After Dax and I made up. We went back to normal. Well he did but I was still on edge from what I found out. I need to figure out what my next move was.
On our way home we cracked jokes about our day and everyone. He even told me that Kimberly smells like cheese. This made fall to my knees with laughter. After a few more minutes of walking we made it back to the pack house.
I went upstairs to my room and took a shower. I put on my pajamas. I looked at my clock and it was still early. I walked across to Dax's room. His door was opened, so stuck my head in. He was laying in his bed, with his eyes shut, and was listening to Selena Gomez's The Heart Wants What it Wants.
I smiled. He reminds me of 14 year old girl.
Then I mind linked him.
For someone who acts tough, deep down you're a teenage girl.
With his eyes still closed he smiled.
"You know it's not good to spy on people." He said.
I walked over to his bed and sat criss cross. "Oh I wasn't spying. If i was you would never know I was there."
"I would totally know you were there." He chuckled.
"Nuh uh, I'm swift like a ninja. I have special skills." I said doing a karate chop.
"Oh yeah", he said sitting up, "do I have."
"And what might that be Mr. West?" I said leaning in.
"Your scent."
He came really close to my face, making me nervous, he looked into my eyes, then took in a big sniff through his nose. "Which smells like a wet dog" he said grinning.
He just had to ruin the moment. I pushed his chest making him fall back laughing.
"I just took a shower!" I complained smelling my shirt.
"I was just kidding, you don't smell like a wet dog. To be honest you smell like fresh vanilla with a hint of cinnamon."
I blushed and looked away.
We sat there for a while just listening to to Selena Gomez. I didn't really like her that much but she did have some good songs. After the CD finished, i turned to Dax.
"OK, so how do we get Devin with Sam?" I asked.
He just looked at me and smirked. If I know my best friend, he always has a good plan.
When I woke and finished getting ready me, Dax, and Devin walked to school together. Me and Dax stayed up all night coming up with the master plan.
As counted in, as soon as we were in front of The academy Sam cam running towards me all smiles. She ran up to me giving reaching for hug. But i slid out the way making her land right into Dax.
Dax started breathing heavily, and shifted. He started to grow at Sam. She was on the floor, sliblding backwards.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." She said scared.
Then Dax got into a position, like he was going pounce. I'm cue Devin jumped in front of Sam growling, showing his enlarged teeth.
He growled at Dax, "back off Dax. She didn't mean it."
"Yes she did now move out the way, so I can take care of her." Dax's wolf Lloyd fake growled.
I looked to Sam who looked petrified. I slightly smirked, I was trying not laugh. I didn't want her thinking ibl thought it was funny, even though it was hilarious, I stepped in.
"Lloyd, I'm going to need you to calm down, Sam didn't mean it." I said trying to use my authoritve voice.
"Move out my Jada." He yelled. By now Sam was up, and Dec has his arm out in front of her guarding her.
"I'm not going to let you hurt Dax, you know what she means to me." Dev yelled over my shoulder.
Sam looked over at Dev and her eyes went glossy.
I mind linked Dax, OK I think she gets it now, go behind the tree and change, I have clothes in my bag. Good work beta.
Lloyd growled again, but then turned to me with a smirk. He ran into the woods to shift.
I turned around and Devin was still guarding Sam.
"She's safe now Devin, I told him to go cool off." He nodded and turned to Sam.
She was looking at him like he was God.
"What did you mean by you know what she means to me'" Sam asked.
Devin looked to me and I smirked.
You did this on purpose! This was all planned! He mindlinked me.
You bet it was, now's the time to tell her. I replied back.
He stood there for a second then nodded. I turned around heading to get my bag to give to Dax.
"Well let start of by saying my name is Devin Foz...." Devin started but he was cut off. I turned to see what it was, and to my surprise, Sam was kissing Devin! She out her hands through his hair and wrapped her legs around his waist. I would tell he was taken back by it, but after processing it he, responding back.
Then she let go for get air and looked into Devins eyes and whispered, "Mate"
Mission accomplished. I mind linked Dax and Devin.
Devin was too busy to respond, but Dax wasn't.
"You know, I would love to put some clothes on, and see the results of my plan, but I can come out naked if you would like?"
"NO!" I growled. He laughed when I chucked the bag into the woods.
The thought of other people, other girls see Dax naked made me angry. I haven't even seen naked, why would I want some other girl to? He's mine and I just need a way to tell him.
He came out behind a tree with grey joggers and a navy blue tank that showed of perfectly sculpted muscles. His shirt was a little tight revealing the out line of chest and abs. I guess my mouth was opened because he came over and closing it for me.
"Jada, you've been acting strange lately." He said turning me around to face a smiling Devin and Sam.
"But you love it!" I said.
He laughed, " I sure do best friend."
My heart kinda stopped, for a second at the last part of his sentence 'best friend'. But then it started up again because I could feel his arm around me send tingles and electricity through my whole body.
How am I going to get best friend out of equation, and replace it with girlfriend??
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