Mission: Otogakure
Hotaru, Hinata and Shikamaru has handed in their report a month after Hinata was back to normal. Hotaru was pleased as she missed being able to train and have their fun with each other. Kimimaru did try to kill himself and Sasuke was out under heavy sedation.
Sakura visits and talks to Sasuke making it easier as Sai couldn't help her there. Tayuya, the pink hair girl was still in the same position, but now is back facing the pumpkin with her follow Sound companion. Kin gave up every piece of information she knew.
Tsunada thinks as Team Eleven can handle this, but Rice Country is happy to have a village there. Hotaru thinks they can use it and keep Otogakure as part of Konoha really, just separated from the village making Tsunada to agree to the idea.
Hi and Rice Daimyo agrees as they bith don't want Orochimaru alive really and he'll support the village once they take him out. Kabuto was Hotaru's to deal with as his minor bloodline could help the other clans out with it really.
Tsunada agrees as Team Eleven gets prepared as it's been four months since they got Sasuke and Kimimaru back to the village. The twins are useful for information and they got a lot out of the two really as Hotaru turned them back as males.
She was done with them and had Ibuki adopt them as his twin sons since they might be able to help him in the I&T Department really. Anko likes their thinking really as Genma, Hayate, Shizune, Zo and Yugao are alright from their wounds. Anko took over for the pair.
Anko joins in since she wants to kill that snake bastard. Hotaru warns her about her illusions once alone with her and she licks her lips as that's really neat and she's happy she saved her life those many years ago from being raped.
Hotaru adopts Anko as her big sister making Anko a Uzumaki member really. Hotaru noticed that the female members are five months pregnant and she'll have to wait, but Kabuto can give birth making Hotaru to get ready for that one really.
She had ten males of each clan that don't have wives or children yet and will use their sperms to get Kabuto pregnant as she has a seal to multiply the sperm. The Clan Heads know about her really which she doesn't mind as she trusts them.
They were shocked as they didn't expect her to do this for revenge to the civilians and the civilian shinobis and kunoichis for that they did to her as a child. Rape, trying to kill and harm her to the point she could of died. They didn't hate her for it.
They did hear about Kabuto's betray when he was part of ROOT and how he works for Orochimaru after finding out what happened to his foster mother who was giving fake photos of Kabuto by Danzo making them to agree to it really.
Hotaru was quick to show plans she, Hinata and Shikamaru wrote and wants a second opinion of Shikaku making him to check and see why as they don't know what they are going to be going up fully against once they are inside of that place.
Hotaru, Hinata and Shikamaru were being over prepared for the mission with their weapons plus Èpèè de Combat (Aryan Stark's "Needle"), Arming Sword and Saex as they have mastered the three during those four months before Sasuke tried to go to Orochimaru.
Yugao and Hayate was pleased as Hotaru has copies for any of the swordsman or woman if they want to use them which was the ANBU Forces only making Hotaru to agreed to them using her dear weapons only since they use them properly unlike Tenten really.
Tora was happy and had someone price them to make it fair for Hotaru and the person was very shocked as they were worth four times since they're newly made. Tora didn't mind as Hotaru did it as a bundle of twelve weapons for one thousand yens only.
Tora loves that as the ANBUs of new weapons to train and use for their missions really. Hotaru made enough for everyone to have the skills to wield one of each really and Zabuza was the trainer as this is going to be making him sword happy.
Team Eleven, Anko, fifty ANBUs for making them their new toys and twelve Meds making them to be ready to take Otogakure on and take over it with half the forces there to make it a proper village really than a laboratory like what Orochimaru was planning to do to it.
Anko has blond highlights and red tips in her hair making her to have purplish blue and blueish violet odd-eyes making her to love her new look as her chest went to one hundred and twenty cms making many boys to geyser blood out of their noses.
She laughs as their wives and their girlfriends whacked them in the head with a paper fan and no one knows where they had came from. Hotaru laughs as she loves her new sister making Hinata and Shikamaru to shake their heads.
"Our sister-in-law is one crazy bitch and one we don't mess with."
"Agreed. Anko-onee-sama is also a trickster herself. Hotaru must of taught her a lot of stuff." Tora didn't mention about the new ANBU squard named Nezumi and they pranked the village to make sure the security is up even more really.
