Chapter 51.
Edited by KitWulf 5-6-2021
With a frown, Azura stared at the towel clutched between her legs. Events of the night before flashed through her mind and a bit embarrassed, she looked back up at Lucas who was laying next to her on his side, observing her, with a big grin on his face.
"You just lost all the rights to complaining that I fall asleep right after sex, Sunshine. You went into a coma right after leaving me to clean up the mess. Sex is a messy thing, you know. Loads of fluids mixed together. I did not want you to stain the entire bed. There wasn't even so much as a grunt or reaction when I put that towel there!" Expecting her to lash out at him, Lucas caught her wrist before her fist could hit his shoulder.
She squinted her eyes. "Maybe you should grab a fucking condom next time. Saves you time cleaning."
There was no way she could maintain the same stern tone and hide the smile that wanted to show itself. She tried punching his shoulder again but Lucas caught her again and pulled her on top of him and held her hand behind her back. The twinkle in his eyes betrayed how much he enjoyed play fighting with her.
"Did you find a condom in this place? I for sure didn't."
She huffed in response, her black hair falling in front of her face as she pried between his ribs with her free hand. "You...didn't...even...oww!"
"Didn't even what?" He laughed as he had twisted her arm to its max reach behind her back.
Loud knocking on the door interrupted the couple, forcing him to release her. Azura snapped her head back, half expecting the door to fly open, and ready to yell at the people behind it.
"Fifteen minutes till you guys get picked up for breakfast!" Footsteps could be heard leaving their door.
The private bubble they had been in since the night before had completely burst and reality sank back in. Trying to hold on to the feeling of paradise, she turned back to Lucas and rubbed her cheek against his bearded face. His sturdy facial hair softly scratched her skin.
"You didn't even look..." Her voice a mere whisper, but loud enough for him to hear as she ignored the message.
"No need to look. Sex without a condom is so much better." He kissed her head gently right as he slapped her buttcheek. "Off to the shower with you!"
Normally, she would engage, retaliate, and try to beat him, but knowing they simply hadn't the time, Azura clenched her teeth together and got up. It would have to wait till next time before she could get back at him. Something she looked forward to.
Breakfast was simple. Some toast, eggs, honey, yogurt, and tea or coffee. But she was famished and at this point, didn't care what was on the menu. They were constantly being guarded by at least one guard and at times there were two. The guards didn't talk, more just led them from one place to the next and watched their every move. There was no way Marric would let them explore by themselves she figured. They were being held as prisoners but right now there wasn't much she could do about it.
The guard duty always looked heavily armored. Bulletproof vests, cargo pants, and boots that seemed impenetrable. They carried rubber sticks with them that Azura really didn't want to meet the other end of in a bad fight; it would hurt. There were no firearms visible but she was convinced there was at least one more secret hidden in the suit. Something else she didn't want to find out though.
The couple had both opted for the black clothing this time and as the female snow leopard shifter poured herself a second cup of tea, Killian walked in. Zahair, who was still a snow leopard much to their surprise, followed right after.
Even though she was still unsure if she could trust the two men, the Phoenix remained in the background and didn't stir. Killian had told her he had known her when she was little, but he did not spark any recognition and neither did the strange place they found themselves in. Azura had hoped that at least something would have been familiar to her and she had become quite disheartened when nothing had. This had been her place of birth after all, the place she was raised by her mother for the first two and a half years of her life.
Killian softly exchanged some words with the guard that was present before he took one last look at Azura and Lucas and walked off. Killian grabbed a chair and sat down pouring himself a cup of coffee. Zahair sat down next to Killian, resting his head on Killian's lap, and squinted his eyes, content with his spot. Azura observed the scene unfolding before her quietly and as Killian scratched Zahair behind his ears she finally spoke up.
"Is there a reason Zahair almost never shifts?"
The snow leopard raised his head at her and let out a soft chuff before laying back down on Killian's lap. Killian watched him with interest and after Zahair seemed at ease he turned back to her.
"You have a scar that does not show when you're a snow leopard. Zahair also has a condition that is not there when he is like this. As a human, the left side of his face is paralyzed completely. He doesn't like to show it to others. He only shifts back when we are alone, with people that he is comfortable with, or when Marric demands it."
Zahair softly started purring, his tail slowly moving around with the tip raised just above the ground.
"How come her scar and his paralysis don't show? Azura has other scars that do show both in snow leopard and human form." Lucas took a sip of his lukewarm coffee after asking and grimaced as it wasn't that tasty anymore.
