Dax smiled so hard, you would think his face would hurt. He was coming down, for which I thought was another kiss, but he kissed my cheek and jumped off the bed.
"Got to go spread the news!" He ran out the room sprinting down the stairs. "Guys she's up! Call the Doctor, she's up!" I laughed and stood up.
Wow, you would think being in a coma for a week, your body would be all sore, but I feel great.
I walked over to the sink to look at myself. My appearance is even better. My eyes are full of energy. And my skin is glowing. Then Dax appeared in the mirror.
"Dax, I feel amazing. I don't feel like I've been in a coma."
He smirked, "I think I had some part of that." He said wrapping his arm around me.
I giggled and turned so I was facing him.
"So when are we going to tell everyone about us?" He asked
"We I just woke up from a coma and our former alpha just died, I think we should hold off on anymore shocking news."
His head fell a little." Yes. That's true. But we will have to tell them soon, were going to be leaving soon."
"What do you mean leave? I want to finish school!" I yelled.
"Jada, your the new alpha, we have to return home so you can start leading the pack."
I totally forgot About that! I'm the new Alpha of Balkavin pack, which means my father really did die. I looked down and let a tear roll of my cheek. Dax lifted my face and wiped the tear, and pulled me into a hug.
"WHERE IS SHE?!?" A familiar feminine voice yelled. I jumped away from Dax, walking back to my room to see Sam and Devin holding ballons and flowers.
"Oh my god Jada, you alive and okay!" She pulled me into one of her deadly hugs. "I've been so worried about you."
"Sam, let her breathe she just woke up from a coma remember?" Devin said. He reached to grab her, but she growled.
I looked at Devin, "I'm fine Dev."
He backed away and smiled. When she finally let me go a man in a white coat walked in.
"Why hello there Alpha Jada, my name I'm Doctor Renalds. I'm glad to see you awake and moving." He said smiling.
"Thank you sir." I said giving him a handshake. I guess it was a little stronger making him yelp.
"Oh I'm sorry" I blushed.
"No that's quite fine, I can see that your Alpha strength has kicked in." He said laughing.
I nodded. He asked everyone to go downstairs then He ran a few test and asked me some questions.
"Well I'm happy to say that you are cleared and very healthy." I smiled shook his hand again, softly, and he left.
I went down stairs to see all my pack members, Sam, Dean Adrian, and a few kids from the other packs standing around a candle lit cake.
"Awh thank you guys!" I blew out the candles and hugged every single one. I collected my presents and ate some cake.
After everyone left Dax and Devin were sitting on the couch watching TV while me and Sam cleaned up. Then there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I yelled.
I happily walked to the front of the house and opened the door. But then my whole mood changed. It was Bo.
"Jada I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but please just give me five minutes..." Before he could finish I punched right in his nose. He stumbled back. Then I heard a growl. I stretched my head to see a girl about my height with chocolate brown hair growling at me.
I growled back positioning my legs in case if she were to attack. I went to jump at her but Bo stepped in front of her.
"Stop! This is my mate, please don't hurt her." He pleaded. I regained my control and crossed my arms.
"What are you doing here Bo?"
"I came here to apologize. I was being such a ass to you and your pack and you didn't deserve it. Danny was putting all these thoughts into my head, blaming you guys for stuff that I should really blame him for. And my sister didn't help either, he looked up at me, "I'm very sorry for what happened at the game last week, and I'm sorry for your loss." When I didn't reply he just sighed and went to turn around.
"Bo wait, I accept your apology but I would also liked to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been in the game, we could have avoided all of this, if I just stayed off the field."
"There's no need to apologize Jada, you did what a real alpha should have done, fought along with their pack, and by doing that you have gained all respect for me."
I smiled and nodded until I heard a growl. Dax suddenly was in front of me.
"Bo, didn't I make it clear, I didn't want you near Jada." He growled
"Yes Dax, you shattered my face and broke a few of my ribs I get it. I just came by to tell her I was sorry."
I looked for Bo to Dax shocked. "You shattered his face and broke his ribs? How did you do that to an alpha?"
"Because Bo hurt you and he was protecting his mate" piped Bo's mate. I whipped my head at her in shock.
"How do you know he's my mate?"
"Well it's pretty obvious, at the hospital, he wouldn't let anyone go near you, and right now you guys are sharing the same eye color."
Me and Dax looked at each other and sure enough our eyes were both blue. He smiled.
Then the girl walked up to me. "I'd like to give a former introduction, my name is Kita Dezna. I was the nurse assistant when you were a patient. I know this might sound bad, but I owe it to you being in a coma for me finding my mate." She pulled me into hug. And I hugged her back.
"I'm glad I could help." I laughed. She smiled and went back to Bo.
"You guys are going to the Ball next week right?" Bo asked.
"There's a ball next week? I didn't know that." I said looking to Dax.
"Well you were in coma." He chuckled.
Bo and Kita laughed. I slapped his head.
" Well we were planning on leaving next Saturday. What day is it again?" Dax asked rubbing where I hit him.
"It's on Friday."
He thought for a second then looked at me. I gave him my best puppy dog face pleading for us to stay. But then I stopped. Why am I asking him for permission? I'm the Alpha.
"Yes we'll be there!" I squealed.
Kita smiled, "We should totally rent a limo!" she squealed running up to me.
Soon me and her were both jumping. Then the door opens with Devin and Sam walking towards us.
"What's the squealing about?" He asked looking To Dax.
"I guess we're staying for the ball." He sighed running his hand through his hair.
"Oh my god yes! We have to go find dresses!" Sam yelled.
"Oh don't worry about that, I once saved a dress designers life, she owes me." Kita smiled.
"Well it looks like we have out hands filled guys," Bo chuckled, "Kita it's getting late out, lets return to our pack house."
Kita nodded gave me and Sam a hug and then her and Bo walked hand in hand to their pack house three houses down.
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