Paranoia and Pandora's Dust (DC)
After sending the text, Kaito took the most complex and frustrating route there was to the apartment - twisting pathways, backhand routes, even darting through alleyways and squeezing into the smallest paths he could fit. He was constantly looking over his shoulder, and whenever he bumped into someone he checked himself thoroughly for any bugs or transmitters that could have been sneakily placed. After a couple hours of this, Kaito finally deemed it safe to actually go into his apartment. When he opened the door, he saw a very anxious and worried Shinichi pacing back and forth, with a hard glint in his eyes.
The moment the door opened, he had whirled around, holding a kitchen knife as self defense, then lowered it when he saw it was only Kaito. He walked up to him and pulled at his face and hair, determining that this wasn't Vermouth disguised as the phantom thief. When Shinichi seemed satisfied, Kaito stepped in and locked the door behind him. "Thank god you're safe..." Shinichi breathed, kissing him softly. Kaito, being tired, simply melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his lover's torso. Shinichi pulled away, smiling softly, and guided him to the couch. Kaito flopped down on the couch, closing his eyes in exhaustion.
"Meal preference?" Shinichi asks offhandedly, trying to distract Kaito (and himself) from what happened with Gin. "Takoyaki." Kaito replied tiredly after hesitating for a moment. Shinichi responds with a hum, and began being loud on purpose. Kaito needed to know that he was here and safe - not possibly dying or dead. Shinichi also kept one eye on Kaito, as well as the door - in the event that they were attacked.
Soon, the food was made without disturbance, and they ate in a tense silence, both of them glancing at either the door or the windows. Afterward, Kaito called all of his doves inside and made the empty room their planning room. Special and complicated locks are placed, and the window is covered securely. Kaito sets up a computerized CCV camera setup using his doves. "Watch this specific area, and if you see either of these people, follow them." Kaito instructs, showing them pictures of Gin, Vodka, Vermouth, and a bunch of other minor members.
Shinichi has installed a couple of precautionary devices, as well as bugs and wiretaps around the apartment, making sure that they couldn't be seen unless they were being looked for.
After all that was taken care of, the duo checked everything over again, making sure everything was working and in order, before finally managing to relax. "We're going to need protection for when we go out." Kaito muses, practicing his sleight of hand. A blue rose appeared in his hand, sparkling with innocence. Shinichi sighs. "We'll need guns." He decides, "Maybe a couple of throwing knives wouldn't hurt either."
And that was how they found themselves in front of a gun dealership, after managing to purchase 4 small throwing knives each, along with multiple leather strips and sheathes. They walked inside, and went up to the counter. "Excuse me, we'd like to apply for a gun license?" Kaito asks the man running the shop. The man raised an eyebrow, but didn't say a word as he slid over the registration papers to the duo.
They quickly filled out the forms, and gave it back to the man, who handed them two plastic cards to signify that they indeed had a license. (Idk if that's how it works but eh) Kaito and Shinichi both scanned the stores and quickly, finding a Glock 26 and nabbing some ammo before they checked out. They went into a nearby restroom and quickly hid the weapons on their person before heading back home. Well, Shinichi did - Kaito wanted to go check the site of their crash(?).
He quickly and stealthily weaves through the crowd, dodging random purses or handbags that were accidentally swung his way. Soon, he reached the forest line, and proceeds to quietly make his way through the brush, checking around constantly for any sign of an enemy. He soon came to the familiar clearing where he had first found himself in this world. He quickly scans the ground, ruffling the grass and looking under rocks to see if he could find anything - anything at all. His patience was rewarded. Underneath a rock, he found a small hole with a shimmery purple pile of dust. His eyes widened. Purple - the color of both red and blue mixed together. Was this -?
Kaito gathered what he could inside a small plastic baggy, and held it up to the moonlight. It shimmered, responding to the light, and a flash of both red and blue appeared for less than a second before vanishing. There was no mistake about it. He had found Pandora's remains.
A slightly shorter chapter - but eh. My search history is now filled with gun and gun license inquiries - Detective Conan will make me look like some kind of crazy weirdo with the search history at some point. Hm. Well - hope you enjoyed? I was a little tired today so the quality probably has dropped a bit. Sorry about that. See you in the next chapter! (Tomorrow isn't going to be a normal plot chapter, I actually have a filler chapter planned - it's funny and includes both fandoms (at least in my opinion.))
-Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)
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