"Well," Killian stopped scratching Zahair as he took a moment to form an answer. "We suspect it has to do with when and how a person gets the injury. With Zahair, his paralysis came up when he was just a kid and had not shifted yet. Because he was not yet a true shifted werecat, we believe the physical attributes don't go along when a person first shifts. It's probably the same for you as well, Azura."
She touched her stomach where the scar was and gulped. "No. It's not the same. I got the scar only a couple of years back."
Killian looked up in surprise and even Zahair perked his ears at her words.
"That's not possible! Every injury or physical change a person gets after having shifted for the first time shows in both forms!" Killian exclaimed louder than intended.
"Well, it's true. I was there when it happened. The only thing different that day were those bracelets." Lucas calmly answered and he thought for a short moment before he continued. "It was the bracelet... That damned thing prevented any form of magic, including shifting! It also prevented you from healing, Azu, so maybe that's why your scar is not transferred to your snow leopard. You were not in touch with the werecat at that moment."
Killian's surprised look was still present on his face as he shifted between staring at Lucas and Azura. "You both carried methite bracelets?! Those things are incredibly strong and extremely rare. They block everything supernatural from the one carrying it! It's normally only used in heavily guarded prisons... How... No, never mind... That's probably a story for another time but one that you will have to tell me one day. We don't have the time now."
"Then what brings you here?" She paused, wanting to ask more than the men noticed. Lucas silently nudged her to continue to which she took a deep breath and continued. "This place, you, Marric. None of it feels familiar. If I was born here, shouldn't at least something feel like I've known it?"
Killian flashed her a small smile while she toyed with the small spoon, alternating between tapping it on the table and on her fingers.
"You weren't born here, Azu. You were born in Norbury, in a normal house with a front yard. You've never been to Scire before. As to why you don't remember me, I was just ten when you were born. Trust me, I've changed a lot since then. Scire used to be just for research but after your mother ran off with you, Marric moved the whole community to here. Said it was safer to defend in case Eliora alerted the humans of our existence. There are just a few people remaining in the city, my parents being among them. He gave the elders a choice and left some guards there too to alert us if danger showed up. Victor was a much different leader with different ideals and motives. He believed in progression, moving forward. Marric always was against the idea of our kind leaving for the outside world but when your mother left for the first time, he couldn't handle it. From what my parents have told me, Marric had a big crush on Eliora which she didn't return. Her leaving to explore the world didn't sit well with him at all and was the trigger for Marric to challenge Victor for leadership. Marric won and closed us off from any outside contact. I was too young to comprehend what was going on exactly but this is the gist of it."
Something outside made Zahair look up and he slowly paced to the door and let out a soft growl. His fur seemed to stand upright a bit and his tail expanded in thickness as the tip started twitching furiously from side to side. Killian quickly turned back to Azura and Lucas and hastily started speaking.
"Look we don't have much time. I came here to warn you guys. I hoped I had more time though. Normally Marric always confides in me on what his plans are and what he's doing. I am his right hand and try to keep him within certain boundaries. He's a dangerous man, you have to understand that. There are many times I don't agree with what he's doing but I can't change anything about it. I tried stepping down, but he wouldn't let me. Since a few days prior to your arrival, he's been planning something and I don't know what. He's keeping me out of the loop and I'm afraid it has something to do with you guys. Don't trust him."
The door was swung open by the same guard that had left them earlier just as Killian stopped speaking. Zahair jumped back and growled as he entered but the man seemed undeterred by the snow leopard that hissed at him. The stoic look in his eyes betrayed he knew whatever reason Killian had told him to be alone with Azura and Lucas wasn't the truth.
"Marric wants to see you. All four of you." The guard paused and looked at the snow leopard who had calmed down after being startled. "And you, Zahair... Marric wants you shifted." There was no emotion in his voice but the guard couldn't hide the smallest upwards twitch at the corner of his mouth.
Killian got up without a word and gestured for Zahair to leave. It was a crude gesture but Zahair responded to it straight away and walked past them. The guard scoffed softly as the snow leopard went past him making Killian flinch for just a second. It was enough for Azura to see that this guy was not just a regular guard. He headed out as well and Killian turned back to Lucas and Azura. His eyes had hardened and nothing of his earlier friendliness was present as he spoke with a cold harsh tone, loud enough the person outside could hear.
"Get up. Marric's waiting."
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