S1E6: rage, you damned nerd 2
The curriculum of U.A High's hero course, there are normal classes that required by the school like English, mainly in the mornings. For Class 1-A, our English teacher is currently Present Mic, and he is currently asking us a question based on sentence structure and spelling. Although, lucky enough Iliana grow up in America one year because of her father's hero work. Therefore, while living in the United States Iliana was able to pick up certain words that heard from other in repeat, so much that she was able to make a simple conversation with someone. Further on, Iliana decided to study English more because she knew it will benefit her in future like becoming a hero or in school.
In conclusion, Iliana knew the answer was the fourth sentence but decided to not participate with the question and let someone else have the opportunity to answer. The reason why number four is the answer is because the relative pronoun is in the wrong place.
Lunch is in the main cafeteria, all the students from different courses join together in order to eat here. This is the area where we are bale to buy pretty tasty gourmet food for a reasonable price, meaning cheap. The main cooker in this cafeteria is the cook hero, Lunch Rush, he provides us with all different types of food we want and whenever we want it.
And then in the afternoon, we have the most favorite and loving course in the whole world. The course that is giving us the potential to grow further, into the careers that we want to go into.
Hero Basic Training.
Currently, all the students that are located in the classroom are waiting upon are teachers' arrival. Some were worried that it might be Mr. Aizawa, meanwhile other were excited to see which hero will teach them next. But soon the sound of the door snapping wide open caught everyone's attention and a recognizable voice called out,
"I am..." he began to say, preparing himself for his grand entrance into the classroom. Standing tall and sharp in his unform, as he continues to introduce himself to the class although no names were in order, especially considering his the most popular hero across the world. "Here!" Pushing himself through the door hole, holding on the sides of it as he learns his body forwards. The red and blue cape was flying around as he poses a super flying position, huge smile place across his face. "Coming through the door like a hero."
The class immediately got exited, recognizing the voice from the beginning but seeing him in the fresh was breathtaking. Almost, some of the students' souls left their bodies just by being this close to the man. Although, there was nothing normal about anything anymore, else with the positioning his holding with that door frame. Students began to yell in cheer or exchanged exited chatter among their peers. Whereas, others stood still like a statue, it was like they were stuck in a trance, twinkles located in their eyes.
When her blue eyes looks toward her father direction there was only one emotion that is flooding through her body, Embarrassment. As a reaction, a small groan escaped her lips although no-one was able to hear it over their excitement. Feeling her body slide down from the seat, placing her hands over her face in order to hide herself. Hoping that no-one will recognize her, but she knew that was already too late. Everyone knew about her and who her father is.
'You have got to be kidding me...' She thought to herself in annoyance, thinking that she would get away from her father at school. Live a life like a normal teenage girl, not having to be compared to him. Therefore, she was hoping not to have him as their teacher because she didn't want people to compare her with him. Plus, on the bad side, their quirks.
It was already bad enough of that Izuku and Iliana have the same quirks, but with her father in the mix. It just looks, suspicious. Worried, that someone within the classroom might figure out that Iliana, her father and Izuku have the same quirk. A quirk that could be passed down to people, by taking a piece of their DNA.
But the embarrassment is only temporary, tomorrow there will be a new day, this means a fresh start. She knew that they might be some upsetting and weird things that her father does within the classroom. However, her classmate would have chilled by then and just think of his weird behavior as normal.
The crimson eyes boy heard someone creating a groaning sound, wondering on who could possibly groan at this hero in front of him. When he looked around, he spotted the white-headed girl sunk down in her seat and hands covering her face. It was clear to him that she was embarrassed by her father's behavior, causing him to release a small chuckle at her reaction.
Looking up at that sounds, her piecing blue eyes looked into the ash blonde ones. Heat spreads across her features, knowing that she caught by the one male that she cares about the most. Redness covered her cheeks performing a small blush to be displayed, their contract soon disconnected as her father began to explain the lesson to the class.
All Might marched his way towards the centre of the classroom, therefore locating him behind the podium. The huge smile never left his face as he continues to communicate and show off the the class. Iliana rolled her eyes, knowing fully well the reason why her father complain about his mouth aching is because smiles too much. Although, she knows that her father smiles while working in order to make people feel safe and that they can rely on him.
