Chapter 1
I stared at my black coffin shaped nails as I had my hand on my grandfather's office door ready to enter. I felt a smirk curving my lips upwards. These nails suited my mood. They looked wicked and vengeful. Someone was getting fired. A certain driver was going to have his life implode on him and I had to fight the urge not to cackle. He was going to pay for humiliating me. I always get what I want. Sucks that it was only days away from the Daytona 500, but that's life. He's replaceable. There's a ton of hungry young drivers who would sell their souls to drive his car. To be a part of this race team. To be a part of this legacy.
I straightened my Chanel skirt and tossed my newly dyed and slightly shorter wavy dark brown hair over my shoulder, held my head up high and walked confidently into my grandfather's office, where he was hunched over his desk reading something on his computer. I cleared my throat and spoke "hi grandpa."
He looked up and his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. "Mia? look so much look so different." He stammered.
"New year. New look. Do you like it?" I asked, spinning around on my Christian Louboutin heels. I was dressed the part of a wealthy CEO.
"Of course I do. My granddaughter is always the most beautiful girl ever. It's just going to take some getting used to. What can I do for you sweetheart?" He smiled adoringly at me.
"I'd like to talk to you if you're not too busy." I replied.
"Never too busy for you princess. Have a seat. You look like you have something on your mind."
I took a seat across from his imposing desk, crossed my legs, placed my hands on my lap like the perfect lady I was raised to be and looked him straight in the eye. "I want Alex Bowman let go from this team and replaced immediately." I was not beating around the bush.
My grandfather, the Rick Hendrick, was way more than just my grandfather. He and my grandmother had raised me since the age of seven when my parents, his daughter and son in law were sadly killed in a plane crash. Grandpa looked at me in complete and utter shock. It took him a few moments to compose himself.
"I know Alex had a rough season last year, but Mia, you know I..."
"He had a rough season because he got injured running a non NASCAR event. And even when he came back, supposedly recovered, he still wasn't performing up to this team's standards." I argued, cutting my grandfather off.
"I am well aware of that Mia. We dealt with the same thing with Chase. Do you want me to release him as well?" My grandfather looked at me mockingly.
"I'm not worried about Chase. He will be fine. Chase's injury was different. His was snowboarding. Alex was injured racing in an entirely different race car, one of which he should not have been allowed in in the first place."
"What is this really about Mia? You know we don't restrict our drivers from having a life outside of this sport." Grandfather said sternly.
"Then maybe we should." I snapped. "William runs a few late models races that we may need to rethink as well. I'm not worried about Chase. I know he will bounce back. I can understand Kyle being allowed to run other types of cars, that's his background. His contract specifically states he be allowed to do so, as does Chase's, but Alex's contract does not. For that matter, neither does William's. There are no stipulations. His injury cost us a lot of money and it was a PR nightmare with his sponsors."
Was I wrong for throwing William under the bus too? Not really. William Byron irritated me. He was constantly going over my head and challenging my authority. I'd deal with him later. This was about Alex.
"What is really going on Mia? Why are you singling out Alex? What aren't you telling me?" I now had his full attention. Time to cue the tears.
"Oh grandpa, I'm so stupid. I made a huge mistake." I sobbed. "You warned me to not get involved with any of the drivers on this team, but Alex...there was just something about him. He made me feel like we could actually have a future together, but he was just using me all along. I'm so ashamed grandpa. I was ready to come clean to you and deal with the consequences, but Alex was seeing someone all along. I just found out this morning. I'm so humiliated. I don't know how I'm going to face him knowing he used me for whatever reason. Please don't say I told you so grandpa, because I know it was wrong. I should not have disobeyed you." I cried, hanging my head in shame, then took the handkerchief he offered me and daintily dabbed at my eyes.
"Mia...ugh. I'm not going to say I told you so. I think you've learned your lesson, but sweetheart, I cannot release Alex for that." He spoke gently. "Alex is under contract for the next two years."
"Then you can pay him off. Please grandpa. You can easily afford it, and he can be replaced with the snap of your fingers."
"You don't understand Mia, we lose Alex, we lose the sponsor. Ally is tied to him and we really can't afford to lose anymore sponsors. We've had a hard enough time with sponsors as it is, and to lose a full time sponsor like Ally would kill the 48 team. Think about all of the people this would affect. I'm sorry Mia, I really am, but Alex stays. This is exactly why I didn't want you to get involved with my drivers. Business and pleasure do not mix and as my CEO, you should have known better. You are just going to have to be an adult and get over it." He scolded me.
I could not believe it. My grandfather was not going to side with me. For the first time in my life, he had told me no. He told me to grow up and deal with it.
So how would an adult deal with it?
Don't get mad, get even. Oh Bowman you fucked with the wrong girl. I am going to make your life so miserable you are going to remove yourself from my team. And if you leave by your own choosing, we don't have to pay you. As far as the sponsor goes...we'll deal with that later.
