4. My short screamer.
I gave him a glare to show my dissatisfaction and snatched my hand out of his with annoyance.
"I knew you were going to do that," he said with a smile. I watched him as he dipped his hand into my bowl of chin chin again. "Don't you know there's love in sharing."
"I don't know," I snapped. I shifted far away from him, keeping my chin chin at a safe distance.
"It's obvious, stingy."
I turned towards him to see him smile in reassurance as if he was trying to convince himself that I was indeed stingy, I soon ignored him and faced forward concentrating on my movie, but I must say my attention was no longer fully on the TV. My mind kept on going back to the handsome guy that was sitting right beside me, I thought back to how handsome and sexy he had looked this morning when I first saw him. I couldn't help but also remember what he said this morning and how I reacted to it.
"I have to say I was greatly surprised by your cooking. You threw me off guard."
I turned to him with a glare, but he flashed me a smile, "Are you going to mock me? Go ahead. It won't be a new thing."
"Oh no, I would never mock you, I must confess that your food was absolutely delicious," he said with a very genuine smile on his face. If I wasn't aware of what was actually going on his mind, I might have actually believed him, so I scoffed at him, but he continued further. "I can't remember the last time I actually tasted something so magnificent."
"Enough of the nonsense talk. It was only noodles. Why so much talk on it?" I said, almost yelling. But even without yelling, my voice was loud, and it was already nighttime. This made my voice even louder than I presumed.
"Why are you always yelling?" He asked, moving closer to me. I moved away, but this only made him move closer, it wasn't until I got to the edge of the couch before I stopped moving and stared into his face that was now very close to mine. "You know with you, we can't actually do anything in secret. You would scream the whole secret out."
I gave him a deeper glare and was about replying to him when he placed a finger on my lips. As simple as that movement was, it actually had my jobless heart pounding.
"I'm actually tired of hearing your screams, for a girl your size you sure know how to scream." He glanced over my body again, I quickly took a look at myself and saw that I was in my most transparent nightwear of all days. The blanket had pulled at my waist, I looked up to see that he was staring pointedly at my breast, what a pervert. I quickly raised the blanket up, cocooning it safely around me. This action seemed to jerk him off his trance. He looked at my face and said, "I got a name for you, wanna hear it?"
"No!" I snapped and turned away from him, trying to ignore him even though it was impossible with him so close to me.
"I don't care, I'm going to tell you anyway," he said, but I still ignored him. Ignoring him wasn't for long as I felt his hot breath close to my ear, I turned to him sharply and almost collided with his lips. I looked at his face, shocked and very much uncomfortable at the close distance, but I didn't push him away. I didn't want to push him away, I was reveling in the feeling the close proximity of him brought. "Short screamer, my short screamer. Do you like it?"
I totally ignored him and faced my movie again, but at this point, I really don't understand what I'm watching, Ademide kept quiet now. He didn't say anything again. The silence between us was quite defeating, I hated it, but it was soon broken by yours truly.
"Why the hell are you watching this? It is really infuriating, I can remember this same guy confessed to love another girl. Now he is confessing undying love to a different girl." Ademide said with clear frustration. Believe me, he wasn't the only one frustrated. He was frustrating me also.
"It is not the same person, this a different couple entirely," I said quietly, trying not to yell at him. It was hard, I swear.
"Was he not the guy that wanted to fall off a cliff before?"
I nearly pulled my hair out, this was more frustrating than I presumed, I looked at him and said between gritted teeth, "that is a whole new different person, he is none of the two." I prayed that he would shut up at this point and let me concentrate.
"Then why do they all look alike? Are they being played by the same person?"
"In what way do they look alike, Ademide? Are you blind?" I yelled, yeah, I yelled.
He flinched back a little, but he soon composed himself and moved closely to me again. "I can't keep people faces in my head, but for some reason, I can't seem to forget your face, I like it." He moved a little closer to me, his lips only centimeters away from mine and said, "and I love the way you call my name."
I found myself tilting back. The smile on his face was actually infectious, but let's not forget that I'm supposed to be frustrated. "Scoot!"
