Schooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool is starting soon. How wonderful. So you know, that was sarcasm but there are some high points of school. Like, FRIENDS! If only a certain friend of mine went to my school *cough* sparklewolf *cough*. Anyway, in this one you live in a boarding school. Enjoy!
Lying on your bed face down not wanting to be bothered. Why, you ask? Well, you parents had promised you that they were going to take you home for Christmas but they stood you up. Again. For the fourth time. So, now, you were stuck at the stupid boarding school for the future of America, at least, that's what the brochure said. It was Christmas break and no one was really here except for a few others. Totally boring. All you did was sit on your bed, read, eat, sleep, read, eat and the process would repeat.
You were brought out of your thoughts by a knock at your door. You stood up and began cleaning your messy room just in case it was one of the dorm leaders. If Ms . Blair saw your room she would freak. There was another knock. You shoved the rest of the stuff under the bed and stood at attention.
"Come in." You said in a sweet voice that you were taught to always adress adults with. The door opened revealing your best guy friend, Will. He wore a gigantic Santa hat, his messy blonde hair was scattered all over the place, he was out of uniform, and held a bunch of wrapped boxes in his arms. You looked at him surprised. He wasn't supposed to be her, he was supposed to be on vacation with his parents.
"Merry Christmas!" He shouted and you rolled your eyes flopping back on your bed.
"It's two days after Christmas, dummy." He shoved your legs off the end of the bed and placed the boxes there. He sighed and looked unconcerned.
"Then I guess you're not in the mood for...presents!" You gasped and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He pushed you off of him and also sat on the bed.
"You haven't even opened yours." You looked at all the colorfully wrapped boxes with desire. "You only get one." You looked at him with the Are - you - serious look. "Just thought I'd remind you since you tend to be selfish." You slapped his arm.
"I do not!" He pouted and rubbed his arm.
"Maybe, I shouldn't have brought you one." You simply ignored him and grabbed the box with your name on it. It was wrapped perfectly with red and green striped paper and had a silver bow on top. You tore it to shreds to see another box that was much smaller than you thought. You opened it to see a necklace that had a charm that was a half of a heart and said
"'St ends'? What's that supposed to mean?" He smiled while taking off a necklace that was around his neck.
"It matches mine, you idiot." You nodded while he put them together making a full heart that said 'best friends.' A small smirk grew on his face and he let out and over exaggerated groan. "Oh," He said with his horrible acting. "I don't think I'm feeling to well. I think you'll need to deliver this present for me." He handed you a box that had the name (y/c/n). Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He knew you liked him and it was much like him to do this.
"He's not even here." You said and Will smirked.
"Actually, he came back early, too. So, right now, he's in his room doing nothing." He then put his mouth in a pout and widened his crystal blue eyes. "Please, (y/n)." That's all it took.
"Fine," you muttered while straightening your uniform and grabbing the box. "But you better be feeling better when I get back." He waved as you walked out the door.
"I will, and no matter what happen between you, keep it safe." Your cheeks reddened at his suggestive idea and you shot him a glare. I'm going to kill that boy once I get back... and you continued around the empty halls to (y/c/n)'s room.
Part two will be next update
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