I ran with all the forces I had, not even looked back, too afraid to find him chasing me. I can't find my mate now, is not time yet.
I wasn't thinking straight know, there were so many things to think about. I stopped to recover my breath and to make rational decisions and I felt my head spinning.
What am I going to tell Gio?
As a mentioned his name in my mind my wolf mentally slapped me as to stop thinking about him, but I can't. I love him.
As I was carefully creating strategies, I felt a presence behind me and I knew exactly who it was. The Alpha. He found me I could smell his intoxicating smell creating butterflies in my stomach.
I ran harder towards the tree house that I used to play in when I was a child, that is at the back of the pack house. As I arrived there I could hear him groaning not too far from where I was so I didn't have much time. I tried to climb the ladder but it was too difficult since this was made to children and I was too big for it, but I managed. I opened the small door to find a dark small room full of toys, a messy couch and a tv. Wow, this is new. I feel so old because we didn't have all this back then, it was only Barbies for girls and cars for boys. I searched for a switch to turn the lights on and I found it. I turned it on only to find an amount of dirtiness. Eww
I moved some toys, empty bottles and even an empty box of pizza with a dead cockroach on top of it, quietly as possible only to be interrupted with some yelling coming from downstairs.
"Don't make me go up there, Mate. I just want to have a little chat". He yelled with some kind of British accent.
Interesting, Fayna said in the back of my mind.
Oh, shush, I said pushing her back.
I sat on the floor far away from the door as I now realise that this wasn't a good idea. Even my wolf agrees with that and she never agrees with me.
I jumped off my place as I heard a loud noise of a door being broken into and soon my mate was in this tiny little room, alone with me.
I gulped.
" I get that you wanted to go to a private place and skip to the steamy scenes, but couldn't you choose a better place, Love?" He said with a smirk on, his eyes black full of lust and tiredness, coming closer to me, looking straight into my eyes, not even bothering with the trash on the floor.
I immediately took a step back only to be met with the wooden wall and I gulped, loudly. My heart pounding on my chest.
"No need to be afraid of me, Love. At least not yet." He said eyeing my neck and coming impossibly closer to me.
His face was so close that I could smell his minty breath so I tried to push him away by putting my hands on his chest. Wrong move.
I felt an electric wave of creeps from the tip of my fingers until the tip of my toes. I heard a deep rumble coming from the Alpha's chest as he embraced my waist and kissed my neck, sending a wave of pleasure throughout my whole body. I bit my lip to suppress my moan from all the pleasure and felt my eyes closing slowly as my hands were on his shoulders for support.
"I'm Theo by the way, what's your name, baby doll?" He managed to say through gentle kisses, sucks and licks.
I managed to focus and push him away only to hear a loud grumble.
"What are you doing? " I said, clearing my throat, to hide my wheezy voice.
"I'm introducing myself and expecting you to do the same, " He said arching his brows and placing his hands on my low waist with an amused face.
"This," I said motioning to his hand and taking his arms off my waist "Isn't going to work like this. I need time to process all this." I said pushing him far away from me and walking towards the exit.
"And do not follow me," I said looking at his face one more time only to see a pissed off Alpha.
I was arriving home and I guess no one is home, gladly. I used the spare key that is always under the flower vase by the door and went inside, placing the key in the habitual place.
I went to my room and laid lazily on my bed. Thinking about all the previous episodes not so long ago.
I knew it was a mistake going to this dinner, what now?
I decided to stop thinking about this "astonishing" day and take a bath since my head already hurts.
I went to my bathroom, took my bath bomb and put it in the water while channelling my phone to the speakers.
I undressed carefully not to damage my gorgeous dress and jumped into the bathtub.
I was relaxing while listening to Lana's Del Rey playlist for about an hour and suddenly I felt myself drowning in the water so I exited the bathtub abruptly and tried to calm myself. I must've fallen asleep, I thought.
I turned the music off and searched for my towel.
"Fück, I forgot to bring my towel" I murmured to myself and opened the door. His scent was all over my room and I immediately saw his figure staring at me or better gawking while I was there.
I screamed and quickly turned around trying to hide as best as I could from him.
"Oh, shįt" he hissed.
"GET OUT" I yelled at him and entered into the bathroom putting the door in front me and only showing him my head.
He was there staring at me, constantly clenching and unclenching his fists looking like he is fighting with himself. He tossed me my towel and got out of my room. I could see some fur forming at the back of his neck.
I closed the door and put the towel around my naked body.
I- this, hmm, okay.
So, basically, he saw me naked. My mate saw me naked. I have a boyfriend.
It was bound to happen anyway, Fayna said laughing at me.
I can't even process right. This isn't good. I was pacing back and forth with my hands constantly going through my wet hair, furiously.
Fück, fück, fück, I hissed.
I got out of the bathroom and went towards my walk-in closet to grab my pyjamas.
