Hotaru, Hinata and Shikamaru are now on a mission to escort a actress to Yukigakure making it hard as she won't go there, but Hotaru traps her in a harmless illusion to get her be on board the ship which works really.
"It's a harmless illusion. She'll still be acting herself in the movie and she'll freely cry to not have you to stop filming the movie really." The dictator agrees to it as Hotaru was telling the truth and real tears came out. Hotaru even formed a ice barge for the film on.
She created extra with her Blood Clones to make it fair and the actress will snap out of it once they are near Yukigakure. Hotaru hides the fact they are being fully followed when she saw a ice barge out there really.
'I'm starting to hate them. Once allied with them through the princess/actress, I must back off from them really.' Hotaru thinks as she keeps an eye out with a Blood Clone transformed into a whale to keep watch on them really.
Hotaru did underwater cities, cities in the sky, sea wars and sky wars for the film really making her to make a new seal for aerial shinobis and kunoichis making this to be perfect really. Hotaru was enjoying herself really as the princess looks around.
The princess was furies once she saw how close to Yukigakure they were making her to demand to have the ship turn around which can't happen as there is bandits waiting for them to come back making her to shiver. Hotaru will be her personal bodyguard.
"Fine." Once on Yukigakure and off the boat, Hotaru whispers that she knew and thinks adding in she came to assist in the rebellion against the evil Daimyo of the country would work making him to agree fast. Hotaru, Hinata and Shikamaru kept it simple.
Hotaru keeps people of seeing actually blood and body parts flying in the air, Hinata has birds peaking at them which is another side effect of having a Phoenix biji sealed inside of you and lastly Shikamaru has shadows.
He connects them together for a mass murder of them while Hotaru's illusion holds out on the blood and flying body parts. A Shadow Clone of Hotaru is doing the filming since the original crew member can't stand it all really. The princess is very shocked.
She keeps thinking she's battling Hotaru's clones, but she's not until the end really where it sinks in making it to work as Hotaru found out the treasure was heater to melt the snow to grow their own food really. Everything was done now.
Hotaru helps with farm buildings to hold their farm tools and there was farm animals as well, too making it easier as Hinata has found a mine for them to mine from and Shikamaru was helping edit the film really making them to finish the mission early.
They got a signed autograph from the crew making them to smile as they thanked her very much and Hotaru used Ta-Ni-Ru Company to have an alliance with them for Konoha making it easier to help each other out really. She agrees to it and plans to do both.
Once back in Konoha, Sakura had tried to steal Hotaru's signed autograph making her to kick her in the face for that. Team Eleven was the only team to pass as Chunins with Shino Aburame as sole Chunin of Team Eight really.
The others didn't cause of team work or cause of too strong of an opponent really. Hotaru letchers her about stealing from a higher rank and had obaa-sama deal with her as they report in and Hotaru kept to her words.
"I'll talk to her about this. Guess her mother is filling her head with nonsense once more." Hotaru nods as she'll deal with the very woman personally. Hotaru has to sneakily steal her and then it's illusion time as she came up with a new one.
The woman woke up and saw she was hanging from vines tangled around her naked body making her to freak until she was staying off the ground by the very vines. Her legs were wide open and she looks down to seeing plants with eye balls.
She screams, but no sound as the plant attacks hitting her entrance repeatedly making her to get wet from that as she hangs her head back from the pleasure she's fully getting as she wonders why this is happening to her. She cummed when one hits her entrance to her womb.
She saw the scenery change and saw a box with lots of puppet arms that are very long grab her as she tries to run away from them. She hits a strange object that looks to be something that was made into a cage of some sort.
Her nipples were pinched and she felt small hands touching her as one pinches her clite, one plays in between her folds and four enters her making her to be wet again. She looks back at the box and saw two doll heads who have long necks.
They head towards her as she was flipped over and she was on her back. The hands left her nipples, but the mouth of the doll heads worry her more. They had holes for mouths and was sucking on her nipples making her to moan.
The hands weren't stopping as she was feeling weak from it all really making her to moan. The sucking was getting harsher and she felt them vibrating making milk to squirt out from her as she lays on her back in pleasure. She cumms as she couldn't handle it.
After 'four thousand years' of the puppet heads and hands playing with her before she saw she was in a room and a snake made from pure fire thrusted inside of her making her to scream as the heat was making her to cum solely alone.
She then felt a leeche sucking between her folds before she was feeling the cold it was made from as it sucks. She was then picked up by four arms and a large pink cock entered her as it thrusts in a pass the speed of light making her to feel her breast bouncing really.
She couldn't stop it as both the heat and the cold were driving her nuts as she cums harshly before she felt the cock heating up to ten suns making her to be suck as she then felt both breast were in something making her to see a large weird one eye jellyfish.
She even has a eighty times biji size pink think enter her mouth and once it's in her stomach, the jellyfish was sucking the milk out making her to scream as the cock was now fused to her skin inside and the fire snake was getting pissed of the wetness.
She was getting to hot and she felt another ice leeche on her clite making her to cum so harshly that the fire snake was 'drowning' in it as it flares it's heat making her to be stuck good as the cock has a way of draining wills from her as she's losing her will.
She's stuck as the fire snake drinks and was getting bigger and bigger and bigger making her to feel pregnant as the snake is fully enjoying it's meal making her to feel weak before a purple version went down her throat and she geysers out of both ends.
The fire snake was getting bigger the more it drinks as the jellyfish was enjoying it's milk meal. The cock has stopped draining her of her will and was now has a medium sized tentacle attached to the roof of her womb and was spinning rapidly pass the speed of light.
She cums heavily as she can't handle it before lose it and lose a lot of milk and her juices as she looks close to death for going through this for eighty trillions which was eight hours max really making Hotaru to stop it there.
Sakura should be getting the truth from obaa-sama on what's proper for a kunoichi this morning or else she's next and she'll get the O.K to end her like she did with some of the others. Hinata and Shikamaru curles around her.
The woman was back home and was drained as she sleeps and feels better in the next week making it to be like a flue really to cover what she did to her as both Sakura and her father doesn't need to know what happened to her really.
"Nap time, Taru."
"Let's sleep the day away, ladies." Hotaru smiles as she nods as all three curle up as Shikamaru is in the middle and both her and Hinata are on his sides as they sleep not knowing that Jariya used the crystal ball to check up on her.
'Whooo! New material for my books!'
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