The War's Conclusion
The citizens of Tai congregate loudly around the cavalry unit, most specifically Dad and me. Everyone wants to see the king. They line up and form a pathway just wide enough for the knights to trot in rows of eight people on horseback per row.
Dad rides alone in the front of the parade. The citizens wave and clap and cheer. Some swoon. Everyone is super excited and happy that reinforcements have shown up, even if they're a bit late to the party.
General Isamu and Lord Kirigawa meet with Dad in the war council room. The lord of Tai is still a bit distracted, especially since Jun hasn't woken up yet.
They discuss what happened up until my arrival, then I take over filling him in.
Dad looks so proud as I tell all about him my leadership roll in building the wall and repelling the sieges from both sides, as well as resource management and providing for the citizens. General Isamu and Lord Kirigawa only chime in to fill in parts that I've forgotten or missed.
All seven Sereg knights that came with me died fighting. This disheartens Dad, as he often spars with the Sereg knights and is close to them. The last female apparently died during the final siege. She was helping Jun get ladders away from the gate.
Like Jun, she fell off the wall with one of the ladders. Unlike Jun, she was not fortunate enough to survive, and her body has been recovered.
Dad is very interested in Jun's many inventions, such as the flash arrow, and expresses sympathy when he's informed of Jun's current condition.
The conversation turns to the future, and what should be done about Menad and Cojaca. This invasion complicates the matter beyond mere border skirmishes. Especially with Menad, which was previously thought to be uninvolved.
"I'd like Hikari to stay here." Dad says, surprising everyone else in the room. My heart sinks.
"I assumed she'd be leaving with you." Lord Kirigawa voices my thoughts.
"As much as I'd love to bring her home with me, I still have reason to believe that Aru Laurier wants Hikari as his hostage. I have concerns that his intentions aren't strictly related to a desire for land or power. For this reason, Yui has also been sent to an undisclosed protected location." Dad explains.
General Isamu curls his lip in disgust at the mention of Aru Laurier's potentially unsavory desires.
It's been a while since I've seen my book-obsessed little sister or my charismatic big brother. I miss them and Mom too. I wanted to go home, but I don't want to abandon Jun or the citizens here.
"Despite all that's happened," Dad continues, "it sounds like Hikari's identity hasn't been discovered. No one suspects that she's been in Tai all this time. At face value, someone else could've been in charge and made the same decisions she did."
Someone else could've done it instead of me? Ouch. I know in my mind that it wasn't intended as a slight, but it certainly feels like one in my heart.
"I'll take care of the rest. Tai needs a chance to recuperate after this ordeal. I will ensure that you have proper funding and materials to rebuild." Dad says. Lord Kirigawa bows his head in thanks. Dad turns to me. "Do you have any requests regarding how I deal with Cojaca and Menad's negotiations?"
"I have no doubt that Dad will solve everything." I plaster a smile on my face.
I guess that's that. I don't have to worry about a thing now. General Isamu and Lord Kirigawa are staring at me strangely, as if I've sprouted another head.
Dad frowns, reaching out and rubbing my head. I look away before I break. This war is no longer mine to fight. All I have to do now is stay safe, like I was supposed to from the beginning. The meeting ends. Dad gets up, probably to go check on the knights.
"Hey, Dad?" I call out on a whim.
He turns around in the doorway. "Hmm?"
"For what it's worth, I'm sick of war."
Dad's eyes soften. He nods. "I see. I'll keep that in mind during our negotiations."
Five weeks pass slowly. I've gone from busy to having nothing to do, waiting for something—anything—to happen. I really hate waiting.
I've been sitting in the Taj fortress infirmary with Jun everyday. He's awake and alert now, but still isn't allowed out of bed. We've been keeping each other entertained with various conversations and games. I've taken to reading books from the library out loud, since he still has trouble turning the pages.
"I appreciate your concern." Jun jokes one day. "Really, I'm pretty sure most guys would be jealous! But don't you have, like, official papers to sign?"
"Now that Dad's in charge and the state of emergency is over, I no longer have a role. No one will trust me with any tasks, so I have nothing to do." I look away to reset my dour expression back to neutral.
"I think that's less about trust and more about people not wanting to order a princess around."
I don't like the way he's looking at me. I don't like superficial sympathy. I admit, I could probably be doing more. My overall loss of inflection and facial expressions reminds me a bit of my cousin.
"Princess." Three of the male infirmary helpers interrupt our conversation.
One is carrying a bucket of sudsy steaming water. They're here to bathe Jun's body, which is my cue to leave for half an hour.
Ebisu charges at me and runs into my legs. His family is living in the barracks now that his dad has officially joined the knight circle.
"Hikari-sama! Guess what, guess what! I've been doing super special training with my slingshot!
"Why's that?" I ask curiously.
"I'm gonna be a knight when I grow up too! I'm gonna be big and strong so no one will leave me behind and go off and fight alone anymore!" Ebisu puffs out his chest proudly, then shows off his prize. "I caught a squirrel for you today!"
It's bloody and mangled from whatever sharp stone he sniped it with. I blink. "Oh."
Ebisu deflates. "Is that all? I was hoping to cheer you up, but I guess it wasn't good enough. I'll catch you a bird tomorrow! Or two squirrels!"
Ebisu runs off, leaving me feeling bad about hurting his feelings, slightly disgusted by the dead squirrel at my feet, and stewing in my own thoughts.
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