I laid on the cold floor. The world spinning and it was all a blur from the unstoppable tears that were falling from my eyes. I could only hear my sobs as I felt someone shaking my shoulders and trying to stop my crying.
I felt horrible, my heart was broken into small pieces as an unstoppable shake took over my whole body.
We can't continue with this fantasy. You're not mine and I'm not yours. We have to stop now. It's over, Kaia. His words constantly playing in my head over and over again.
"PLEASE, STOP CRYING" Anie yelled and shook my shoulders one more time, only this time I came out of my trance, looked at her face while wiping my tears with my shaking hands. I was still sobbing but I managed to stand up with Anie's help and sit down on the closest chair.
I was paralysed, looking into nothing as I felt that a cup of water is set on the table and I took a sip of it.
"Thank you," I appreciated, my voice coming out low with a crack.
"Anytime," she said with a smile that expressed comfort. " Do you want me to call someone?" She asked, picking up her phone from the back pocket of her jeans.
"No, thanks" I denied, politely
"I have to go" I stated, looking into a confused Anie as I grabbed my backpack, my phone and soon exited the coffee shop.
I didn't know where was I heading at. I was just walking madly with tears streaming down my face and soon I was surrounded by thick trees, somewhere inside the forest. I let go of my things and stripped off my clothes while listening to the sound of my bones breaking and fur replace my bare skin. I was soon standing with four paws as all I could think about was his face.
My wolf was a dark shade of brown almost black and all I could see was red since I let Fayna take control. My wolf didn't like him at all so the idea of him hurting me pisses the shįt out of her.
I was running full speed in a familiar direction as I heard the sound of the tree branches being broken before me. Tree after tree as I climbed an uphill mountain.
After a long run, I was now in front of a lake and it was already dark, the moonlight was the only source that made me capable of seeing. It was a beautiful lake indeed and here the trees were less thick which somehow allowed me to feel safer.
I wanted to swim so I imagined myself as a human and soon listened to the sound of my bones going into their normal place and the fur retroceding from my pores as my naked skin was soon visible. I gave a few steps towards the lake as my naked body was soon hit with cold water that made me let out a loud hiss. I took a deep breath and soon the cold water enveloped my whole body.
I was just there swimming circles and relaxing when I heard something move behind me. I took a sharp turn to look in the direction of the sudden movement. My heart was racing as I felt a presence right there watching me. I got out of the lake and was immediately in my wolf form as a black large wolf with yellow eyes emerged from the forest. I got on my protective position ready to attack but his scent stopped me.
I attacked him immediately sending us flying towards the trees and making his wolf hit the tree with a loud thump. He growled to me warning me to stop but I didn't listen as I started circling him while my canines were on display. I jumped on his back and tried to bite him on his neck but only caught the muddy underfoot and in a matter of seconds, he was on top of me with his canines on my neck waiting for me to surrender. I didn't surrender since I tried desperately to break free from his sharp canines but I soon thrust my neck submissively showing him that I gave up. He let go of my neck only to lick it and inhale my scent with his muzzle. I was only watching as I saw him stand and soon on his naked skin. I was trying my hardest not to look down as I wondered what it looked like but he finally spoke, therefore cutting my thoughts short.
"Shift" He demanded with a low and powerful voice.
My wolf was clawing at my mind to listen to our mate but I shut her down and was only staring at him, showing him my sharp canines. Kiss my aśs
"SHIFT NOW!" He commanded me his voice now with more authority and his Alpha aura making me bow to him instantly as I shifted to my skin and showed him my back since I felt too exposed.
I felt him moving and approaching me. He touched my waist and I felt sparkles all over there due to his irresistible touch. He breathed my scent as his nose was touching my neck and I gulped loudly.
"Stop!" I said facing him, my hands pulling him away and his jawline tight from the rejection.
"I'm sorry," He apologised looking into my eyes and taking a step closer to me while staring at the mark on the crook of my neck. Was he apologising for the bite?
"What?" I asked rhetorically and laughed sarcastically.
"The big bad Alpha is apologising? Wow, this must be a win. A round of applause everyone, he deserves." I said loudly to no one in particular as I applauded, the sounds echoing in the dark forest that surrounded us.
His furrowed eyebrows reflected that he is filled with confusion but I didn't care as I continued with my little show.
"Oh please, don't tell me that you expected me to accept your apologies like that. Now what? Do you expect us to be happily ever after? Do you expect me to go hug you and cry on your shoulders?" I said with a smirk mocking him and soon I felt a tight grip around my neck, my back hitting the tree and my feet no longer touching the ground, my eyes opening wide from his unexpected move.
"Do not speak to me like that ever again!" He said through gritted teeth.
His unbreakable grip tightened around my neck as I tried hard to breathe. My hands were trying to break free from him but I was unsuccessful and soon started seeing black spots while the darkness enveloped me.
