Chapter 3
Ryan's POV
"What are you doing?" I stifled a yawn as I cracked my eyes open to see Mia struggling with the zipper of her scandalously short, low cut black dress.
"I have to run home then shower and change before I head to the shop. We have a lot of last minute things to go over before we fly out to Daytona this evening." She explained.
I sat up and helped her with her zipper, resisting the urge to caress her smooth skin when what I really wanted to do was remove the dress and drag her back into my bed. I still can't believe Mia and me... Damn what a night. Seeing her in that bar last night downing a tequila shot made me really see her as a grown woman. A very beautiful one, instead of the little girl with the blonde pigtails playing Barbie's with Erin.
Mia Davenport was very addicting. One taste of her and I was hooked, which was why I asked her to stay the night. Three fucks later, and I still hadn't had enough. I'm well aware that she's got a bit of a reputation. I've heard a few stories but I never expected Rick Hendrick's pampered little princess to be such a wildcat in bed. I had the scratch marks to prove it.
"I guess I'll see you in Daytona." I said, trying to send her a hint.
"Yep. I'll be around." She then leaned down and brushed her lips softly against mine. "Thanks for last night Ry. I had a great time."
I tried to brush off my disappointment that she made it sound like just a casual hookup, yet I don't know what more I expected. It was just supposed to be rebound sex.
"Have a good flight." I added as she tossed me a little wave before walking out the door. I could hear her soft footsteps carry down the stairs and finally the front door closed shut. I shook my head and chuckled. Why am I even questioning this? I just got out of a relationship. The last thing I needed was to jump into another one, especially with someone who is clearly not the relationship type. I got exactly what I needed which was mind blowing sex with an absolute smoke show.
As I was about to hit the shower, I had a FaceTime call come through from Chase.
"Hey man, just checking in. I wanted to see how you were doing." He said.
"I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged.
"Figured you'd be nursing a broken heart, but clearly got laid last night." He chuckled.
"Maybe I did." I huffed.
"Of course you did. She marked you up pretty good. Is that a hickey? And scratch marks? Wild woman." He laughed.
"Well, I didn't feel like sitting around feeling sorry for myself so I went out to Pier 7 for a drink and met a hot little brunette." I smirked.
"How hot?" He asked. "I'm in a committed relationship and now that you are the single guy I have to live vicariously through you."
"Smoking hot. Let's just say she was fascinated by my nipples and tattoos. She also liked ripping the buttons off my shirt. Anything else I tell you would definitely be TMI." I said with a laugh, although the memory of last night was getting me extremely aroused.
"You dog." He chuckled.
"Yeah. Listen man, thanks for checking in, but I gotta run. Got a lot of last minute stuff to do before I fly out. Call me when you get to the track and we'll grab a beer."
"Will do." He replied, then disconnected the call. Now I need a cold shower.
Mia's POV
I can't believe I am arriving at my office doing the walk of shame, but damn my body is sore in all the right places and in the absolute best way. I should have known that all night fucking would have me walking funny, but I just couldn't control myself.
As a team owner, I should know better than to hook up with drivers of rival teams, but what can I say...I'm a sucker for race car drivers. Sure, it would be in my best interests to find a man who isn't a driver. I know there are dozens of men out there who would give their left nut to have me. I'm obscenely wealthy. I come from two powerful families and have many connections. I am an intelligent, well educated business woman who is more than capable of making million dollar deals and I'm certainly not lacking in the looks department.
I can't help it that I'm just not attracted to anyone other than drivers. I have been around them all my life. It's all I know. They are sexy as fuck. Most are super fit, and the sight of a lean, fit driver climbing out of a race car and running his hands through his sweaty hair. Ugh just kill me now. They look male. Hot, sweaty and all male. Just hearing radio chatter gets me hot with all the inadvertently sexual terms: Pushing out front...tight going in...plowing...getting wrecked. Drivers also have incredible stamina. They can go all night. Winning gets them hard as steel. Losing makes them want to fuck the bad day right out of their system. Not to mention fire suits make me absolutely weak, especially knowing that just one little tug of a zipper from neck to groin will expose all the goodies.
"Happy late Valentine's Day." I heard a familiar voice in the doorway of my office. I looked up to see a teddy bear holding a heart covering his face.
"Chase, you dork." I giggled at my best friend (and former fuck buddy) Chase Elliott.
He lowered the bear and his eyes went wide with surprise."Whoa... new hair who dis?"
"Just time for a change." I shrugged it off.
"Well at least you don't look like Bowman's newest flavor of the month anymore." He said.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Is it that obvious?"
"Nah. I like it. Makes you look smarter." He teased, and that was something I absolutely loved about our relationship. It could have been really awkward between being his boss and us hooking up several times, but it wasn't. We knew we were better off as friends and besides, he had managed to woo the girl he had his eye on. It was actually a win win because I got a best friend out of it and he had a girlfriend that he was crazy about.
"So what's with the cheesy Valentine's bear? You never struck me as the hearts and flowers type." I asked.
"I just thought you might need some cheering up after Bowman's shit." He then took a seat in the chair across from my desk and stared hard. "But I guess not because you totally fucked someone." He snorted.
"What makes you say that?" I demanded.
"Oh please...your cheeks are all flushed, your lips are a little swollen and I can see a hint of beard rash under your collar. I know that 'I got fucked really good' glow on you.It's either that or you're plotting world domination." Chase chuckled.
"If I'm plotting world domination y'all should be absolutely terrified." I attempted to change the subject.
"You ain't shitting there. So who's the guy?"
"What guy?" I asked.
"The one who fucked Alex Bowman right out of your head."