"No, I won't," he said adamantly, but I ignored him and turned back to face the TV. It was then I remembered the forgotten chin chin on my laps, I dropped it on the table, not having the appetite to eat anymore of it.
I just wished fervently that Ademide would leave this place and give me the breathing space I need to understand my movie. He was very quiet for a while, and I almost thought he was sleeping, but reality slapped me in the face when I felt a hand on my bare thighs.
I'm not supposed to have a hand on my lap, I had a blanket over me, and I quickly looked down to see that the blanket was still wrapped safely around me. I looked over at Ademide and saw that his right hand had disappeared under my blanket. I nearly went crazy mentally, I looked at his face, but he was looking at the TV with the utmost attention, so could it be a mistake?
I decided I would ignore his hand since he was acting like nothing. Maybe he wasn't aware. Is that even possible? I had to wonder no more when I felt his hand going upper until his hand had successfully slipped under my skimpy nightwear, his fingers trailed along my skin, leaving fire in its wake.
I knew what I should do, I should alert my mum and get her to throw him out of the house this instant, but I didn't want to do that. I wanted to explore this new feeling that his hand seemed to have awakened in the pit of my stomach.
"How about I rephrase what I said this morning," he said in a deadly quiet voice. His fingers trailed upper slightly, grazing my panties, I told myself to stop him, but the stupid pervert in me won't listen. "I definitely wouldn't mind a screaming girl on the couch." I could feel his hot breath on my cheeks now. It was actually hard to stop myself from squirming in his arms. "But we can't have you screaming now. Your mum and brother are sleeping."
At the mention of my mum, I came back to my senses, but that sense was soon wiped away when one of his fingers slipped under my panties, grazing my now wet mound lightly. I held onto his hands, trying to pull it away, but I instead held on tightly, not wanting him to pull away.
"You can't contain yourself, can you?" He asked, his breath husky against my skin. "I can't either." And at that moment, that errant finger of his slipped into me slowly.
I covered my mouth with my hands, trying to stifle the loud gasp that escaped me, I kept on telling myself that this was bad, but I couldn't care less now. All I could feel was his finger as it moved slowly inside me, thrusting in and out gently, leaving me with the strangest feeling ever. I arched my back for whatever reason I couldn't fathom. The sensation building up in my abdomen was getting more intense by the minute. I closed my eyes as I tilted my head back, but this didn't last long when we both heard the sound of a door opening. This time, I knew it was definitely my mum.
We both sat up straight, I wrapped the blanket around me safely and looked straight at the TV. I saw Ademide also adjusting himself, damn, I can't believe what just happened.
My mum walked into the sitting room, staring at I and Ademide like she could tell what we had been doing. I felt a pang of guilt hit me at the realization of how disappointed my mum would be, I looked at the TV, not wanting to look into her eyes.
"Ademide, you also haven't slept, oma farawe alujonu yi, ko n sun loru. (better don't compare yourself to this witch. She doesn't sleep at night). " My mum said, definitely pointing at me, but I couldn't see her.
"No ma, mo fe lo sun loni, (I was about going to bed.)" He stood up as he said this, he walked over to my mum and gave her a peck on the cheek.
Wonders shall never end, I couldn't believe my mum let him peck her. She was a woman who didn't appreciate those pointless acts as she called it.
"Good night, my son," my mum said, sitting on one of the single couches.
"Good night," Ademide said and turned on his heels, but he stopped and turned to face my mum again. "Are you the one that made that chin chin, ma?"
"Of course, my son," she answered with that smile that she always spots when someone compliments her cooking.
"I must say ma, it was very sweet." He slipped his finger into his mouth as he said this, making my eyes go round with shock. "A very delightful taste, a taste I would like to have one more time."
My mum smiled as he said this, thanking him, but I knew he wasn't talking about the chin chin. He definitely wasn't. I watched him as he said his final goodbye and went into his room while I sat there thinking of what just happened.
I had let a man finger fuck me on my mum's couch, Mary, you sure have grown some nerves. I kept on thinking back to how I had felt when he touched me, never have anyone touched me in that place before, and now I must say that I'm craving that touch of his.
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© Mary Aden
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