I felt my mouth dry as I started waking up slowly. My eyes slowly opening as my blurry vision only allowed me to see a figure in front of me but judging by the scent it was my mate. I tried to groan but soon felt my throat sore as my hands were placed there to check what's the matter. My eyes started to adjust to the place I was in as I started blinking repeatedly and to my surprise it looked like I was on a plane, correction, we were on a plane since the Alpha sat in front of me, staring at me like I was his next meal. He was wearing a black suit and if it wasn't for my dislike upon this Alpha I would jump on him and take him right now. A man wearing a suit it's always a pleasing view only this wasn't any man. Sadly, this was the man that is making my life in a living hëll.
"Where am I?" I managed to ask, my voice coming out croaky as I sent glares to his way.
"We're in my jet, I'm glad you're finally awake" He answered taking his computer out and placing it open in front of him indicating me that he wasn't interested.
"Why am I here?" I tried to sound as calm as possible suppressing the uprise of my anger while he started to type something on the computer.
"We're going home, Love. It was about time, anyway." He said without looking in my direction.
"WE'RE WHAT?? ARE YOU CRAZY? I'm not going anywhere with you" I claimed as my anger took a hold of me. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up only to be forced to sit again by a pair of strong hands that were placed on my shoulders.
"You're not going anywhere, we're almost there," He said cupping my face with a tight grip, forcing me to see the white clouds and blue sky through the tiny window on my right.
He sighed, releasing my face while sitting across me and looking at me with an intense stare that showed no emotion.
As I stared daggers at him, a wave of sickness raised upon my stomach as I felt my mouth being filled with bile, therefore I put my hand in my mouth to prevent the incident but it was too late as the fluid started coming out and I relinquished the last of my stomach's contents towards my mate's expensive shoes. Luckily, for him, it wasn't much since I don't even remember my last meal.
I wiped my mouth and felt my lips curving in a satisfying way. Karma is a bįtch I thought.
"Oh, I am truly sorry," I said sarcastically, smiling and looking at a disgusted expression that was sent to me.
"Why would you do something like that?" He asked through gritted teeth looking at the incident and gulping loudly.
"It's not my fault, it's my first time flying so I'm not used to it" I said standing from my place, looking for something to clean all this mess up as I spotted his jacket placed on his lap, picked it up and cleaned his shoes while bending a little careful to not step on the fluid that was all over the carpet but I stopped to realize what I was doing. Why am I here cleaning this mess since it's all his fault this happened in the first place?. I was now looking into his eyes as he sat there with a frown placed on his face.
"You know what? This is all your fault since you decided to FÜCKING KIDNAP ME" I stood up abruptly before he questioned and searched for a sit far away from his. I sat at the bottom of the plane, close to a door that I presume is the bathroom, fastened my seatbelt as I saw the Alpha calling a flight attendant to probably clean all this. She wore a blue uniform that consisted of a white shirt with a blue blazer and a blue executive skirt that ended above her knees. Her skin was pale and her legs were toned. When I stopped and noticed her face features I could see that she was probably in her 20's or less. She was a blue-eyed blonde girl and she was really pretty.
I hate her, Fayna though.
When she came across all the mess she instantly looked at me with an irritated face pinching her nose because of the smell.
I couldn't stop and notice that as soon as my mate looked at her she automatically changed her mood, smiling forcefully and touching my mate's shoulder in a flirty way.
I was so furious right now with her attitude but was furious with the fact that my mate was letting her. Unfortunately, only his back was on display so I couldn't see his reaction. However, I stood still and chose to ignore it considering that I don't care about him at all. As a result, I unfastened my seatbelt, stood up from my current seat and decided to go to the seat that stood in front of me. This way, only my back would be facing them and I could at least try to sleep through this trip.
In order to entertain myself since I don't feel like sleeping again, I look at the tiny window and watch the clouds that passed us but there was one specific cloud that brought memories back. A cloud that looked like a dog.
A younger version of me and Giorgio laid in the garden at the pack house. We were watching the clouds as we pointed to different ones and described them.
"That one looks like a wolf," Young Gio said pointing to a cloud that looked just like a puppy.
"It looks like a puppy not a wolf dumbass," I said rolling my eyes
"A puppy?" He asked with enthusiasm as he was now in a sit position, looking at me with a smile.
"Come with me," He said suddenly grabbing my hand and rushing us to stand and run towards the tree house. He climbed first as I followed closely. When we reached our tiny tree house that was almost empty I saw a yellow folded blanket at the corner that contained something black that looked just like
"A PUPPY!" I exclaimed loudly as I figured what it was. In a blink of an eye, I had the black puppy in my arms protectively.
"Where did you find him?" I asked while caressing his smooth fur. If someone finds out about this we're screwed.
"It doesn't matter, it's a gift for the most beautiful girl in the world," He said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek making me instantly blush.
I sighed as a tear slipped out of my eye and made me sob a little since the memories decided to make a visit. I was about to wipe my tears but I was surprised by a strong yet smooth hand that caressed my cheek and wiped my tears away. When I opened my eyes, my mate's face was so close to mine that I jumped and sent a punch directly to his nose.
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