~Same old same old~ [INTRO]
[TW: Broken bones]
Dotty woke to a start,as he yawned and stretched,before shifting out of his messy bed,the bedsheets slightly twisted as he got out lazily,rubbing his eyes.
Sure,most of his room was just always...unkept,but he tried his best to make it presentable!
They refix their hair a bit,before they head over to their bathroom,looking into the slightly dirty mirror,giving a hum of thought,before xe picked up xir eyeliner,and started to carefully apply his lashes,as he was happy with the way he looked.
He puts on his socks and shoes,before he heads downstairs through the old creaky wooden staircase,hopping downstairs to see his mother,Zella.
She looks over to her son,as she greets him "hello,Dotty. Would you like some breakfast?"
"Yes please!" He replied cheerfully,tail wagging.
"Alright then,sit at the counter." Zella gestures to the kitchen counter,before xe gets to work making some food for them.
Dotty shuffled over to the counter,as they pull themself onto the chair,waiting happily for their breakfast. Today was gonna be a good day,they know it!
Zella gives dotty a stack of waffles with some powdered sugar on top as Dotty sticks a fork into the top waffle,taking a bite of it as xe take out xir hello kitty themed phone and text Kiki
[Kiki ml <3]
[Dotty]: 'hiiii kikiiiiii!!'
[Kiki]: 'h3yooo :3'
[Dotty]: 'whatcha doing :o'
[Kiki]: 'I was gonna go shopping 4 my par3nts ^^'
[Dotty]: 'oooh! Can I come?'
[Kiki]: 'ofc! S33 you in fiv3 mins?'
[Dotty]: 'see you! <3'
[Kiki]: '<3333'
Dotty sighs contently,turning off their phone as they finish their waffles,thinking about the stuff he and Kiki could do together
"I'm guessing you were talking to Kiki?" Zella guessed,looking at her son as her (6,technically 10 bc there's two on her hands and 2 on her knees) eyes look at him with an amused expression
"Yesss..." dotty replied,smiling a bit as his cheeks were a little pink
"She seems like a good fit for you,moth. I'm happy for you." Zella says,as a large demon appears behind her
"I agree! She's a sweet kid." Lemon inquires,as dotty hops off the high chair and hugs their leg tightly
"Yayaya! Reni!" Dotty says cheerfully,as lemon picks the small zeliolot up
"Hello you little rascal! Hi Zella..." lemon says cheerfully to both of them,a little more slyly to Zella
"Hi lemon." Xe replied,rolling her eyes in amusement
Lemons tail flicks,tapping Zella's in a way of greeting
She coils her tail around its in reply,as she smiles at lemon with her eyes
Lemon grins widely,before looking down at dotty
"Ok dotty! You go along now! Have fun!" They say,setting dotty down,as he nods and runs out of the house
Dotty walks along the pavement. It was a nice cool morning,not too sunny. Dotty never really liked when it was too sunny anyways,it just hurt their eyes.
They were excited to see Kiki again! Sure,they talk to her and see her a lot anyways but still!
They head off to the market,where they meet up with Kiki
"Kikiii!" Xe squeak,wrapping their arms around her and hugging her.
She looks down at them as she replied "heyo! :]" as she pat their head.
"What do you need to get from the supermarket?" Dotty asked,curious
"Oh nothing much,just some fruit,bread,milk...uh..." they pause to pull out the grocery list "and snacks!" They finish off their sentence,putting it away before grabbing a shopping cart
"I wish I could sit in the cart...but we need the room for the grocery stuff -m-" Kiki mumbles,sighing
"I could always get you a basket or box that you could sit in-" dotty offered,as Kiki spins on her heel to look at him
"Alright then!" Dotty terribly scribbles 'box :3' onto the list,before the two go shopping
Kiki was currently grabbing some milk,while Dotty was skimming along to figure out where the bread was,separating from Kiki momentarily to find it.
"Bread...bread..." he mumbled to himself,before noticing someone off to the distance,before walking up to them
"Hey there! Do you uh...know where the bread is?" Xe asked them
"Oh,the bread?" They replied back,before continuing "I think its over that way..."
They point to a separate section of the store
"Oh thank you,uh..." dotty fumbled slightly,not knowing their name
"Glass Planter." They greet,giving him a friendly smile "and you?"
"Dotty! It was nice meeting you!" They reply,before running off,as GP waves goodbye to them
Dotty eventually finds the bread isle,grabbing the bread they think Kiki would like,as they walk back over to them,before stopping
"Hm...I could probably get Kiki a box here...somewhere." They mumble thoughtfully,before they zoom off to go find a box
They looked high and low,but found no boxes that would fit Kiki...
Before they look over to the janitors office
Dotty gives a hum,before looking around for any cameras or people who'd spot them,before they pick the lock with a hair pin they had
The door opened for them,as they snuck in and grabbed an empty box that was pretty big,before they snuck back out and closed the janitors office. He hid away the box in his hair...somehow...zipping back over to Kiki
"Is this bread ok?" He asked her,showing her the bread
"Oh yeah that's good! ^^" Kiki replied,before setting it in the cart "I already got everything else,so we can go now!"
"Yippeee!" Dotty skips along,as they head to check out,as Kiki paid for the groceries with money her parents have her for it,before dotty bagged the stuff as they walked out
"That was a nice little trip!" Dotty commented
"Yea I agree :>" Kiki replied,before looking over to dotty "what's dat in your hair?"
