Chapter 38.
Edited by KitWulf 20-3-2021
Andreas hadn't returned to the packhouse that morning but the meeting at ten was still going to happen. Azura had taken Lucas to the town early on and now they were well on their way to the campus. They actually did manage to get some more sleep and she was glad they did. It would be a long day of meeting people. She had to fight the urge to see her foster parents when they had stopped in town, knowing she wouldn't have enough time to talk to them. It would have to wait till later.
Azura never had spent much time in the village. She was either on campus or hanging around the packhouse. From what she had seen now, the town hadn't changed much. Cobblestone streets still adorned the town center that were a pain to drive on and on the sides stood small, old houses that seemed to come straight from the middle ages. Most of them didn't though as they were rebuilt in the early 1900s after a devastating fire. It was all a bit modernized now but you could still get that old vibe when you walked or drove around. The facade was only for a couple of streets though. Behind it, they had chosen to build faster and more efficiently and the charm of the medieval village was soon gone. The road became regular tarmac and the town started to look like any other town built in the same time period.
Some of the pack werewolves lived here, mixed with regular humans and a few other races like energy casters, other animal shifters, and even a vampire here and there. Some had attended college and stayed, others just moved in because of the friendly atmosphere. There was no hatred or jealousy between the races and most seemed to accept each other. All humans were aware of the supernaturals living here and they never seemed bothered with it. It was one of the few places in the country where this was possible and Azura knew Andreas was one of the people who made it happen. Technically, the college and town both were situated in the Greenwood pack's territory but Andreas had made them neutral ground yet still watched over them.
The drive from town to college was short but went through some dense and thick forest so it gave you the feeling you were much further away from civilization than you actually were. Azura parked the car with the song Firestarter booming through the speakers. Lucas had put it on repeat since they left the town and had cranked up the volume till her ears were bleeding. It wasn't just the song but his singing along with it that had her driving at higher speeds than allowed to get to the college as fast as possible. The moment she turned the ignition off and the sound died off, she let out a big sigh of relief while he just chuckled.
She looked out the front window to the familiar big red brick building. It looked like it came straight out of a European city. The architecture resembled a gothic revival with neo-tudor aspects. In front of the building was a big area of grass and centered across from the main gate was a big fountain with four griffins spewing water in all directions. The grand entrance had always seemed imposing to her and even now, years later, she still felt small next to it.
With a big smile on her face, she quickly got out of the car and joined Lucas who'd already slowly started walking towards the entrance while taking everything in. She quickly wrapped her arms around him, forcing him to stop walking as she pressed herself against his back.
"Azu! what are you doing?" He laughed as he wrestled free from her grip.
"You just looked so sexy from behind! Especially that ass. Couldn't help myself." she giggled and planted a quick kiss on his lips before taking his hand.
Being a Saturday, there wasn't much activity on the grounds. There were a couple of students hanging out but nothing compared to what it would be a weekday. Azura was glad there weren't too many people. Even though she could handle crowds better, being back for the first time had her nerves on a rampage and the Phoenix on edge too. She hid the coiling fires within her belly as much as possible as to not give Lucas a reason for concern.
Every time she blinked, flashes of her younger, carefree self flashed before her eyes as memories replayed themselves in her head. The first time she had arrived at the college with her mother, young, uncertain about the whole supernatural world, and not knowing who she was. The first time seeing Nora and Floyd, kissing as if their lives depended on it. Azura had stared at them longer than was appropriate, her eyes drawn to the dark-skinned woman who didn't seem to notice her yet.
They passed through the main building and found themselves in the courtyard; the heart of the campus. The whole area was built in circles; paths never going straight and the buildings surrounding it set in a larger circle around it. Even the benches had a slight curve to them.
There were a few big oak trees that would provide some shade during summer. Azura smiled a bit as she remembered sitting beneath those trees. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Nora or Charlie or both. Even her old roommate had joined her there at times despite them not always being on good terms. It was also the spot where she had met Charlie for the first time and where they had shared their first kiss with the loud cheering of Nora in the background.
As she looked around she came to the conclusion that nothing had changed. It was reassuring but also a bit strange to see that life here was ever-shifting and changing yet the courtyard and the feel of it still remained. Azura seemed to have forgotten about Lucas as the memories slowly flooded back to her. She wandered around until she stopped in the center of the courtyard staring at a solid black smooth monument. This was new and she had no idea how she had overlooked it when they had entered. It was almost three meters tall, pointing at the sky. The base of it was a square and towards the tip, the shape changed to that of a triangle. The only straight lines in the entire courtyard.
