A month passes quickly and soon you're at your mother's home, donning a white dress. "Is Thorin coming?" Your mother asks, entwining flowers into your hair. You sigh sadly. "No, no, he is not. Thorin said that king Thror called an unexpected meeting with him and Thrain." You answer, frowning. "Oh, such a pity." Your mother murmurs. You give a little nod, something not feeling right. Your mother clasps your shoulders. "You're finished, my lovely daughter." She says proudly. You turn to face her. "Am I doing the right thing?" You ask. "Of course you are! You love Ferndalin and Ferndalin loves you." She says. You nod slightly, something feeling terribly off.~
As a Dwarf reads aloud wedding words, you stare at Ferndalin and he stares back at you. "Do you, Ferndalin of the Iron Hills, take Y/N of Erebor to be your wife?" A Dwarf asks. "I do." Ferndalin answers, a little too quickly. Your eyebrows draw. "Do you, Y/N of Erebor, take Ferndalin of the Iron Hills to be your husband?" The Dwarf asks. Thorin's face appears in your brain and you let out a soft gasp, suddenly realizing your mistake. Your eyes move to Ferndalin and tears fill your eyes. "Well, do you?" Ferdalin asks. "I've been such a fool." You mutter incredulous, shaking your head. You look to the floor, your breath becoming haggard. "What?" Ferndalin asks. Quiet whispers move through the crowd. You look to him. "How could I have been so stupid?" You ask. "What!" Ferndalin asks. "Just say 'I do'!" He commands harshly. You let go of his hands and take a step back. "No." You answer simply. The crowd gasps. "I-I don't love you. And I never have. I've been so utterly blind to a love that was right in front of me my whole life. And I could've blown it." You say. Ferndalin grips your upper arm tightly and pulls you near him. "You don't mean that Dwarf prince, do you?" He seethes. You wrench your arm from his grip and smile. "Yes, yes I do mean him." You say, turning on your heel and running off.
You jump on horse and "Go!" You exclaim, as it starts running off in the direction of Erebor. Your dress ripples in the wind and your hair tumbles out of its knot, making the flowers fall to the ground. Once you get to Erebor, you jump off the horse and run inside. "Thorin! Thorin!" You yell, running down a hall. "Thorin!" You call, breathless. You pick up the skirts of your dress and run harder, all the while yelling Thorin's name.
Thorin finally comes out of room you just passed. "Y/N, what is it? What happened?" He asks, surprised. You skid to a halt and turn around. "Thorin." You whisper. You run to him and cup his face. "Forgive me, I was so blind." You whisper, searching his tear-stained face. "What?" He breathes. "I love you." You say. Surprise crosses his face. "You-you love me?" He asks, voice cracking. You nod. "I was such a fool. I don't know what I was thinking. You were right here, in front of me all this time, and I didn't realize my love for you until just a few moments ago when I was about to say 'I do'. I don't want to marry Ferndalin. I want to marry you. It felt so wrong, so wrong with him. But with you, Thorin, everything feels right." You say, in a rush. "Do you...do you love me?" You ask.
Thorin wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against him, a smile uplifting his lips. "I love you so much, Y/N." He says. You sigh in relief and collapse against him. "How come you never told me?" You ask. "Well I was going to tell you when you got back from the Iron Hills, but you came back with Ferndalin so I knew it was over. I had had some hope that you didn't love him until this morning when you were going to go through with it. Then I couldn't bear to look at you without crying. Every second I wanted to tell you how in love I was with you. That's why I couldn't come to the wedding." He says. You pull back. "But what about the meeting with your father and grandfather?" You ask. He smiles. "That never happened. I lied about that, which I am so sorry for, but I couldn't bear to be at the wedding. Seeing my love give her love away to someone else who doesn't deserve her." Thorin answers, stroking your cheek with his pointer finger knuckle. You put your hands on his chest and search his eyes. "I love you so much." You say, smiling.
"I love you, too." Thorin says, leaning down to kiss you softly. You sigh and close your eyes, wrapping your arms tightly around him. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up a few inches off the floor. You put your hands on the sides of his face and pull back slightly, your eyes opening. "This feels so right." You say, resting your forehead against his. He smiles. "And it will always feel right. Our lives were entwined since we were children, Y/N, and I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you by my side." Thorin says. You smile. "I will never leave your side, Thorin." You say. He laughs softly. "I'm perfectly okay with that." He murmurs, pulling your head down to kiss you again, more deeply this time.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!
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