Imagine Steve and Loki saving you
Imagine Steve and Loki saving you
"Mam, you need to run now!", this man shouted at you as he ran through the office where you worked. Everyone else had decided to go on lunch break, whilst you still carried on working in your cubical. The man dressed in the uniform carrying a shield had just burst through the office door and had ran straight past you. "Why, who are you?", you shouted back confused as he disappeared around the corner. You sighed and shook your head; just another crazy person. Then the door to the office was blasted open, and several tall creatures burst in. You scream in terror as they notice you and point their guns at you. You run as fast as you can towards the end office but the creatures open fire, and one of the energy blasts catches you on your side. You scream out in pain and collapse onto the floor as you try to crawl away from them as they aim their weapon at you again, and pull the trigger. A loud metallic thud causes you to open your eyes and look. The man who had just ran through before was stood above you, shield in hand, protecting you. He swung his shield at the creatures as they tried to attack him too. Several minutes later, they were all dead on the floor. "Can you walk?", he asked coming over to you, helping you up. You try to get up but cry out in pain again, clutching at your side, trying to stop the bleeding. He picked you up in his arms and carried you to the stairwell, and up to the roof. "You'll be safe here Y/N", he said, dazzling you with his smile whilst you were lost in his dreamy blue eyes. "Wait, how do you know my name, when I don't even know yours?", you asked a little surprised as he carefully laid you down. "Well mam, I'm Captain America. I read your name on your work badge Y/N", he said smiling. "Thank you, Captain, for saving me", you say rather breathlessly as you offered out your hand to shake his. "Any time, Y/N", he winked, taking your hand, and instead of shaking it, kissed it, causing you to blush. "What on earth were those things?", you asked him. Before he even had chance to explain, the roof doorway opened, and more of the creatures came out onto the roof. "Get back!", he shouted at you, pulling off his shield off his back before attacking the advancing aliens. You scrambled to your feet and ran towards the corner of the room, hoping there way a way down. You got to the edge and looked over, only to see a sheer drop. You turned around to see one of the creatures running straight at you, with the Captain unable to stop him. You screamed in terror, thinking he was about to kill you, when something from above grabbed your arm and lifted you off, straight off the roof. You screamed in terror when you saw the rest of New York flying past you as the rooftop disappeared below you, with the Captain down below shouting your name as he watched you being carried away. You looked up to see the person who was holding you in their arms on top of the flying machine, straight into his dark green eyes. Your voice immediately became lost in your throat as he looked at you, a small smile creeping across his pale face. "Tell me Y/N, do you like him? That man who tried to save you, or me?", he asked in a dark husky voice, his eyes locked on yours. "I-I", you were lost for words as he smiled at you, the sun reflecting off the horned helmet he wore. "Given the choice, I know who I would rather save", he said softly, stroking your hair out of your eyes. Then this strange man did something extraordinary. He placed his cold slender hand onto your side where you wound was, and in a flash of green light, the wound was healed. "Wait, how did you-", you said shocked but his finger rested on your lip, and he winked at you. The flying ship landed on top of a building, and the man climbed down, holding you in his arms, before gently setting you down. "You will be safe here Y/N", he said, before turning back towards the ship, his green cape blowing out behind him. "Wait!", you shout and rush up to him. He turned around and you quickly plant your lips onto his, taking him by surprise. "Thank you", you said breathlessly, starring into his deep green eyes whilst he stood there still in shock. Then he grinned, and placed his hand onto your cheek, and kissed you so tenderly that you thought you'd gone to heaven. "I'm Loki, by the way", he whispered, winking at you, before turning and flying off on his flying craft. You didn't know it yourself, but although you had been saved by one hero, you had in fact fallen in love with a villain.
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