"Welcome to the most important class at U.A. High" he started to introduce the context of todays lesson, strongly. Both of his hands resting against his hips as he face towards the class, giving off a sense of power and heroism. "Think of it as heroine one-on-one, here you will learn the basics of being a pro and when it mean to fight in the name of glory." All the students looked up to him in excitement as well as curiosity on what today lesson is based on, making them all pay attention to the words All Might is saying. "Let's get into it!" He announced again, creating another defying superhero pose.
'His such a poser' Iliana thought to herself, thinking back at all the time he had posed in previous missions. As well as this being his third pose of the day and it last class, let alone the rest of today.
"Today's lesson," he shouted pulling out a small card that display the word 'BATTLE' across it in red. "We're pull no punches!"
The ash blonde hair boy was full of excitement, ready to actually be able to fight someone, hand-to-hand. It was the lesson and activity he was most ready for, knowing that this is his time to shine and show off his quirk. To prove to everyone that he is the very best, "fight training!"
Meanwhile, behind him was the small, freckled boy that is shaking in his boots. Scared and worried about the training that is coming his way, knowing fully well he hasn't full gotten control over his powers. Sweat trickled down his face as the nerves of today events was clear on his face, he was frightened to death. "Real combat" Midoriya pointed out, like Bakugo although his tone of voice was filled with doubt unlike his childhood friend.
"But, one of the keys of being hero is..." point a small remote in his hands towards the wall, on the right side of him. "Looking good!" He expressed towards the class, stating that the hero costume is located there. "These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school" he explained clearly.
The whole class cheered in excitement and happiness, to final see the creations they ask for come to alive. A snails displayed across Iliana lips as she could feel the excitement spreading across the room. Looking at the directions of where the costumes are located, she could see the crimson eye boy with a smile on his lips. Instantly, Iliana's smile grows wider as the adrenaline of the class build up inside her.
"Get yourself suited up and then meet me at Battling Ground Beta" was my father last instruction as he made his way towards the training fields.
Currently, all the girls are located inside the changing rooms, preparing themselves as they get to see their hero costumes for the first time. In the changing rooms, there were lockers located around the place as well as benches in the middle of the room. This allowed the students to place their clothes and bags on the bench while they get change, then place them in any lockers they like. The area is mainly clean and tidy which was understandable, there is a cleaner that goes inside the changing rooms while the students are in lesson to clean the place.
While getting change, one of the girls that had ink skin and yellow eyes looked at her surroundings, then the unexpected escaped her mouth. "Hey!" she began to shout, gaining everyone's attention, pausing their actions to look at her. "You" pointing towards Uraraka, "and you" then directing her next point to a get with a black ponytail. "You're so lucky, look how curvy your bodies are!" she then shouted causing the two teenagers to blush and some release a small giggle.
"Why, thank you" the girl with the black spiky ponytail, with a large stand that hands on the side of her face.
Meanwhile Uraraka was shaking in her spot, her face has gotten bright red therefore making it easily able to tell her is embarrassed. Twisting her body around to face the locker that held most of her belongings, she was like a stiff China doll. So, innocent inside and out, no-one really ever complimented her when she was young about her body. Although, there was always a little hint of happiness within her, because someone complicated her. It should that she has been working hard and her body is evidence of the effect she has made, in order to get into this course.
The pink girl, with piercing yellow eyes looked at the girl that is located beside Uraraka. A loud gasp escaped her lips, as she admires her body "No wonder the boys are all after you" she spoke freely, directing it towards no-one in particular. This caused the girls to stop their motions at look at the alien looking girl, only to see her directing staring at Iliana Yogi. "Your body is amazing, just look her fit and pretty you look" she compliment. Then a burst of excitement released from her body, arms straight up above her head in joy while saying, "I'm so excited!"
Iliana body had fitness and beauty wrapped in one, it was like a masterpiece for an artist. Her muscles are tone, especially within the stomach area but her legs are thin. Therefore, confusing those that look at her, some would believe that she is weak in the legs that not the case, at all. Meanwhile her curves are curvy, boobs are a decent size for a teenage girl (32 B) meanwhile her ass was round too, medium hips and small waist. Jaw line is on point, meanwhile her arms are thin but hold power and strength within them.
The blue eye girl looked down at the floor in embarrassment before looking up at the pink headed one. "Thank you, your body is amazing too. Strong and unique" she complimented back as well as thanked her for the comment that was given to her. Iliana is thankful for all those days she trained as well as for the dance classes she token she was little.