It seemed to swallow up every bit of light that touched it. Azura let her fingers run over the smooth stone as she walked around it and stopped when her fingers trailed over engraved letters. They were a deep crimson red with a little bit of shine on them, making them sparkle and really set apart from the intense black of the pillar itself.
'From the ashes, they will be Reborn.'
Underneath it, the first name she read was that of Nora. It felt like she was struck by a speeding truck as she stared at almost a hundred names written underneath. All in the same shimmering crimson red. All sounds around her seemed to disappear and she became completely unaware of her surroundings. A shiver ran down her spine as she read every name. She paused as she saw the name of her old roommate; Theresa. The daughter of the headmaster. She recognized more names, some of the Greenwood pack, others who studied or worked at the college.
She was so engrossed in the monument she didn't feel a thing when someone put his hand around her shoulder. She just kept reading as the tall slender man stood next to her, resting his hand on her shoulder. As Azura finally reached the end of the long list she became aware of the presence next to her. When he noticed she came out of her isolation he finally spoke up.
"The perfect spot for a monument, don't you think?"
His soft, angelic voice and his touch were enough for her to know who it was. Azura smiled as she looked up at Professor Sloan. He hadn't aged a bit since the last time she saw him. The almost silver eyes were still the most striking features of the druid. When you saw past those, the unnaturally long limbs and long angular face were the next things you'd notice. He was a stately man, every movement made with purpose and grace and it was clear he held a lot of knowledge.
He still wore the same type of silky suit as he always had. This time it was a dark green one and on the vest; light blue embroidery made for a shiny contrast. His glasses hadn't changed either; still the small round glasses only a certain group of people could look good in. She had to admit, he looked stunning as usual and perfect for a druid. He gave her a warm smile back as their eyes met.
"It's hauntingly beautiful." She replied. "The colors are so intense and the design and placement here really make it stand out. It's the only thing with corners in the entire courtyard. It's perfect."
Lucas walked up and joined them. She took his hand and gave it a little squeeze.
"Did you two already meet?" Azura looked from one to the other.
"Yeah. We already had an entire conversation while you were zoned out." Lucas winked at her and squeezed her hand in return.
She pressed her lips together in a fine line trying to keep her mouth shut and not make a remark she would later regret but she failed in hiding the smile that involuntarily crept on her face.
"Why don't we go to the library and my office. Andreas will meet us there." Sloan tactfully ignored their little moment and took a few steps towards the library. Lucas followed but Azura stayed as she took a glance at the time. It was still another thirty minutes before Andreas would come.
"Do you guys mind if I'll join you a bit later? I would like to stay here for a while longer." As Lucas wanted to speak up she hastily added. "Alone... If you don't mind."
Lucas closed his mouth again and gave her a nod. Professor Sloan did the same and they both left. Azura watched as they both disappeared from the courtyard before she moved towards one of the big trees. With a big sigh, she sat down next to it leaning her back against the bark. She loved the feel of the grass beneath her hands and the smell really took her back to the time she lay down here with Nora during the same time of year. She could almost feel her fingers entwine with Nora's.
"If we keep doing this, people might think we're dating each other," Azura said with a smile. She gazed at the young vibrant woman next to her and gently trailed her fingers along Nora's hand and arm. Nora chuckled and sat straight up, retrieving her hand from underneath Azura's.
"I could also just kiss you and get this whole thing over with. Then people don't have to speculate." She licked her lips seductively and burst out laughing as she saw the stunned look on Azura's face.
"No way! Floyd would kill me if he found out! Besides, since when are you the one making these kinds of remarks? I'm the single one over here. I'm supposed to be the one to make dirty comments and tempt you into doing things you will regret. Not the other way around." Azura sat up as well and stared at her phone for a moment before she looked up again.
"Important message?" Nora looked at her questioningly.
"No, just Floyd messaging me to stay the hell away from you - the usual. It's as if he's got eyes in the back of his head." Azura stuck her tongue out at Nora and looked over the courtyard until her gaze seemed to linger on a guy who faced away from them. He casually ran his hand through his long, dark hair as he was talking to someone else. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans which made her almost drool by the way it fit him perfectly. Nora waved her hand in front of Azura's face as she had stopped responding to her.
"Earth to Azu! Why are you staring at his fine ass like that? He's got a good one for sure, but he's human. Come on, no fun in that." Azura chuckled as Nora diverted her attention away from the olive-skinned guy.
"What's wrong with a human? You're a werewolf and I would still kiss you if you were single. And that says something coming from a cat! But just look at him... Have you ever seen such a fine-looking ass and back? Even from here, I can tell that guy is sex on legs!"
