Imagine believing Loki had manipulated you
Imagine believing Loki had manipulated you
"Why Y/N?", Thor shouted at you as he stormed into your chambers. "I thought you cared about me?", Thor spat at you as you tried to get up to comfort him. "Thor, what are you talking about?", you said to him confused, picking up the hem of your dress. Loki had just escorted you back to your chambers after the Asgardian ball, where you had spent the whole night dancing with him. He'd kissed your hand as he left, and you were just in the process of taking down your hair when he had burst in. "Don't think I haven't seen the way you look at him", he says to you, bringing his face close to your, his face contoured in disgust. "Thor I don't know what you-". "He doesn't love you!", Thor shouts at you, grabbing you by the shoulders. "What?", you whisper trembling as Thor's hands tighten on you. "He has never loved you Y/N, he has manipulated your feeling. When you first came here I tried to keep him from you because I knew what that little snake would do", he says to you, his voice low and threatening as he brought his face closer to yours. "I loved you, Y/N. But I can see where your heart lies", he whispers, trying to hide the sadness that his eyes betray you. He takes his hands off you and walks towards the door, leaving you stunned in silence. "Loki claims any woman he wants, no matter what the cost", he says, leaving, closing the door behind you. You stand there, lost in thought. Had he lied to you, tricked you? You head began to swim with ideas, bringing up past memories, all the while whilst a deep rage started to build inside you. You remembered every single time you had been with Thor, Loki would always turn up shortly after and would whisper such beautiful words into your ear that you would let him lead you away from him. And you remembered that he was always sneaking off, never telling you where he was going. Plus the way he always looked at Sif made you want to kill her. You felt your heart snap inside you. He had played you and your emotions to claim you, just like everyone else. You feel yourself start to shake, in fear and horror over what had happened. How could you have been so stupid, of course Loki didn't love you. Tears flow down your cheeks as the reality of everything set in. You didn't want to be here anymore, to let yourself be used again. You ran to your bedside table and pulled out the dagger, the one Loki had given you. You sat there, on the corner of the bed, and held it tightly, the tip resting against your chest. You looked up at the moonlight streaming in through the window, took a deep breath, and plunged the dagger into you. You cried out immediately in pain and collapsed to the floor, blood spilling everywhere. "Y/N, my love, are you still awake?". You hears Loki calling as he knocked on your door, you tried to stay silent, to escape from him, but the pain was too much, and you cried out. The door immediately opened, and Loki ran in. "Y/N! No!", Loki screamed as he ran down beside you, holding you in his arms. "No! No, no, no, oh please no!", he cried, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried in vain to use his magic to heal you. You felt the darkness closing in on you as you struggled for breath, as Loki covered your face in kisses. "No, Y/N, don't leave me here. Please, I need you. I love you", he whispers to you, cradling your head into his neck. "Liar", is the last word that weakly escapes your lips as your eyes close, and your body gives out. The last thing you remember hearing is Loki's cries of anguish as he clutched onto your lifeless body.
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