The things about body, or any body, is that it belongs to the brain within. Whatever you do to the body, you do to the brain. Feelings will come from the senses. Yet here's the thing. Whatever you do to the brain, you do to the body. If the brain does not sense that the body is loved, it starts to shut down the body, lowering the immune system. So be careful in your deeds to this body, be kind in yours words, be generous with your loving eyes... for it does far more than most realize.
A strong body is a gift to yourselves. As you feel it more it feeds your sense of confidence and self-love, it raises your self-esteem. As a strong person, you are more able to help others and become a great role model. A strong body con belong to a body builder or a ballet dancer. One can be large or small and be strong. You can lift weights or dance. The strong body you choose to build is your choice. The important part is that you are healthy, and you love your body and your soul; a strong core should be strong in both ways. A strong body comes of a strong brain, and the strengthening of either feeds into the other. For they both come of self-control and a steady, stoic self-determination.
Altogether, the students got together in order to exit into the training field, footsteps stamping together. The outline of all are in different shapes and sizes, showing all time of feature and designs that our costumes might have. Although, no-one knows each other costumes because of the darkness of the tunnel, apart from those that got changed together. For the example all the girls know what costumes the girls are wearing but the girls don't know what the boys are wearing. Therefore, making Iliana intrigued to know what type of costume Bakugo and Deku went with.
"They say the clothes, makes the pro young ladies and gentlemen. And behold you are the proof" he told the classes as he waited in the middle of one of the roads, striking the same pose he did in the classroom. "Take this to heart, from now on you are all, hero in training!" Making the sunlight shine down onto the student's costumes, revealing them to everyone around them. "This is getting me all wrapped up, you all look so cool! Now, shall we get start, you bunch of newbies?" He questioned them, after giving all the students a compliment.
The clothing allowance, before we enrolled into U.A. High, we submitted our Quirk registration forms. This includes a different range of information about you and your quirk, like your physical measurements and any desired costume designs. This form is sent off to the exclusive company that supports and designated to the school. With all the information that is given to them, they create state of the arts and wonderful costumes for us. In order to collect your registration form, the student is required to go to the city hall.
In the beginning, Iliana was struggling with the design of her costume therefore her fatter decided to help her. She explained to him that she wanted it to be more her style and less All Might's. They discussed clothing ideas, colours and what type of designs interest the teenager the most. In the end, she can up with a creation with her father's help.
Iliana costume, is a bodysuit like structure/design that's has sleeveless top that's matches pattern with her long bottoms. The whole costume looks a body suit, this is because of the belt that's wrapped around her waist but is actually two separate clothing. The reason why she wanted a belt on her costume was in case she needed anything for mission or need to collect something from somewhere for a mission. This allowed her to have a place to keep it stored in order for her to not lose it during a fight.
The top half of her costume is a sleeveless, therefore leaving her shoulders expose. She didn't really have any trouble with the weather being hot or cold because of her quirks, which was a huge benefit to this costume. The main colour scheme for her costume is white and grey, her favourite colours.
In conclusion, Iliana white hair is tied back into a low ponytail, this allows her to see clearly while fighting as well as stops it from getting caught in anything. As for her shoes, she decided to wear combat boots because that what she felt the most comfortable with in training and frighting. Therefore, the final design of her hero costume is her white combat, which are hard to protect her feet.
(image above of her costume)
Overall, the clothing material of her costume is heat proof because of her fire quirk, the design is simple and easy to move around in, good materials used for each part of her costume therefore she is overly satisfied.
Pro Heroes and Hero Course students often ask for a specific battle wear to fight and strengthen their Quirks. Hero costumes are often equipped with gear to help Pro Heroes do their jobs more effectively, reducing risk to themselves while increasing their efficiency.
Costumes are generally tailored specifically to the hero in order to amplify their abilities and weaken their drawbacks. They also help the public recognise them and distinguish themselves from other heroes. Their designs can vary on a spacesuit, sets if armour and various other outfits depending on their Quirk functions and style preferences of the wearer.
As the class finally gather together into a huddle position, everyone was standing proudly at the design of their costumes. My father smiled happily at the result of this, which caused him to comment on how cool we look. "This is getting me ramped up, you all look so cool! Now shall we get started, you bunch of newbies!"
The clothing allowance - before we enrolled into U.A. High, we submitted our quirk registration. This included our physical measurements, and any desired designs to an exclusive clothing company designated by the school. With all that information that is given to them, they created state of the art costumes for us. In order to do this, you need to go to the city hall in order to get your Quirk registration form for the clothing allowance. Your allowed to update this without a problem, your allowed to change it once or twice when you understand your Quirk a bit more.