Hotaru didn't say she helped give what she would have done to all those places making that group to have fun in the village while she is gone on the mission to deal with Orochimaru really and no one can blame her for those things then.
"Hotaru Uzumaki. Surprised to see you here."
"Well, can't lie. Here to take over this place, deal with you alone personally, use my illusions on the females and males, have my new onee-sama kill Orochimaru and have half of the forces here to turn this laboratory into a much more proper village for Otogakure.
Hi and Rice Daimyo agrees with this since they don't fully want Orochimaru to be alive anymore really." Hotsru said straight faced making Kabuto to laugh as he can't believe she told him that.
"I would have just gone and told Orochimaru-sama all of this, but I can sense the illusion around me and you used it to help your many teammates into the place. How many females and males did you trap in your illusion?" Kabuto asked.
"Only the civilians as those with minor and major bloodlines are in a prison scroll to taken back to the village really. You're one of them which is why I'm going to deal with you personally. Just enjoy yourself, Ka-bu-to!~" Hotaru singed-a-long at the end.
"Huh? Ah! My voice." Kabuto was confused before he heard his voice and then saw himself naked with a body of a female. She saw spiked vines wrapped around her body and neck making her to be stuck befor one of them entered her.
Kabuto felt the vine has vibrators in each spike which is rubber making her to feel the tip inside of her womb and it expanded to fit before the vibrations started up making her to scream. She even felt one in between her folds as she saw four small ones around her nipples.
Kabuto then felt a line going into her bum and entered her large intestines before expanding to fit and the vibrations were too much making her to leak milk out of her nipples. Kabuto can't stop as the vines heat up making her to fully scream louder.
Then Kabuto felt the vines heating up as she geysers out the milk which was being drinked up by white flowers on the ground who have mouths making her to feel the vibrators were gone and two mouths on her nipples which were two of the flowers.
Kabuto saw more nipples and all of the flowers were now drinking from her making her to be weak as she can't scream anymore as her voice is sore now. Kabuto couldn't say anything anymore. Kabuto saw Hotaru who was touching her face.
"Well, Kabuto? What will you do? Do you surrender to me or do you keep fighting against me?" Kabuto can't talk and she shakes her head.
"Still fighting I see? Well... Maybe the next one will get you to fully surrender to me or things are fully going to be getting worse for you." Kabuto saw she was in the Death Forest and her feet were stuck in quick sand before she fall fully backwards.
Her legs were stuck wide open and he arms fall in first as she thought she was going to be falling onto hard ground. The quick sand harden as she is fully stuck and she can't move her head anymore. Kabuto saw a biji sized pink thing and it entered her mouth.
It goes down her mouth, down her throat and then into her stomach finally making her to pant before she felt pain in her breast and saw two leeches that live in the Death Forest show up and they only fully drink chakra, but these look just a bit different.
They latched onto her nipples and sucked while pulling and pushing against her breast making her to moan as she can't escape from the leeches really. Kabuto felt a large something enter her and it latched onto her entrance to her womb.
It had scales and she felt no legs meaning snake as it pulls and pushes onto her making her to scream as she felt a second one enter her womb from the snake's mouth which was small, but it expanded inside of her making her to feel pain as it keeps expanding.
It kept going until it was the same size as the first one making her to feel full as the snake then fastly dissolves inside of her and it went into her ovaries making her to feel full inside of them like she has a lot of female eggs to give up and get pregnant with really.
Kabuto felt it repeat seventy-four times before the snake continues to thrust as it's mouth is fused to her entrance to her womb. She felt a small leeche sucking onto her clite and between her folds very harshly making her to cumm.
More and more of those damnna it pink things keep entering her mouth small as a leeche before they went double biji sized and dissolved inside of her making her breast to hurt each time as she feels the milk leaving her breast.
Kabuto couldn't stop cumming as those two leeches keep sucking onto her making it harder to stop as the snake was heating up now making her to be bug-eyed as she screams as the heat was becoming too much for her really.
The leeche sucking on her clite went icy cold making her to gasp as the temperatures were too much for her to handle. The very leeche in her folds was vibrating making her to geyser into the snake and the two leeches really.
