Imagine Loki haunting your dreams
Imagine Loki haunting your dreams
[Hello everyone! Happy New Year! So sorry for taking so long to update. I hope to add more]
There it was again, that demonic laughter. You'd been out walking down the street when you'd heard it, but yet you couldn't see the source of the sound. People were just walking past, oblivious, not even noticing it. I must just be hearing things, you thought to yourself as you shook your head, before continuing to stroll along. There it was again, almost as if it was behind you. Immediately you spun around, expecting to come face to face with the prankster, but the street behind you was empty. Everyone had disappeared completely, in the blink of an eye. The voice chuckled deeply, making you feel uneasy as your eyes scanned frantically around you, but seeing no one. The sun emerged out from behind a cloud, and you froze in shock looking at your shadow. It was different, taller, more muscular, more threatening. Just as quickly as you saw it, your shadow returned back to your own in the blink of an eye. What the hell was happening, you thought to yourself as everything returned back to normal as some children ran past you. "Watch where you're going", you called to them as they bumped into you as they ran past, laughing. You shook your head, feeling dizzy, and staggered over towards the nearest cafe. Your heart caught in your mouth when you glanced the figure, your nightmare, across the street from you, grinning in the reflection on the cafe door. Gasping for air, you span around to see him, but he wasn't there. You fiddled with the door, your legs feeling weak as you staggered into the cafe wanting to run far away. The customers inside looked at you confused as you rushed through to the back room, locking yourself into the toilet. "No, no, no! It can't be!", you panted under your breath as your shaking hands fumbled with the lock. The lights began to flicker inside the toilet and you back away from the door, every part of you shaking in fear. This had to be a dream. You rushed to the sink and splashed cold water over your face to try and snap yourself out of it, anything to help. Rubbing your eyes, you looked up into the mirror, and screamed. Your reflection wasn't there, but your stalker was. The raven black hair, the deadly white skin, and the hungry green eyes with a mischievous grin looked back at you. In your fear you threw the nearest item you had at the mirror, watching it smash and shatter in a blast as your heart pounded in your chest. There was no escape, he was everywhere, and he will never rest until he gets what he wants, your mind screamed. He won't rest until he gets me ... "Stop trying to hide yourself from me mortal. You belong to me, every part of you is mine", his velvety voice whispered into your ear, causing the hairs on your neck to stand on end. The coldness of his breath fell upon your neck as a tear fell down your cheek as his long slender fingers wrapped around you. You wanted to scream, to run, but you were frozen on the spot in fear. His arm turned you around to face him, and your terrified eyes fell upon the man who had haunted your dreams. "There's a good girl", he chuckled as his hand stroked your cheek as his arm wrapped around your waist, bringing you to his chest. "P-please, d-don't hurt me", you stuttered as you shook, staring up into his dark eyes as he chuckled. "Silence mortal. The only sound to escape your lips will be your screams as I claim you as mine child", he threatened as his grip tightened, brining his face closer to yours. You wanted to scream when you saw the darkness inside him, but he silenced you by thrusting his lips onto yours. Your mind exploded as you fought against him, trying to break free, but he was too strong, and was in control now. "Wake up!". Your eyes bolted open and you yelped in surprise. You were in your bedroom, your mum just leaving the room but that's not what alarmed you. Had it all been a dream? But it had felt so real ... You rubbed your eyes, but paused when you felt your lip. It was cut, like someone had bitten it, and your wrists had bruises around them. Your hair was a mess and your insides ached. Now your breathing was erratic, as the realisation hit home as you looked at the picture at the bottom of your bed, the picture of the man, the god. It's mischievous grin and devilish eyes glared at you. Then it winked, and in that moment you knew that you hadn't had a dream and now Loki owned you.
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