The blue eyes girl looked around her setting in order to see her classmate's costumes properly. Some people decided to go for the more exposed version like Yaoyorozu and Kirishima. Meanwhile, others decided to go for a full-bodysuit style like Izuku and Uraraka.
When everyone stopped chatting amoung themselves and complimenting each other costumes. Their focus was back to Pro Hero standing in front of them, waiting to receive instructions and information on todays lesson. All Might had his hands still stuck to his hips as he stood proudly, the beaming smile across his face. Voice booming across the area, "Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!"
"Sir" a male voice spoke near the front with his hand behind held up, underneath the mask was none other than Iida. "This is the fake city from our entrance exam, does that mean we will be conducting urban battles again?"
"Not quite," placing a peace sign in front of his face in order to display the number two. "I'm going to move you two steps ahead," All Might responded to Iida question, before expanding his reasoning further. "Most the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However. statistically speaking run ins with the most dangerous evil doers happens indoors. Think about it, backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs." All Might, spent passion through this body as his hand tighten up into fist beside him. "Truly intelligent villains stay hidden in the shadows! With this training exercise, you will be split into teams of good guys and bad guys and fight two-on-two indoors battles."
Unfortunately, there wasn't an even number in the classroom in order to have two-on-two battles throughout the whole session. Therefore, All Might sent a quick look towards his daughter, when she caught his eyes she knew what he was asking her. Letting out a small huff, nodding her head slightly in order to show her father that she is okay with his decision. Iliana is having to join another team in order to create a three-on-two battle, which she didn't mind.
"Isn't this a little advanced?" Asui asked, placing a finger on her chin while tilting her head.
Looking up from the ground, his focus was above the students and being his hand up further. All Might announced why he decided to move them up two steps, "the best training is what you get on the battlefield. But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time, your dealing with actual people now."
As students began to frantically ask All Might question about the battle training. A panicked state starts to cover his face as he wasn't expecting this much in his first day. Iliana reaches out to grab a hold of her father fist to calm him down, Thai help him a lot. Showing a respectful smile at his daughter for her help, he decided to explain the task even further then before.
Al Might reached into his pocket in order to pull a small scripted out, this caused Iliana to face palm herself in embarrassment. "Listen up, the situation is this... the villains have hidden a nuclear missal somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must try to spoil their plans, to do that, the good guys either have to catch the evil doers or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys seceded if they protect their pay load or catcher the heroes." Classic and simple battle was create through his head, like something is a action movie or game. Then, the small book disappeared from his hands as he pulls up a small yellow box in his hands with the word 'Lots' across it. "Time is limited, we're chose teams by drawing lots."
"Is there a better way?" Iida questioned, in his transformer suit, but instead to getting his response from All Might, Midoriya handled this one. Explains how some Pro Heroes have to join up often with others from different agencies.
So, everyone reaches into the yellow box's to get a ball apart Iliana who stood beside her father watching the other students. Some people noticed that Iliana was pickling a ball as well as their being a odd number, but decided not to speak up about it. Once all the teams have been created, All Might decided to put his daughter into Asui and Tokoyami team.
Listing of teams :
Team A (Midoriya and Uraraka)
Team B (Shoji and Todoroki)
Team C (Mineta and Yaoyorozu)
Team D (Iida and Bakugo)
Team E (Ashido and Aoyama)
Team F (Koda and Sato)
Team G (Kaminari and Jiro)
Team H (Asui, Tokoyami and Iliana)
Team I (Ojiro and Hagakure)
Team J (Sero and Kirishima)
Bakugo was standing near Iliana, with all her confidence she turned to him in order to wish him luck. "Well, good luck on your battle" Iliana cheerfully commented, as she saw Bakugo glare at her for a while before releasing a small nod in gratitude. She turned around to face her team before any words could escape his mouth.
All Might beaming voice caught everyone attention as his hands shuffle in two box's, one being black with the word 'Villain' across it meanwhile, the other was white and had 'Hero' across it. "I declare the first team to fight will be..." pulling his hands up and displaying the two letters nightly. "These guys!" Showing the balls to everyone, the 'D' being Bakugo team as the villains and the 'A' being Midoriya team as the Heroes.
'Oh...no...' was the first thought that ran through Iliana mind as she saw the two letters, Izuku has talked about his relationship with Bakugo. This instantly made the girl worry for the young male, especially since he can't handle his quirk still.
