Chapter 1
(This is my first story I have wrote I hope you like it)
Rebecca's POV
NO! NO! NO! Why did this happen to me. I never back talked. I was always nice to humans a least. So why did I get bullied. When I moved here everyone thought I was a delusional. Just because I came here from LA. But they don't know my past or present. I am a not so sweet vampire hunter. Before you ask no they don't sparkle in the sun. So back to the problem at hand "LuLu why do people hate me!?" I whisper shouted in the back of the classroom "I don't know?" She whispered back gee thanks I thought bitterly "this is we're you say they don't hate me and lie!" I said in my "duh" tone did I mention I have sarcasm issues
LuLu's POV
"LuLu why do people hate me!?" Rebecca whisper shouts to me I deliberated for a second on wether to lie or tell the truth. I decided to tell the truth. "I don't know?" I whispered back. The look on her face told me I should have lied. This is we're you say they don't hate me and lie!" She said in her famous hated by me "duh"tone. I swear some times I just want to slap some sense into her. But I don't because she is like my sister. Ever since her dad died and mom became abusive we adopted her.
We went into the hospital and she looked so broken I walked In to see her mom slapping her and saying it was her fault that her dad died I ran to tell my mom what I saw we sat her down and asked to adopt her and you know what her mom said "finally someone to take the little brat if you take her you have to pay the hospital bill" I bit my tongue so hard that I tasted blood but me and my big mouth I said "you mean were you put her" she slapped me and did not see the cop behind her he grabbed her and she slapped him and went to jail for assault and battery and we adopted Rebecca
(Flashback ends)
I came back to Rebecca waving her hand in my face asking if I was okay. All I did was mumble "yes." with that the bell rang for lunch.
Rebecca's POV
She kinda spaced out so I waved my hand in her face and asked if she was okay. All she said yes. So I knew she was not fine. Usually she was so talkative. That is when the lunch bell rang for lunch.Talk about saved by the bell. So we got up and got are lunch. We went to our regular table with my hunting buddy's Nick,Luke,Jason,ally ,Lilly,Eden and Lindsey.we heard a scream and turned just in time to see Cecilia faint.
Rebecca's POV
Us with the rest of the freshmen class got up to see what was wrong. Yup you guessed it a body. This school can't go a week without some one being murderd. I looked at the body and all his blood was drained. But the thing that really got me was that his lips are gone. Not like cut of but like there was smooth ivory skin where his mouth should be. Looks like I can't go out with LuLu and Nick."Sorry guys it looks like I got to go on patrol tonight" i said sadly " its cool we were kinda hoping for some couple time you know" Good they don't hate me I thought thankfully.
Later that night (still Rebecca's POV)
I was out patrolling because people have been digging up graves. I'm kinda scared the vamps are bringing back there king that I killed. I heard some one yelp in pain. Then saw something I never thought I would see. A pair of wannabe hunters With vampires on them close to there neck. I snuck up to them and the vamp heard cause i stepped on a twig. It turned to see who it was and said " oh another hunter three for one I'm gonna definitely enjoy killing you the most." He chuckled and said "I would love to kill the one that killed the king I bet you taste delicious" "why don't you come find out he was about to bite the tall one. I grabbed his arms and held them behind him "uh uh Hun no sucking people dry in my cemetery" I said snarky then dogged as he went to punch me. I punched him in the gut and and kneed him he fell I grabbed my stake and stoked him in the heart. The other one came at me I threw my stake and it hit him right In the heart. Then went to see if the "hunters" are ok. At least there alive
Strangers POV
All I heard was "would love to kill the one that kill the king I bet you tastes delicious" and a girls voice that I did not recognize say why don't you find out.Then everything went black again. I woke up to being slapped hard. "Ow what was that for waking up in a cemetery with a girl slapping me " good your up she said coldly. She pulled out her cell phone LuLu she said we are going to have some guest. Then said can you pick him up "who" I asked confused then remembered jake my brother came with me here for a normal life. Away from hunting "Yeah were to" follow me" she said she led me to a 67 Chevy impala"wow this is yours" " yes put him in the back seat and get in." i got in and buckled to. Before long we made it to a house that was huge "LuLu Nick I need your help" she yelled as I brought jake in and slapped him a couple time "what did you say was your name again" she asked " I didn't but since your so eager to know it. its Sean an this is my older brother jake" then a blonde girl who I guessed was Lulu came in I started feeling dizzy and everything went dark
Rebecca's pov
oh great he fainted note the sarcasm. i screamed to my older brother "Jeffrey James Bingaman get down here now and give me some help" I yelled to my brother "just give me a second." once he finally came down i got him to carry him upstairs. while i got nick to carry his brother. while i was alone i got hit on the back of the head. then i blacked out after a while....
(still rebecca's pov) i have a bloddy headachce oi who are you (yeah im a brit got a problem with that) "oh good your awake" said a voice that have me shivers "ajar""you see I really don't appreciate you killing my kids and wife how would you feel if I
Killed your family. Oh wait. I did. Opps."" Go to hell." He sighed and picked up a knife and starts tracing my mouth with the blade." You see I've been there done that sweet cheeks. I want something new and improve. I figured that earth is better than hell. You know what would make me the happiest demon in the world?" "What a unicorn" I said sarcastic "no your head on a stick and that boy Sean's lungs and liver on a plate." "Well aren't you sweet as sugar"
What do you think I hope u like it next chapter will be gruesome it has a lot of violence so if you don't like gross stuff like this skip it
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