"No one you know. Just a lost, lonely soul looking for some hot rebound sex." I lied.
"Where did you go last night?" He asked, and I wondered why he was so interested.
"Pier 7." I replied.
"Hmmm. What a coincidence. I talked to Ryan this morning, just checking in on him and he went to Pier 7 as well. Said he hooked up with a smoking hot little brunette."
"Yeah. What a coincidence." I shrugged it off trying to be nonchalant.
"Yeah quite the coincidence since he mentioned his hot little brunette was quite fascinated by his nipples. I immediately thought of you because I know from experience that you have somewhat of a nipple fetish, except last time I saw you, you were blonde."
"Wow. Detective Chase just solved the case. Bravo." I said clapping my hands. "And since you are so interested in my sex life, I will tell you it was the best sex I ever had."
"Ouch. You wound me." He placed his hand over his heart and gave me the puppy dog eyes with a mock hurt look on his face.
"I'm sure your ego will survive." I giggled. I wished other people could see this side of Chase. Maybe then they would stop saying he has no personality.
"Alright. I don't need any more details. I get the picture. You had a night of great sex with my best friend, so why do you still look like you're plotting world domination?" He asked, his teasing expression suddenly turning more serious.
"I have no desire to take over the world." I answered.
"But you're plotting something." Why did he read me so well?
"And what if I am?" I said, not committing to anything.
"If it's something that involves getting back at Alex, just let it go Mia." His voice was nearly a plea.
"Why should I?"
"Because you are better than that. Just take the high road and admit that you are better off without him."
"He humiliated me Chase." I argued.
"You have no reason to be humiliated. He's the one who fucked up. He made his bed, let him sleep in it...with one skanky hoe at a time. You are way too classy to be mixed up with a fuck boy."
"So I'm just supposed to just sit back and do nothing? I'm not some pushover Chase."
"I know you're not. You are a strong, independent woman, but you want everyone to think you are this bad ass, ball busting bitch. That's not entirely true. I know the real you. Couldn't you find some kind of happy medium?"
"I am a 27 year old woman in a sport dominated by men. If my age doesn't have everyone second guessing me, then my gender surely does. I have to be the ball busting bitch for anyone to take me seriously."
"Like I said...find a happy medium between the two. Vengeance will get you nowhere, especially vengeance against your own driver. You have to separate your personal and professional life. Keep in mind that bringing your personal feelings into the business is only gonna hurt this team. Think hard about it Mia. You're a smart woman. You know I'm right." He scolded.
"Ughhh. Yes. You are right. I need to be more professional with this, but I can't let Alex think he can walk all over me." I said with a sigh.
"Then act unbothered by it all. Trust me, the best thing you can do is to show him he he's not going to get under your skin. You being unbothered by it all will be the biggest blow to his ego."
What Chase was saying made a lot of sense, even though I hated to admit it.
"Alright. Fine. I'll let it go. Maybe I should make sure he sees this mark." I giggled, pulling my collar away from the little souvenir Ryan had left on my collar bone.
"You know, now that I think about it, you and Ryan are kinda perfect for each other."
I literally snorted. "What in the world makes you think that?"
"Both of you are strong willed people and you both need someone strong willed to keep you grounded. You would chew up and spit out a weaker person. Ryan would never let himself be your doormat and he would never be able to walk all over you."
"That's never gonna happen. Ryan and me...nope. Not gonna happen. We had a great night together, but that's all it was. All it will ever be." Why did speaking those words make me a little sad? It would never work. I could become way to attached to him and
"Why would you say that?" Chase asked me.
"Because I am a team owner and he drives for a rival team. You're a smart guy Chase, you can figure it out. Have to protect the teams secrets and setups at all cost."
"Ryan is not looking to steal any of our secrets and you are not looking to steal any of Penske's." He scoffed.
Oh if only it were that simple.
"That's not how the world would look at it. One or both of us might be accused of being a spy. My grandfather would never live that down, and neither would Roger Penske for that matter. Just a really, really terrible idea." I shook my head.
"Then keep it a secret. Rick never has to know. It's not like he knew about you and Alex."
"Wellll...uh...he does know about Alex and me. I told him." I admitted.
"Why the hell did you do that Mia?" He demanded.
"Because I was angry. I was hurt and I was humiliated. I wanted Alex fired and I thought if I appealed to my grandfather and shed a few crocodile tears, he would come around to my way of thinking. Don't worry Chase, he doesn't know about you and me."
Chase shook his head once again. "Let me guess...he said no and reminded you of Alex's contract. That's what you were plotting in your devious little mind...a way to get rid of Alex."
"Why not? He's not bringing anything to this team." I snapped.
"He's bringing a full time sponsor and a very big fan base. Alex is a good teammate too." Chase snapped back.
"Yeah, but he's a shit human." I glared at Chase. How dare he defend Alex Bowman to me.
"There you go again bringing your personal feelings into the business. You are so much smarter than that Mia." His tone was a little softer this time. I hated that he was always right.
"Alright. It was stupid. I admit it. I'm gonna do like you said and take the high road. Act 'unbothered.' He's not worth it." I sighed.
"Atta girl." He grinned, then picked up the stuffed bear and handed it to me. "Now smile. You are much prettier when you smile and it will drive Alex crazy."
"Thanks Chase." I flashed him my cheesiest smile, which made him laugh.
That laugh was quickly stifled however when my grandfather's voice came over my intercom. "Mia, can you come to my office please." He sounded serious.
I looked at Chase, who raised an eyebrow at me. "You've been summoned to the principal's office. Good luck."
Why did my stomach just drop?
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