promoted to new positions and everything. Why don't they ever notice me! After all I've done for them". You could feel him getting worked up again as he tried to bite back the tears. "Oh Bucky. Come here", you say gently, and sit down next to him, putting your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "They are all idiots who just want bigger badges to show off. They aren't really heroes, unlike you. You saved me, remember", you whispered to him, kissing his forehead as he composed himself. "How could I forget", he muttered, a small grin coming on his face. "You're always my hero Bucky, no matter how many badges you wear". He smiled at you, and gently kissed your forehead. "I was having an early night, and seeing as your back early, I'd like some company", you say slyly, taking his hand and pulling him up. "Well Y/N, when you put it like that, how could I refuse", he grinned, as he swept you off your feet and carried you back through to the bedroom.
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