Not long after the event - maybe an hour or so after he'd left a sputtering Miles in denial of his implied sexuality -, a coveted golden toilet was gurgling beneath Phoenix's gloved fingertips. The rich aroma of the various lavender air-fresheners he'd replenished were a refreshing blessing to his presence, and the extensive decor - consisting of a variety of tasteful oil paintings of either elderly or youthful individuals (none of which were recognised by Phoenix) - seemed indebted to him for his dedication. Everything in the room was expensively yellow, he thought, as he mercilessly scrubbed at the smooth ceramic until it gleamed brightly enough for him to be forced to squint. Countless germs were exiled with each masterful stroke of the toilet-brush, and that had just been the warmup. His attention was quickly directed towards the quivering sink, whom he had ruthlessly savaged with a cloth only a day before. Whilst Miles may have been the supreme ruler of Japanifornia, Phoenix was most certainly the reigning royalty of the bathroom. Efficiently, he rose to his feet and strode towards his ceramic victim, the plastic of his apron ostracising its uncleanliness with every friction-induced sound.
"There you are."
Instantly, as if his domain were under attack, the spiky-haired man flinched and spun upon his heel to lock eyes with his boyfriend, exhaling as soon as the other's identity registered, one hand still gripping the toilet-brush, the other firmly clutching a neon yellow cloth whilst his foot was precariously steadying a trolley of antibacterial paraphernalia.
"I'm almost always here," He nervously laughed.
"They have you cleaning toilets? They'll pay for their sins." Kristoph confidently strode towards his significant other, awkwardly backing him into the ledge which the sink was built into, in order to place a firm kiss upon his forehead. Phoenix shut his eyes.
"How did you escape your cell?"
"I didn't have to." The blonde leant against the ledge next to the other;
"They let us out and gave us all our own rooms, like you. They said we're all to work here." Phoenix widened his eyes in incredulity.
"Really? What job did they give you?"
"My old one: I'm a prosecutor again."
"I'm surprised, but I'm not complaining," Phoenix gradually placed his various pieces of cleaning equipment down as the conversation progressed.
"At least you have a real job now."
"Hey!" Kristoph knowingly smirked.
"Anyway, apart from cleaning toilets..." A finger infiltrated the personal space of a strand of jet black hair, intertwining with it briefly without restraint even though Phoenix visibly winced.
"How has your integration with them been?"
"Have you seen Leader Edgeworth again?"
"Yeah," Phoenix's pupils drifted towards the elaborate ceiling, his lips quirked:
"We're friends now." At that Kristoph rose a blonde eyebrow, abstaining for a while as they both became infused with lavender, the gurgling toilet quietening down until it was barely uttering even a whisper. Phoenix's boyfriend only added a brief word to the atmosphere:
"Interesting." Phoenix drowsily nodded.
"Do you think I could see him?"
"Sorry; Leader Edgeworth?" Kristoph frowned at the other, finally noting the dark bags weighing down his eyes and the frailness of his thinned physique, but ignored the occurrence.
"Yes. Leader Edgeworth."
"I don't see why not," The shorter man's hand grasped his chin thoughtfully as he locked eyes with Kristoph:
"Phoenix, I've been thinking," The blonde stepped forwards, away from the counter, with a hint of egotistical flamboyance, to be gaped at by a starry-eyed Phoenix Wright who was hooked on every dramatised word.
"We should escape this place." Kristoph mindlessly stroked the glamorous (almost bordering on garishly gold) wallpaper with a flourish, his fingernails scratching against each patterned ridge they collided with. If it had been the toilet or sink being defaced Phoenix would have taken issue, but wallpaper was not of his concern.
"We could return to our normal lives again. Your friend, Butz, probably misses you,"
"I guess."
"If you follow my lead, I'll get us out of here."
This time it was the sink that let out a complimentary groan as a testament to its jealousy: liberty was denied to inanimate objects. Phoenix didn't say anything. Escape? The mere thought stirred a million different questions from their respective slumbers.
"Last time I checked, it's not a breeze to walk out of here,"
"But I've worked here for years. I know the ins and outs, Phoenix."
"You were stuck in that cell-"
"Their cells are airtight." Kristoph snapped, stepping forwards impulsively in order to back the shorter man against the ledge of the sink again, with his leg wedged between the other's pair as he nestled into the crook of Phoenix's neck, his breath hot as he murmured:
"Trust me."
Phoenix wilted.
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