As far as how else an adult deals with it...alcohol and sex. Lots of alcohol and sex. A swanky bar filled with men worthy of my social standing. Maybe Cupid himself will take pity on me and drop a hot male body on the barstool next to me.
Dressed plunging neckline to toe in Prada, I tapped the toe of my favorite fuck me heels impatiently as I set my handbag on the bar top and waited to get the bartenders attention.
"Patron." I ordered, when he finally looked my way, his eyes filled with interest. Cute, but he had something of a needy look about him. I don't do needy. Smoothing down the super short black skirt of my dress, I slid onto the barstool and waited, drumming my black nails on the top of the bar.
I looked around and rolled my eyes. This place was dead. I know it's Valentine's Day, but where the hell were the single guys? Cute but needy looking bartender set my shot down with a smile. I wasn't going to count him out just yet.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone fill the seat next to me. I wasn't going to check them out just yet. Give them a minute. It may not even be a man at all.
"Whiskey neat." The smooth, raspy voice said.
I know that voice.
As inconspicuously as I could, I snuck a glance at him. Seeing the slight five o'clock shadow covering his jawline, the perfect straight nose, the long eyelashes, I didn't know whether to lick my lips or roll my eyes. Real funny Cupid. As if the man felt the weight of my stare, he turned to me and I saw the flash of recognition in his ocean eyes.
"Mia? Wow. I almost didn't recognize you. You look good as a brunette. I think it suits you."He smiled.
Ryan Blaney of all people was sitting next to me. He and I have known each other for years. His younger sister Erin and had been best friends since childhood and I secretly fantasized about him. I often wondered what he would be like in bed. I've heard stories, but I would love to find out for myself if they were true. Unfortunately, Ryan Blaney was one man who was immune to my charms. Oh I tried, several times, as a matter of fact, but he always resisted me. I think it had a lot to do with being his little sister's best friend. I stopped trying with Ryan when he got a girlfriend. I'm a lot of things, but I do not go after attached men. I don't need that kind of drama in my life.
"What brings you out to a bar all alone on Valentine's Day Ryan?" I asked.
"Probably the same thing that brought you here." He chuckled humorlessly. I must have worn a look of confusion on my face because he now looked at me very awkwardly. " can't seriously not know about him and Lindsey, Mia."
Him and...Lindsey. Shit no wonder the monster girl bitch looked so familiar. It wasn't just that I had seen her around the track. I had seen her around with Ryan. Lindsey cheated on Ryan with Alex. Okay, Alex is hot, but he's no Ryan Fucking Blaney. Then another thought crossed my mind. Did he know about Alex and me?
"Mia, please tell me you saw Bowman's instagram post." He said, his cheeks reddening slightly.
"How do you know about Alex and me?" I asked, beginning to sweat just a bit, and then it hit me. "Let me guess...Alex told Chase, and Chase just can't keep his fucking mouth shut." I fumed.
Chase Elliott, who was one of Hendricks drivers was also Ryan's best friend. Chase and I had a very good relationship. We had hooked up a few times, we knew it wasn't going anywhere. We were just two single, lonely souls looking to blow off steam. At least Chase had the decency to tell me we couldn't hook up anymore because there was a girl he was interested in and he wanted to pursue her. Not a big deal for me because I wasn't into him that way. It was purely sexual for me. I was a little bummed about losing a good fuck buddy, but at least I got a great friend out of it. No big deal. I would just move on to someone else.
"Well, yeah, but only after Bowman bragged about it. I'm sure Mr. H probably heard about it too." Ryan mumbled, his cheeks reddening even more.
"Well, my grandfather knows about it now, because I told him." I snapped. I was even more humiliated now than I was earlier. Alex was supposed to keep our relationship on the down low, but he had a big mouth. But now I had a little information that might be useful. "So Alex's new skank is your girlfriend...or ex girlfriend I should say."
"She's not a skank." Ryan glared at me.
"Not a skank? Ryan, did you even know about her and Alex?" I asked.
I watched his shoulders slump as he took a sip of his drink. "No, I didn't. Not until last night when she broke it off. Two fucking years together." He said angrily, tossing back the rest of his drink.
This was my chance to swoop in. To get what I've been wanting for the last couple of years. Ryan was single and vulnerable.
"Skank or not, that's a pretty shitty thing to do to you. She fucking cheated on you and now she's flaunting it on Instagram. Wake the fuck up Ryan. Don't defend her. I sure as hell am not going to defend Alex. He's a piece of shit."
"I'm sorry Mia. I know you must be feeling pretty fucked over too. I'm actually glad I ran into you tonight." He smiled his first genuine smile of the night. "Now what are we supposed to do?"
"Well, they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else." I flashed him my best, most sultry grin.
"Hey bartender." He pulled out his credit card and held it out. He then looked at me. "Let's get out of here.
Oh thank you Cupid.
A/N: Please don't hate me for making Alex an asshole. It just worked best for the story. I really like the guy. lol. Also, I know Mia seems pretty insufferable now, but just give her a chance.
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