Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki (part 4)
Imagine helping Sherlock find Loki (part 4)
You didn't want to move, you were quite comfortable just resting yourself against Sherlock, him sat there, comforting you. "Y/N, we need to talk", Sherlock said, breaking the peaceful silence. You sniffle, and brush back your hair, lifting yourself up to sitting so you can see him. He sits there, looking at you, thinking for several minutes, the cogs going around, trying the think of a way to say it. "Loki attacked you, didn't he?", Sherlock asked, resting his hand on you. You nod, frowning, wondering why he was asking this. "And he hit you against the mirror-". "-smashing it", you finished his sentence. "And he then forced you under the water trying to drown you?", he asked, you nodding in agreement. He took your hand and gently squeezed it. "Y/N, I don't quite know how to say this. But, he wasn't there", Sherlock said gently, his eyes serious. "What? No, he was there! How else do you explain what happened? Look, I even have the bruises to prove it!", you say horrified at his conclusion, showing the bruising around your neck from where he'd grabbed you as well as the small cut on the back of your head from when he'd hit you into the mirror. Sherlock sighed and cupped your cheek, your eyes brining with fresh tears. "Y/N, when I opened the door, you were in the bath, but you were holding yourself under, and no matter how hard I tried to pull you out, you fought against me. Loki wasn't there", he says sadly, stroking your cheek. You sit there stunned, but Loki was there, you knew he had been, you'd felt it, you weren't dreaming it. "No, your lying!", you spit at Sherlock, hitting his hand away. "Y/N, I'm not", he said offended, backing away from you. Your just about to get up from where you're sat, but you freeze, routed on the spot. Sat in the chair directly opposite you was Loki, grinning slyly, slouch in the seat. "No!", you whisper, eyes fixed on Loki, a cold sweat running down your forehead, your body shaking. "Y/N, what is it?", Sherlock asked, looking at you concerned, your skin deadly pale. Loki chuckled and stood up, walking towards you. "Did you honestly think Y/N that you had escaped me before? That you had beaten me, that you were free?", he chuckled, standing in front of you as you sat there petrified. "Well, I think it's time you woke up", he sneered, before bringing his hand up, and slapping you sharply across the face. You blink and feel the terror building up inside you as you see where you are. You were back in the prison cell, held captive as before, Loki stood in front of you, the chains tight around you. "Oh don't worry, you are still back on earth, your mortal body is anyway, but not for long", he chuckled darkly as he pressed his hand onto your forehead and you screamed in pain as your vision blurred. You were back in the flat, but now you were watching from Loki's point of view. You saw your body fall limp as his hand slapped you across the face, your eyes closed, slumped over to the side. "Y/N!", Sherlock shouted, rushing to your side, shaking you to try and wake you. You saw him checking you pulse and his eyes filling with tears. You watch him desperately try to revive you, working tirelessly even once the paramedics had arrived. They shook their head, but Sherlock refused to give up, to let go of you. The last thing you saw, was him kissing your cold dead lips, before your vision faded to black. "Now you no longer exist to him", Loki said darkly, his hand resting on your cheek, wiping away your tears. "You killed me", you whisper, your voice broken, your body shaking. "Yes, I did. I needed to break Sherlock and of course you were his only true weakness. And now I have you, to keep. Forever", Loki chuckled darkly, your mind becoming overwhelmed as he left you, laughing, leaving you locked in Loki's prison forever.
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