A Cure?! (AC)
(I apologize for any OOC-ness, I haven't watched AC in ages)
It was another day in Class 3-E, but instead of the usual banter and laughter between students, it was just a silent, and rather uncomfortable tension that had decided to settle as they climbed up the hill. Some were harboring doubts (do we really want to kill him? I mean - he isn't a bad person...he doesn't have a choice!) and others were trying to figure out what they could do with this new information.
Everyone had forgiven Kayano for what happened: they could get past that. She wanted revenge for her sister, her one and only sister that was taken away from her. They knew what she did was wrong, and that she shouldn't have decided upon ending one's life, and not caring about her own in the process. Kayano herself felt guilty, and wanted to treasure whatever moments she could get from Class-E before graduation. Having been wrapped up in her revenge, she had ignored the fun until the last moment. She had doubts, but the tentacles wouldn't let her. Fortunately, they were removed and she was admitted to the hospital to recover.
Now, after break, she was back, and the question that hung in the air, one that no one wanted to address, was left unanswered. Should we still kill him? Nagisa glanced around worriedly, trying to gauge his classmate's feelings on the matter. He wanted to save Koro-Sensei. He'd taught them so much, and he felt indebted to him. He also couldn't bear killing him, they all had grown so close. It would be like trampling on his own heart if he killed the octopus. Karma looked pensive, eyes narrowed. When Karma and Nagisa had reached the top, his eyes instantly noticed the one thing that was out of place.
"What is that?" Nagisa asked, confused, as he points to the small vial of a glimmering ruby-red substance laying on the (porch?). Karma's eyes snapped to the present and looked there as well. "Maybe it's a new poison Okuda-Chan cooked up." Karma shrugged and continued along, leaving a dubious Nagisa behind. Okuda came up from behind the blue-haired boy, looking confused as well. Nagisa, noticing the expression on her face, asked her, "Did you make that?" Okuda shook her head.
"N-No, I didn't. Even if I did, it would be dangerous to leave an unknown substance within reach of anything. It's liable to be broken, stepped on or stolen. We should take it inside and test it, just in case." Despite her words, Okuda's eyes shone with passion and excitement, a small smile etched on her face. Nagisa smiled at her. "Okay then. Let's get to class!" Worries forgotten, the two quickly went up to the vial. Okuda pulled out a white handkerchief and picked it up carefully, holding it expertly away from her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, yet holding it high enough and steady enough so that it wouldn't come in contact with the ground or somehow seep through the stopper. According to Okuda, you can never be too careful.
"Hey guys, what's that?" Sugino walked up to the unlikely duo and looked curiously at the item Okuda was holding. "We're not too sure, we found it in front of the classroom, right here." Nagisa pointed to a spot near them. "That's cool! I wonder who would have put that there though." Sugino shrugged and walked inside the building with Okuda and Nagisa. They opened the sliding door, and walked inside up to the teachers (desk? Podium?). "Sugino-kun, go get a test tube rack from the storage room, we shouldn't lay this down on its side." Okuda ordered, strangely not nervous at all. Sugino, slightly surprised by the change in tone, was taken aback for a moment before running off to go get the rack.
Karma, who was already seated, opened his eyes lazily and watched them curiously. The door opened again, and in walked Maehara and Isogai, along with Kayano, Kataoka, and Kanzaki. They noticed the two standing at the teacher's desk (that's what I'm calling it), and were slightly confused. "What's going on guys?" Isogai asked for the group, walking up to them. Nagisa turned to face them. "Oh hey! Uh, we found this vial laying down in front of the classroom outside, and Okuda wanted to take it inside to test it. We don't know what it is yet." Nagisa explained, before walking over to his seat. They all spared a quick glance at the vial before following suit.
Suddenly, the sliding door was flung open. "I got it!" Sugino announced, walking inside swiftly. He set the rack on the desk and Okuda carefully placed the mystery substance in one of the holders. Satisfied, she took her seat.
Soon enough, the rest of the class filed in, all of them glancing at the vial curiously and questioning. Ritsu had also turned on, giving everyone a lively and happy good morning, to which only some replied in full or only half heartedly. Ritsu frowned at the lack of enthusiasm, but let it slide. Eventually, the door opened, revealing Karasuma and Koro-Sensei, who stopped walking at the sight of the strange vial on his desk. "What's this?" The octopus asks, wondering if Okuda had created this as an assassination attempt.
"We don't know. Nagisa-Kun and Okuda-Chan found outside the building, without a note or anything." Sugino spoke up, shrugging. Ritsu spoke up. "I could analyze it and see what its components are, and to see if I can trace any fingerprints to an owner!" She chirped, smiling cheerily at the yellow octopus. "I don't see why not!" Koro-Sensei giggled, picking it up and setting it in a newly opened compartment inside the AI.
Ritsu began scanning it, and her avatar on the screen disappeared, instead filling up with code, and a box on the right hand side with its components. "I could find no traces of any other touching the vial, and no strands of hair either. What I do know is that this is has the ability to counteract anti-matter, without harming its host. In other words, it has the ability to turn Koro-Sensei back into a human with little repercussions!" Ritsu reported, an excited undertone to her usually robotic voice.
The silence was deafening. Everyone was frozen with shock, staring at Ritsu incredulously. Bitch-Sensei walked in the classroom, about to announce her presence, but stopped at seeing their expressions. "Hey guys what's going on? You all look like someone just died then came back to life. Did something happen?" She asked, slightly concerned, and nearly fell over when the entire class erupted in excitement and happy tears.
Bitch-Sensei just stared. "Did I miss something?" But no one heard her, everyone was too excited by this new discovery. "Seriously?! What did I miss you brats?!"
Ahhhh I'm so excitedddddd eeeeeeeeee! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, see you all tomorrow! :D
Also I gave up on editing a while ago back with Nagisa-Sensei, so sorry for any errors in spelling or grammar.
-Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)
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