Kabuto was in trouble as the large snake and the two leeches were enjoying their meals from Kabuto. She was being sucked dry by the three of them, but the pink things wouldn't allow it to happen as she became a buffet to the three large creatures really.
"Well?" Kabuto saw she wasn't in the harden quick sand and was in front of Hotaru on her bum.
"Do you surrender to me or keep fighting against me?" Kabuto once again shakes her head as she just knew Orochimaru was going to be pissed really with her if he finds out about this really.
"Round three I guess then." Hotaru said before Kabuto was wide eyed as she saw behind Hotaru was a giant sized hole with millions abound millions of tentacles. They grabbed her and Hotaru vanished from site as Kabuto felt twenty enter her.
The tentacles were spinning inside of her as a small one went into between her folds and was also spinning making her to feel very harsh suctions on her nipples just pulling and pushing against her and tentacles squeeze her breast in rythm to the suction.
Kabuto saw a small pink thing enter her and once inside her stomach, expands as big as the moon making her to feel so much extremely crushing pain before it dissolves inside her stomach. Her breast hurts and geysers huge amounts of milk out.
She was milked harshly at the speed of light making her to be gasping and the spinning was doing the same with it's spinning making her to geysering as she was feeling weak and vulnerable as she was being sucked dry of her milk.
She can even feel the spinning heating up as it's making her to feel like she's a oven making her to be close to passing out if she didn't unconsciously activate her minor bloodline making her to be more energetic from it which has her cursing in her mind.
Kabuto wakes up 'fifty hundred thousand years' later after round four which was her giving birth to a lot of baby deers for the Nara Clan making them to be full of them. She saw Hotaru before she curles up and calls her mistress there and then.
"Looks like you surrender to me then. Don't worry. You can still do medical tests as long as it's with my permission." Kabuto nods and went back to sleep as Hotaru goes to check in the others with a Blood Clone keeping Kabuto safe from harm.
Her illusions keep the civilian forces of Orochimaru's making her to ignore them for now as the females are treated like flowers with bees and the males like females for now as she heads deeper and collects information that he has really.
Hotaru saw her onee-sama has used her seal and now she is fully seeing Orochimaru is stuck as his sword, Sword of Kusanagi: Longsword of the Sky was taken by Anko who has him stuck in Jariya's swamp jutsu to his chest. One of the Yamanaka ANBU Clan members took over Orochimaru's body.
"Left a Blood Clone with Kabuto. He called me Mistress, so I'll be responsible for her now. Kabuto is stuck as a female until I say so." They nodded as they managed to get a lot of information out of Orochimaru's head. Hotaru had a scroll to store it all in.
"That extremely biji sized scroll is going to be having a super lot of information from his mind really and we can find his many bases to take them down and collect the many information he has really. Maybe add new bloodlines to Konoha as well, too.
Great thinking with that scroll there, Hotaru." She nods as Anko has summoned the boss and told him what is going on making him to prepare his clan for it and she also explains her blood adoption to the Uzumaki Clan which he allows her to add to her signature.
Otogakure is now fully under the control of Konohagakure and will remain know as Otogakure for other villages. She has used her Shadow and Blood Clones to fix the place up and then used both stone, mud, wood and metal to fix the village up.
After getting all of the information out of Orochimaru's head finally, the ANBU Yamanaka Clan member got out and Orochimaru is dead by Anko's hands making her to feel good and better really. They all headed home after Hotaru had made the village in one week.
Kabuto was marked as a slave of the Uzumaki Clan with the others she has making it to be fair for what they did to her really. The many Otogakure members she has were also marked as her slaves. Kabuto has new clothing and has a bedroom.
The others have their own homes which holds about only four to five max in each house and they can go to the bathroom and eat, then after thirty minutes, Hotaru's illusions will active making them to have different kinds for each one.
Kabuto is staying with Hotaru, Hinata and Shikamaru in the main household as Hotaru has her in her new clothing already making Shikamaru to wonder why those clothing really.
"Hotaru, why those version of a maid outfit?" Hotaru looks to Shikamaru.
"That's the under clothing for her outfit. She's getting a kimono version of the maid outfit really. Kabuto can also sleep in the under clothing as well, too." Hotaru said as Shikamaru and Hinata nods to that really and they went to bed then.
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