After the delicious popcorn and awesome movie me and Jack wanted to go to the pool.Me and him were in our boxers(IDK)and went inside the pool.
Me and Mark were swimming a little until i noticed a statue.
Jack-Mark?what did i do last night?
Mark-ohhhh first you used you used your earth powers and built a sculpture of me and decorated it.Then you built a sculpture of Yami and sliced it in half.WICH WAS FUCKING AWESOME TO WATCH!!!
Mark-Yes babe?
Jack-i think your gonna be excited when i ask you this!
Jack-(deep breath)would you Mark......want half of my powers!!!
Jack-would you like half of my powers!?!!
Jack-im sorry i didnt hear y....
Jack-ok.....wait you want just fire?
Jack-you dont want to fly and be able to breathe in space?
Mark- wait what????you can do that???!!!
Jack-yes or no?
Mark-Yes yes yes yes yes yes.....
Jack have Mark fire powers and ability to fly and breathe in space.before he went to space he hugged and kissed Jack 14.000.000 times.
Mark- come on lets go togheter!
Jack-naah go without me have fun!
Mark-are you sure?
Jack-yeah ill just watch some TV and eat sandwich popcorn(read the chapter from before,youll understand)
Jack threw a object to Mark
Mark-what is THIS?
Jack-if you have any trouble just contact me,ill be there as fast as posible!!..
Jack-wait let me give you this power
Jack have Mark the ability to survive High and low tempertures.
Mark- thank you and bye
Mark flew off and left Jack alone.Mark visited Mars,Saturn,Jupiter,Uranus(sorry),Venus then went back
Jack-hi Markimoo how was the trip?
Mark- it was AMAZING i loved every second of it thank you Jackarooney!
Jack-your welcome Mark*COUGH*
Mark-are you ok Jack?is something wrong?
Jack-Yeah Mark just a little cold*cough**cough*
Mark caried Jack to his room placed him on the bed and covered him up.
Mark-im gonna go make you some soup,ok?
Jack-ok....just dont put it in the microwave..
Mark-hahaha Be right back!
Mark made the soup and gave it to Jack
Jack-thank you......Mark for everything....*cough*
Mark-your welcome Jack
Mark kissed Jack on the lips softly and laid next to him.
•Le morning time•
I woke up with my Jackipoo ,but when i hugged him he was shaking.
Mark-(HE WAS FREEZING,i need to be fast)
I grabbed warm soup a warm rag blankest and got Netflix prepared.I caried him to the living room and put him on the couch,
Jack-*Yawn*what where........*COUGH*😷........am i?
Mark-Jack dont worry your in the living room...
Jacks skin was even paler than his normal pale and his hair in now lightest green...
Mark-Jack how are you feeling any better!!!¿?¿
Jack-kinda oozie and dizzy...
Mark-im just gonna call the hospital.....
•at the hospital•
I was waiting to call Jacks name.
Nurse-Sean William Mcloughlin?
Mark-im with him
Nurse-right this way sir!
She showed me the way to Seans....Jacks room.I entered it and sat next to Jack.he was asleep but he seemed to be in A normal state.his hair is his normal green.his skin returned to his normal pale.Everything was normal.
Jack-.......ma...mark.....is that you....
Mark-its me dont worry,your boyfriend!
Jack-ok good.....when are we gonna go home...
Mark-we can go now but i prefer later!
•A few hours later•
Me and my little potato sat on the couch and drank some tea.Chica jumped on me and made me spill my tea(wow i havent mentioned Chica jesus how could i not)
Mark-Chica nooooo!!!
Jack- wait let me do something¿
Jacks hand was glowing and patted Chica twice on the head!
Chica-Bark bark Mark Mark Sorry Sorry
Mark-AAAHHHH!!!!!!Chica you can talk yay!!!my little Chica bika!!
Mark-thank you Jack for everything!
Jack-now im sleepy,im gonna go to bed you play with Chica
Mark-love you goodnight Jack
Jack-night night Markimoo
Mark- my little bika!
Chica-Mark can i ask you a question?
Mark-ofcourse Chica!
Chica-who was the man that attacked you and Jack....?
Mark-Chica stay away from that man look here is A picture *shows Yami*stay away from him at all costs ok?
Mark-okay im gonna go to bed if you whana come follow me!
Chica-when both of you are sleep ill sleep on you,muahanaana!
•a short amount of time laiter•
I woke up with Chica stretched over me and Jack.
Mark-(well she wasnt lieing so yeah!)
Hey guys thank you so much for reading,dont worry its not over.
Ill check later for letter fails ok?
And im still pissed of my email not being verifyed (FÜĊĶ)
LOVE YOU💙💓💟💗💖💕💜💛💚💚💞💍<Yeah thats A ring and yes someones gonna propouse to each other but who.
It wont be in the next chapter.bye
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