Imagine Loki teaching you magic
Imagine Loki teaching you magic
"Oh please, teach me how to do it", you pester at Loki chasing him down the corridor. He had been teaching you all about the history of Asgard and the Nine Realms because you had asked him too, but that wasn't what you wanted to learn. You had wanted to learn about his magic, and learn how to do it. "No, your not ready to learn it yet Y/N", he said for the hundredth time, his voice tinted with annoyance. "Fine!", you shout, sitting down on the floor, crossing your arms. He stops and turns around to look at you, sighing. "Oh alright, fine. But I'm not teaching you anything massive Y/N". "Yay!" You squeal and he comes and sits next to you. He hold out his hand, and you place your on top. "Now concentrate very hard Y/N. Just think of a small object to begin with". "Like a puppy?" You say, causing Loki to chuckle. "No, something a lot smaller to begin with". You smile at him, full of excitement, thinking. "Ok, got it. Now what Loki?". He smiles at you, his green eyes fixed on yours, "Now just concentrate on it, following it's shape and outline, it's colour, it's weight, everything." You concentrate as hard as you can, and before you realise your hand starts glowing. You gasp, and open your hand, revealing the small golden flower. "I'm so proud of you", Loki says kissing your forehead.
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