this is kind of short and kind of shit but oh well
"This is Interview Number 2 with Lucie David. Led by Agent Samantha Anson with the FBI and Agent Natalia Haden with the CSIS." The audio recorder placed on the centre of the table taped Samantha's voice.
Lucie sat across from them. She looked completely different from when they last saw her. Her hair was tied back in a simple braid with a few strands loose at the front to frame her face. She wore a knit navy blue sweater and black jeans. Both were slightly too big for her.
"So, Lucie, do you like America so far?" Samantha didn't want to overwhelm the girl with questions, so she thought her first question should be something simple. Lucie nodded. "I haven't seen a lot of it yet."
"I'm sure Emilia will show you more of it when things are a bit less chaotic." Samantha smiled.
"Lucie, I know you can read and write. Were you taught anything else?" The young girl shook her head. "No. We just prayed a lot." Samantha scribbled something in a notebook. Natalia kept her focus on the girl. "You said that you and Laura just walked out of there. Why? Did you plan this for a long time, or was it more of a spur-of-the-moment thing?"
"We didn't really plan it. Laura woke me up one night. She took me to the locker room." Natalia looked at the other agent for a split second, who was quickly taking notes. Her handwriting was messy, but at least semi-legible. "Laura asked me if I remembered Tamara."
That got their attention.
"Tamara Lincoln?" The blonde asked, startled at the reminder of a name she'd heard countless times since joining the case. Lucie nodded. "She got out. Lucie said she wanted to do the same, and she knew I did too." Samantha nervously twirled the pen in their hand. She'd seen this story before. They knew this story, and they didn't like how it ended.
For the first time since she was a fifteen-year-old sleeping on the pews of Felicity Valley Chapel, Samantha Anson was speechless.
Luckily for Samantha, Natalia took the next question. "Lucie, did you ever hear about Tamara after she left?" Lucie looked down at her hands. May was sitting on her lap. She stroked the doll's hair for a second before answering. "Her bed was next to mine. On the right. Laura was on the left. Tamara told us about how she was starting to lose faith in Gregory." Lucie twirled May's blonde hair so tightly around her finger that Natalia worried she would tear it off. Natalia was about to ask if she wanted to take a break when Lucie spoke up. "One day, I woke up and she wasn't in the bed next to me. Gregory asked us if we knew where she was. We didn't say anything." Lucie bowed her head, staring at her hands as if she didn't know who they belonged to. "Six months later, they said she accidentally killed herself."
Fuck. That was a lot for a twelve-year-old girl to know. "Thank you, Lucie. That was very helpful. I think now might be a good time to take a break. Do you think so, Agent Anson?" Samantha nodded.
Natalia had a feeling it would only get more difficult from here.
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