Midoriya had a look of fear written across his features, as he looks over his shoulder slightly to see Bakugo behind him. Sweat was dripping from inside his mask, as his breath grew heavier causing the clear bit to get steamed up. Meanwhile, Bakugo was glaring daggers at the poor boy to show that he means war, Iliana noticed this and decides to step in.
Placing a hand on the green suited guy, giving him a light smile of hope. "Don't stress about it! You have this Izuku, I know you do" she smiles more brightly at him before letting go of his shoulder.
Turning her head, she look at the blonde headed boy and walk towards him, grabbing his arm in the process. Pulling him away from Midoriya, causing him to break the glare and look at the small girl dragging his arm. When they stood still, Bakugo was ready to shout at her out of annoyance and anger but Iliana beat him to it.
"Bakugo, all I ask is for you to be careful" at first this might come off as strange, since he was more lucky to attack and hurt Izuku. But, now with Midoriya quirk, one punch and Bakugo could get hurt for life. She didn't want that for him. "I know you and Izuku have some problem, but please don't let your emotions take control of your body." Iliana lightly trapped his shoulder in hopes that her words have gotten across to him before following the others to the motoring room.
Iliana watched on the huge green screen with everyone else huddling around her, her father was stood in the centre as he analysis's both teams. On the big screen there are five mini ones, that show different areas of the building. One of the villain team and where the bomb in located, another was focused on the heroes team near the entrance, the third, fourth and, fifth screen are of the hallways instead the building. On one of the screens, Iliana watched in anticipation as Izuku and Uraraka sneaked their way around the building, peeking their head at each corner they take.
"Pay attention kids, think about what you would do?" All Might questioned his students, as he keeps his focus on the screen. Iliana was able to tell that he was thinking about Izuku due to the slight nod of his head. Iliana eyes went back to the screen, to see how the playing fields would turn out, especially between Bakugo and Izuku.
The hero team weee sneaking around the corners, tip-toeing their way through the building. All of a sudden, Bakugo jumps out from one of the corners, aiming his hands towards the green headed boy. The ash blonde male, shoots a loud explosion at the hero team, but luckily was able to dodge the attack.
'Oh...no...' was Iliana first thought as she watch the attack. She was hoping that her words from earlier would help him calm down, but apparently they did not. His emotions and anger towards Izuku are going to get in the way of his tire judgement. This could end badly...
As soon as the smoke cleared up, you were able to see Izuku and Uraraka save but half of the green headed boy mask has been blown off. Swiping his arm, Bakugo cleared up the rest of the smoke in the hallway in order to see his opponent.
"He almost got the jump on him" a small male with purple balls on his head spoke.
"Sneak attack, Bakugo" a male with spiky red hair spoke, as his fist hits against his palm. "What kind of man pulls deep crap like that?" He questions, annoyed with the blondes chosen attack.
"It's a reliable strategy" All Might comment, as some of the students agreed with his words. But, they don't know how angry Bakugo can get it wasn't a strategy, it was out of pure anger. "His playing the part, acting like a true villain would" All Might next said, which got Iliana feel a little bad for Bakugo.
"Your wrong..." Iliana said quietly to herself but her father heard her, as he looks at his daughter beside him before looking at the screen again. Iliana didn't want Bakugo to become the villain in the class, although his temper and ego doesn't help the situation.
"It didn't work, Midoriya dodged it!" A pink toned girl with yellow eyes, look at the screen in excitement. Her fists are pumping beside her body, looking back and forwards at the male beside her and the screen.
"Look! There he goes..." a male with yellow like hair said next, on his hair was black zigzags symbolising a lighting bolt.
Bakugo charges towards Izuku again, although this time it was different because Izuku was able to catch his arm in a hold. Iliana looked at the screen in intense, not knowing what going to happen. Twisting his body around, Izuku threw the crimson eye boy over his shoulder, making Bakugo land hardly on the floor.
Bakugo pushes himself into a seating position, looking over his shoulder the crimson eyes glared deeply at his childhood friend. Pushing himself off the floor, he got ready to fight again as he goes into a fighting stance. The two seemed to be in a deep conversation about something.
Iliana looked at the confidence and bravery in Izuku face, she was proud of him for standing up for himself. But, she was worried for the blonde male because as soon as her blue eyes landed on him, she knew something was up. He was pissed off by the green headed male in front of him, but his anger was something different.
Author Notes -
• How are you liking the book so far?
• Any ideas you want to add?
• Lastly, how the point of view of this book, would you like it to be in third person like now or from Iliana point of view?
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