Identification, a Job, and Guns (DC)
(I love this art? Picture? Meme? Short? Thing - so much I cracked up. But it's true! Everyone loves Shin-Chan!~)
Shinichi groaned as he hit the ground with a loud *thump!* and glared at the person responsible. "C'monnnnn, Shin-Chan get upppp! It's 7:00am, get out of bed!" When Shinichi refused to get up, trying to go back to sleep on the goddamn floor of all places he smirked. "I made coffee!~" Shinichi's eyes snapped open, and he got up and went into their bathroom to get ready. Kaito chuckled to himself before going downstairs to actually make the brew so Shinichi doesn't get upset. A Shinichi who was denied coffee is terrifying - and shouldn't be messed with. He'd learned that the hard way too, when he noticed the unhealthy amounts of coffee his lover was consuming. He decided to take it away for a few days, and never did it again after seeing a very tired Shinchi with his powered up shoes and a fire-resistant and much more durable soccer ball being dribbled slowly down the halls. A ball was kicked at the wall, creating a hole in the wall where Kaito had once stood, leaving a traumatized Kaito to stand there, shaking.
Never again, he shuddered, never again. The coffee was finished just as Shinichi entered the kitchen, eagerly awaiting his bitter, black lifeblood. He downed the coffee in only a couple seconds, and poured himself more (Silently he thanked Kaito for making more than one cup). Kaito was sitting at the table, waiting patiently for Shinichi to finish his coffee and begin breakfast. As the eggs were cracked and sizzling on the pan, Kaito pondered what they needed to do. "So...what now? Should we go to school or just skip in favor of working on a way to get home?" He wondered out loud.
Shinichi glanced over at him for a moment, trying to gauge his expression. "I think we should skip school, and just learn what we must in our free time. We can look for a way to get home from there. We look enough like adults to say we are one if we get questioned about school. We should be set for money for a while, but we should take up a part-time job as a cover. We also don't know if they exist in this world, so we need to be careful." Shinichi muses in response to Kaito's question.
Kaito looked thoughtful for a second. "That sounds good - but what about our backgrounds? We basically came from another universe, so we don't exactly have anything telling who we are, which would be suspicious."
Shinichi winces. "We would need to forge a high-school certificate and create a resume, as well as issue a couple IDs, and create a backstory. I can hack, so we can easily create false records and just leave it at that. It should get us through, and as long as we stay out of the public eye we should be fine."
Kaito stares at him surprised, before his lips curled into a smirk. "Oh my god - the law abiding detective Kudo Shinichi is actually considering breaking the law! Is this the Twilight Zone?!" Shinichi shoots him a dry look, that says 'do you think I enjoy doing this?'. The eggs were done, and then flipped onto two separate plates. Shinichi quickly chops up some fruit and cooks up some bacon, and then sets both plates down on the dining room table. "Idatakimasu!" They both chorus before digging into the food.
Shinichi was typing away on his computer, creating fake backgrounds for the two with ease. Shinichi kept their names (learning to respond to a new name was hell, and besides, their current landlord already knew their names, so the didn't exactly have a choice.) and edited their age to be 19 and 20, Shinichi being older. They kept their same birthdays, and kept the same face (for obvious reasons). (Also, the fact that the landlord had even allowed the duo to stay here without identification was worrying, but they set that off to the side for the time being). Kaito was out currently job hunting, and for the most part, was being unsuccessful, until he happened upon a sign. "Study group for middle schoolers! Currently hiring smart high schoolers or young adults to help out! XXX Street, from 3:00-5:00pm! See the owner for details, call to apply at xxx-xxx-xxxx!" Kaito smirked. Both of them were very smart, and being around kids who usually ran their mouths without a care or regard for those around them...well...easy info and easy job! He snapped a picture of the sign and sent it to Shinichi, who replied with a, "Yeah, sounds good. I finished with the fake IDs, so we can apply."
Kaito typed in the number displayed on the sign, and waited for the owner to pick up. "Hello? How may I help you?"
"I'm calling to apply myself and a friend for your position, I saw an ad and would like to lend you a helping hand!" He chirped
"Oh great! Can I have your names and ages please?"
"Kuroba Kaito, 19 years old. My friend is Kudo Shinichi, 2o. We've been trying to find a job for a while, Shinichi's a smart mystery addict, and I'm an apprentice magician. Is that alright?"
"Oh, that works well! You'll need to arrive at xxx Street at 2:00 to help prepare, and the pay is 2,000 yen a week, is that alright?"
Kaito smiled. "Yeah, that works! Thank you!" He then hung up, and stuck his hand in his pocket, and began walking home. He pretended to be oblivious to the piercing gaze of a man with long silver hair, and ice cold eyes. He risked a look back, and instantly regretted it. The man was clad in all black, with a bulge on his thigh that was barley concealed by his bulky cloak. Kaito looked back in front of him, feeling his paranoia kick in. They were here, and judging by their look, they knew who he was, and that he was going to die by their hands at one point or another.
Kaito's throat instantly went dry, and his shaking hand reached for his cellphone, and sent a quick text to his detective.
"Gin and the rest - they know - danger - be careful."
And boom! Another chapter! There! Now I'm not behind! I had to explain their paranoia from the last chapter somehow, so this happened! I hope you enjoy, see you tomorrow! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
-Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)
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