Imagine defying Loki
Imagine defying Loki
WARNING ! : Mature content
New York had fallen, Earth enslaved, the Avengers destroyed. You'd witnessed their executions at Loki's hand, publicly displayed in front of the millions of people, leaving their bodies to rot at the steps of Stark tower. No one dared to speak as he proclaimed his power, enslaving the human race as you were all huddled together, surrounded either side by those alien creatures that killed you the second you stepped out of line. You saw Loki step down from the trine he'd made from Iron Mans broken suits, coming closer to the crowd. "Now, you pathetic mortals. Your heroes are gone. You all belong to me", he snarled in disgust, kicking one of the bodies aside as he strolled down the steps, his horned helmet glistening, his sceptre in hand. "Now kneel to your King", he commanded, his cold voice echoing across the burning destroyed street. Everyone uncertainly looked at each other before kneeling, there heads bowed, trying to hide their fear, but also the tears they shed for the fallen Avengers. However, you couldn't put down the burning anger inside you, as it only made you stand taller, more defiantly against him. Loki's piercing blue eyes automatically fell on you as you stood up in a sea of kneeling people, and his jaw clenched. "You dare to defy your king, creature", he spat, his eyes blazing. Ignoring the hissing of people around you to kneel, you boldly took a step forward, looking Loki directly in the eyes. "I will not kneel to someone as unworthy and monstrous as you", you said clearly for everyone to hear. His smile curled into a wicked grin, and in a flash two alien creatures were at your side dragging you through the crowd before throwing you down onto the steps at Loki's feet. As you tried to stand up, you felt the sharp tip of his sceptre rest under your neck, feeling the cold blood on the metal brushing against your skin as Loki's feet came into view. Cautiously you looked up into his deadly eyes as he towered over you, a sly grin on his face. "Is this not simpler? Is this not what you want? To have your life choices and decisions taken away from you, and for someone else to be in control?", he asked darkly, running the blade slowly along your neck making you shudder. "No", you whispered, feeling the courage you had before disappear. "Say it again child. So I and everyone else can hear you", Loki snarled, pressing the blade in deeper. "No", you said, causing a few people in the crowd to gasp in shock. "You dare to defy your King mortal?", Loki chuckled, a dark smile on his lips. He grabbed your hair and hauled you to your feet, you crying in alarm. "This mortal does not want to have her life ruled over. She does not want to have choices made for her. She thinks she is in control", Loki said to everyone holding onto you tightly, forcing you up onto your tip toes. "No, please! Spare her! Take me, please! Not my baby, my precious Y/N!", a woman cried from the crowd, leaping to her feet, the creatures aiming their weapons at her. "Mum no!", you cry to them, trying to run to her but Loki pulls you back, pointing his sceptre at her. "So Y/N, you see what power I have now. How much power YOU have. Answer me. Will you yield to me?", Loki whispered into your ear, the sceptre tip glowing as it aimed at your mother as she tried to fight her way through the crowd towards you. You trembled as tears rolled down your cheek, Loki's breath blowing down your neck, your mind racing. Just as you mother got closer, a deafening scream echoed from her lips, as a blast of light disintegrated her from on of the alien creatures. "NO!", you screamed in terror as you watched her ash fall, feeling your legs give way underneath you as Loki held you up, forcing you to watch. "Too slow Y/N. If you'd have answered sooner, you might have saved her", his cold voice whispered in your ear as he lowered his sceptre. "Now, claim loyalty to me Y/N, as your King", Loki threatened, turning you around to face him. "I would rather die than kneel to you", you said to him, hatred in your eyes, tears covering your cheeks. His blue eyes pierced deep into yours, almost staring into your soul. "Oh don't worry, I know you will crave death soon, very soon", he chuckled, a sinister grin on his lips. Loki took you by surprise, dragging you up the steps towards the throne, as you tried to pull away from him. He threw you onto the throne, causing you to hit your head on the solid metal, dazing you. Before you had chance to recover, Loki was on top of you, pinning you down, his manhood pressed against your thigh through his trousers as he cast his magic over the throne, the metal wrapping around your limps to secure you down. "No!", you screamed as he tore at your clothes, ripping them off you much to your resisting. He forcefully slapped you across your cheek as he continued to strip you until you were trapped naked beneath him. He grinned at you, and turned to address the whole crowd of kneeling people as you fought, terrified, trying to get free. "Midgard, let this be a lesson to all of you who defy me. You will be killed without mercy, or used and abused until you are left begging for death", he said to them all, standing up, before lustfully turning to look at you, as his hand slipped down and opened the front of his pants, revealing himself to you. You could only scream in horror as he took you on top of the throne, with everyone watching, him filling you, erupting inside of you. Once he'd finished, he left you, dripping and aching trapped on the throne, bruised and broken, as an example to all, pleading for death.
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