I dried my hair, and put my pyjamas on, lace black shorts, a matching lace black bralette and a grey laced robe.
I exited my closet and went towards my bed, jumped on it and closed my eyes.
Beep, Beep
I heard some vibrations coming from my bedside table. It was my phone.
I grabbed it and saw some notifications on my locked screen. Twenty missed calls from Gio, one missed call from Aline and five messages from Gio. I opened the messages:
Gio❤️: Hey babe.
Gio❤️: U still on that shįtty dinner?
Gio❤️: Please, call me when u see this. I miss my babe.
Gio❤️: U ignoring me or u not receiving this, answer me, babe, I'm worried.
Gio❤️: Ly.
I have to tell him, I do. But how?
I don't want to broke his heart, I don't even like this Alpha boy.
I need to eat, I have to eat to forget all this. I need some cereals and chocolate.
I got up from my bed and went towards the door. I opened it and saw the dark corridor indicating that everyone must be asleep or not even home. Thinking about it, why and how was the Alpha boy here in my house. I shook my head and went downstairs towards the kitchen.
I was currently serving a bowl of cereal and eating it while humming my favourite song:
'Cause we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls
There's no way for us to come away
'Cause boy we're gold, boy we're gold
And I was lik-, I hummed before being interrupted by a grab of hands on my waist and a kiss on my neck that got me freeze on my place. I took a quick turn already knowing who it was because I felt a wave of goosebumps when he touched me.
I was face to face with the Alpha boy, eying him up and down and immediately closing my robe when I saw his bare chest and only wearing some black sweatpants, making me choke on my own saliva. Saying that he was hot isn't enough, he was hotter than the word hot. His body was sculpted perfectly, his arms were muscled to perfection, not too little not too big. His whole body covered in tattoos that appealed for me to explore them and to trace that hall of abs one by one.
"WHAT THE FÜCK?" I yelled whispered carefully to not wake up my whole family in case they were home.
"What?" He said putting an innocent face on.
"How? Why are you here? THIS IS MY FÜCKING HOUSE!!" I said tightening my robe around my body not taking any chances since his eyes were hovering my body like a piece of candy.
"I don't want to stay at the pack house so your mother invited me to st-" he tried to explain but I interrupted him after I heard the m-o-t-h-e-r word. I should've known, I hate that fücking høe so much.
I should've known she would do something like that. Ughhhh this is so frustrating.
"First of all, she's not my mother and she's far from being that. In second, why are you wearing only that, this is not your house" I asked through gritted teeth motioning with my hands and making a disgusting face.
"First of all," He said copying me and making me roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"I know you like it," he said putting his hands on his chest, slowly moving them in a sexy way making my eyes follow and mouth to open. I want to lick his whole chest. He was a full package, he had the looks, an amazing scent the best actually and he was my mate. A mate that I don't need because I'm currently in love with Giorgio. The love of my life. I remembered myself
I shook my head and closed my mouth looking straight on his face noticing that his hair was a bit messy probably from sleeping, his bright green eyes were glittering and looking through my own. He smiled a little, silence taking this scene when he got closer, his intoxicating scent filling my nostrils and my wolf wasn't helping either since the only thing that she was thinking was the flavour of his full lips on mine.
His gentle grasp on my waist making me jump a little, our lips were slightly brushing, when I cut this moment short.
"I have a boyfriend," I said firmly, looking straight into his eyes, not so sure of how he may react.
I felt his grip on my waist tighten and his muscles flex, I looked into his eyes only to find the bright green colour was gone and an almost black colour was in replace.
"What did you say?" He asked sounding low and rough.
"I-I have a boyfriend" I stuttered, knowing that it's a dangerous move to piss off an Alpha, especially this one. But due to the fact that he's my mate and my status on the pack, I had the guts to say it and I said it not even regretting.
"Hahahaha" He laughed letting go of me and turning around in a raw form looking so pissed. It wasn't a genuine laugh, it was a dangerous laugh like when the bîtches' flirting with your man and you just want to beat the shît out of them. Yeah, it was that laugh and it scared the shît out of me.
"You don't understand, do you?" He asked although it was a rhetoric question.
"YOU'RE MINE" He yelled now facing me and holding onto my arms with so much strength, I almost forgot how to breathe. This is going to definitely let marks.
"STOP!! YOU FUCKIN HURTING ME" I yelled back trying to break free from his tight grip, not succeeding.
"YOU'RE MINE" He yelled again with a rougher voice. His canines were elongating and his eyes turned completely black, only this time wasn't from lust but pure anger. His chest was constantly going up and down as he took long breaths. His eyes were on the crook of my neck and in a blink of an eye, I felt him in that exact spot. I froze and felt a wave of immense pain coming from the bite and as soon as I felt it I screamed. I screamed for help, for someone because this angry and very powerful Alpha just bit me.
He marked me.
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