"Hm?" Dotty noticed a piece of the cardboard box they had sticking out of their hair,before pulling it out "oh I got this box for you! It's ok if you don't want-" he started,before he noticed kiki was already in the box. It felt like she weighed nothing,so they smile a little,before they walk home with them.
Xe stopped by kikis house to let her head back home,as one of kikis parents opened the door.
"Oh,thank you for taking Kiki home." Kilye says to dotty
"It was no problem!" He replied,before Kiki gives him a hug "cya later babe! >u<"
They hug her back a bit "cya later hun! ^^" he replied,tail wrapping around hers a little,before they break off the hug and both go their separate ways
...though dotty already missed her.
He heads back into his house
"Hi dotty,how was your outing with Kiki?" Zella asked,on the couch with Lemon.
"It was good!" They replied,hopping onto the couch as well
"You guys didn't do anything did you?" Lemon asked jokingly
Dotty turned a bit red "reniiii...we didn't..."
...dotty wouldn't mind if they did though...
Not right now...that's embarrassing...
Lemon pats his head "alright little guy!"
Zella turns on a movie for the three of them to watch,as dotty snuggles up to his mom,as xe pats her son's head a little.
During the movie,sometimes lemon would make a few jokes,and dotty would do the same,as they pat the couch a little with their paws
Though,they didn't stay up for a lot of the movie,as they leaned into Zella,and slowly drifted off,snoozing quietly
"Zz...mff..." he shifts a little,as Zella picks up the small xeliolot,before whispering to lemon
"I'll take them to bed,you better tell me what happens..." she says,as lemon replies in a whisper "why wouldn't I?" They snicker quietly to themself,as Zella heads upstairs,the boards creaking under her weight as she heads to their room,pushing the door open.
'Messy...' she thought. Before shuffling past some of the stuff,and setting dotty into bed
"Goodnight,my little moth..." she whispers quietly to them,patting their head,before xe leave the room and turn the lights off for them. Her footsteps pattered away until it was silent.
Dotty had a nice sleep...
But,they don't get much sleep for a reason.
"Yknow,you really shouldn't be falling asleep during a movie! That's just a waste of time!" It's sickeningly happy voice calls out to them,as their eyes snap open.
They sit up,a little nervous but mostly annoyed as they glance to the corner,where it's staring at them.
It's blank bloodshot eyes look at him as its spindly limbs sway unnaturally
"Helloooo little alien!" It says to him,stepping closer
"...hi sav3." Dotty mumbles,antennae flattening a bit
"Aw,upset im here? Don't worry! I don't want anything from you!...tonight,at least." It says,shifting to be right next to his bed,uncomfortably close
Dotty shifts back a bit "then what do you want?" He asked
"To play a game of course! Nothing toooo baaaad..." sav3 prolonged its words slightly,before picking dotty up without any hesitation or give aways it'd do that
Dotty squirms a bit. "You know I hate it when you do this..." they say quietly,irritated.
"Oh well! Too bad,so sad." It replied. Despite Dotty's struggles,this things thin limbs are actually quite strong.
It cheerfully kicks open Dotty's window,before heading outside with them in tow.
Dotty just reluctantly lets it take him wherever it's going,thinking about how it's probably going to do something bad to him again.
Maybe it won't be as bad this time...
Sav3 sets dotty down on the ground,in some random grassy field
"Ok dotty! We'll play red light green light! If you can get to me without me catching you on a red light,I'll let you go back home to sleep! If I catch you moving on a red liiight..." it says in a sing song voice,before saying lowly" "you won't like the outcome..."
Dotty flinched back a bit at the tone change,as it's already a few feet away from him in the blink of an eye.
"Ok! 3 2 1 go!" It didn't give dotty even 5 seconds before it turned around and said "green light!"
Dotty hesitated,still confused and slightly disoriented,before he forced his feet to move as he starts running towards it. He wanted this over with so he could go to sleep.
"Red light!" It whirled around,as dotty froze under its stare.
The silence was deafening as its smile widened the longer it looked into Dotty's eyes,into his soul. They swear it knew everything about them,and it probably did.
It turns around again and shouts "green light!"
Dotty shook off the stares effects,before sprinting towards Sav3,as the process repeats a few times
But not everyone can win,of course.
"Red light!" It spins on its heel and looks at dotty,before he flailed and fell over
"..." dotty fumbles his words slightly
"Uh oooh! You moved!" Sav3 teleported to Dotty's side in an instant,before grabbing his arm with both hands and lifting him up as they flail
"I warned you!" It said,before...
Pain shot from Dotty's arm as they felt the wind leave their lungs.
They regretfully look up to see that sav3 snapped Dotty's arm like a twig,before dropping him purposely onto it,which caused the throbbing pain to spike again,as they wince
"Well,it'll heal overnight! After all,you're an alien,aren't you?" Sav3 crouches down to look at their slightly pained expression
"...ye..yeah...it'll heal easily..." dotty replied,voice wavering,as sav3 picks them up
"Good! Now let's get you home silly! We can play if your writhing like a little bug on the ground!" It replied,before they head back to the house,as it climbed up to the second floor and entered through the window,dumping dotty back in their bed
"Cya another timeee!" It says happily,disappearing into Dotty's closet.
He slumps back in his bed,covering his head with his blanket as he grabs their plushie and curls up to it
Xe sighed a bit "just...another day. It'll be fine." He mumbled to himself,before shifting so his arm doesn't hurt as much,before xe close their eyes,falling asleep instantly from all the exhaustion.
(You got some fluff,you got some dotty depression! I wasn't originally gonna add dotty depression but I wanted the chapter to be at least a 1000 words so...)
[1200 words]
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