"Hold up... You would actually kiss me if I was single?" Nora wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"Yeah without a moment's hesitation, but you're too late now. I got my eyes on that dude over there. You've had your chance you know."
Azura looked back at the guy on the other side of the courtyard. It appeared he was done talking to his friend as he'd turned around and was walking towards them. He wasn't just good-looking from the back, but from the front as well. He passed her bar with flying colors. He wasn't particularly buff, but the overall shape of his body was something she could swoon over. His long, dark brown hair reached over his chest, the front bangs tied to the back to keep it out of his face. He seemed to be a distant relative to Native-Americans with his high cheekbones and light brown eyes.
"Prove it, Azu. I dare you to go up to him and just kiss him." Azura snapped her head back at Nora.
"What?! Are you insane! I don't even know him!" She tried to keep her volume in check but it was hard with that ridiculous dare.
"Just go already! Before he's gone!"
Azura gave Nora a friendly push against her shoulder but got up nonetheless. A dare was a dare and between the two of them, it was not something to be ignored. It was like a command which neither of them could ignore and if one of them did, the other would make their life hell for one day. It was a joke between the two and dares were not often vocalized so if one of them did, they knew it was about to go down. The upside was; if a dare was completed, the one who had received the dare was allowed to get revenge for one hour whenever she wanted.
Azura had made Nora climb up the highest tree she could find once when they just started the game. The werewolf hated heights but in that hour, she was to do what Azura wanted. The price to pay for issuing a dare. The first time Azura had issued a dare to Nora, she lost and Nora had her shift in her snow leopard and swim in the lake for an hour. Some big cats didn't mind water or swimming but Azura hated it. Nora had often joked she was more like a house cat than a big predator.
The moment Azura got up she briefly made eye contact with the guy who was almost near them. She felt her cheeks blush slightly and hoped it wasn't too visible. Nora just waved her off with a wide grin and Azura mustered up all the courage she had and walked straight to the human she had shamelessly ogled before. There was only one way out of this, and that was to act like she would do the dare and then switch colleges and never return here again because of Nora's wrath that would doom her. The woman had grown quite vicious since those first innocent few dares.
"Hi." Azura stared up at him and immediately forgot what else she wanted to say.
His light brown eyes examined her closely and all she wanted to do was drown in them which she was doing right now... Azura gave herself a mental kick in the ass and smiled at him before continuing.
"I'm sorry about this, but please play along? This is not something I do often..." Before he could answer, Azura placed her lips on his and kissed him.
She surprised herself as much as she surprised him. She just decided she would not do this, and now all of a sudden she was glued to his face! To her great surprise, he at first froze but then actually started moving his lips against hers. A little bit shocked, she was the one who froze but as he placed his hands around her waist she seemed to forget about everything else and just went with it. He was a great kisser for sure. There was no tongue involved just yet, but she could tell that would make it even more amazing.
When they finally broke apart Nora gave them a standing ovation making Azura realize what she had just done. She felt her face redden as the guy started to laugh. She tried to find the words to say next but her mind would not cooperate with her. Luckily he could still talk.
"Normally, I'd start with introductions before kissing someone but who am I to complain." He took a step back and extended his hand to her. Azura awkwardly took it, trying to keep herself from laughing out of pure embarrassment.
"Name's Charlie. And the wonderful kisser is?"
"Azura," She managed to say her name without stammering. Inside she jumped up and down with joy. Besides a good kisser, he seemed to have a good sense of humor. "I'm so sorry... It's just that... Well, it was a dare? I think?"
"A dare?" Those gorgeous eyes took all of her in. "What if we make it a date? Just one letter difference." Oh, he was smooth. Azura was gawking like an idiot at Charlie who was enjoying himself tremendously. He took out his phone and opened his contacts folder. He then handed it to her and Azura took it, staring at it, unsure what to do.
"It's called a phone," He teased. "You type in your name and number. That way I can reach you to set a time and day for the date." He pointed down at his phone and Azura looked back up at him, finally able to think straight.
"Who says I want to go out on a date?" She fiddled with his phone in her hands unsure what to do.
"I was hoping you would. It's not every day I get kissed by a total stranger who happens to be a good-looking woman. I would actually like to get to know her a little better. It's up to you though. If you give me your number, I'll take it as a yes, if you don't, no hard feelings."
She looked at his phone and seemed to doubt for a moment before making a decision. Hell, she had the guts to kiss him and he seemed like a nice guy so why not. She entered her number and returned his phone.
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