Chapter 33.
Lucas tossed her ring to her and she swiftly caught it. Azura had no idea he'd kept it with him after she'd taken it off and she carefully examined it. It no longer hurt her as she held onto it but as soon as she tried to put it on her finger, the burning sensation hit her straight away. Grumbling about the pain, she carefully picked it up again and examined the inside of it. For some reason, she had never bothered to check the golden ring this close before in all those years.
He was right... Killian had been right. There was a date in the ring and it was set twenty-eight years back. A little over a year before she was born. Azura stared at the numbers and shook her head. In theory, Killian could be right. She closed her fist around the trinket and brought it to her lips, she could feel the tears burn behind her eyes as she tried to swallow them away. A hand on her shoulder almost made her jump up in shock. Lucas was standing next to her and handed her a small red velvet box.
"What's this?" She looked up at him bewildered.
"Something from my mother, I thought you could use it. You can combine it with the ring so you can keep it with you even though you're not able to wear it."
Azura looked back at the box again and slowly opened it. Inside was a simple but timeless gold necklace. She took it out and admired it hanging down before opening it and putting it through the ring. Lucas took the necklace from her and fastened it around her neck.
"It's perfect." Her hand caressed the necklace. "Thank you!" Azura got up and threw her arms around him and kissed him on the lips. As the doorbell rang he reluctantly let go and placed his forehead against hers.
"No problem. Now, are you ready for a shitload of commentary?" She chuckled and he let her go open the door.
She touched the ring one more time before slowly getting up and following Lucas to the living room. Rose had just taken her coat off and sprinted towards her enveloping her in a tight hug. Steffen stepped in and after greeting Lucas he came over to Azura and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He then turned back to Lucas with a sly grin on his face and pointing his finger at his friend.
"To you, my friend, I say... It's about fucking time!" Steffen then turned to Azura and kept his finger pointing at her as well. "And to you, my darling... I told you I was going to say this, so here it comes. I. Told. You. So!" He stopped with every word, his grin grew bigger with every word and behind him, Rose was trying her best not to burst out laughing.
"You done?" Azura crossed her arms and tried her best to suppress a laugh herself. "Oh, and Steffen, one more thing. We tried you know..." Azura pointed between herself and Lucas. "But it just didn't work out." She even managed to keep a straight face and saw Lucas walking away to the kitchen after he winked at her.
"Wait, what?" Steffen just glared at Lucas as he walked off. "Are you serious? Did he do something stupid again? I need to knock some sense into that guy. Excuse me!" Steffen looked genuinely confused and hurried along after Lucas. Azura smiled at Rose and gestured to the couch. Rose gave her a high five as she walked past and sat down.
"So... A real update this time?" Rose rubbed her hands together. Azura just raised three fingers. "You came only three times?"
Azura facepalmed as a chuckle escaped her lips. "No! Way bet-"
"Ohhh!" Rose interrupted with wide eyes. "No way. What the hell, Azu!"
"Hey, we had some good talks in between alright. And we managed to get home... So yeah, it's official - I'm dating your ex."
"Oookay... Now you make it sound so wrong. I definitely need a drink!" Rose glanced towards the kitchen. "Maybe later..." She mumbled before turning back to Azura with a wide grin on her face. "So? How was he? Any good? You know I taught him some tricks and-"
"Stop comparing my sexual performances! I'll gladly ask Steffen about how well you perform if you dare to continue." Lucas leaned against the doorframe as Steffen popped up behind him.
"I'd be happy to share the good stuff, bro."
"Steffen! You ass!" Rose shrieked as she jumped up and charged at her boyfriend.
Lucas casually stepped into the living room to make space for Rose as she came straight for Steffen. The blonde man just laughed and kept her at an arm's distance right as a knock was heard on the kitchen door. The knock was just a formality as Jeff stepped in followed by Sheila. Unlike Steffen and Rose, they kept their comments to themselves but their looks and grins told them enough. It was just the distraction needed to break Rose away from Steffen and greet the newcomers.
"Hey, guys. Are we late to the party?" Jeff's deep voice filled the entire kitchen. He happily accepted the beer Lucas offered him and Steffen.
"Isn't it a little early for this?" Steffen glanced at the clock pointing at one PM.
Azura shrugged and gestured to Lucas to give her one too. "We've been up since five this morning, it's not too early in my head." She turned to the two women who did not yet have any drinks. "What can I get you?"
Rose just pointed at the beer Lucas handed Azura and he grabbed another one for the short woman.
"Water for me, please. It's the only thing this little bean will let me drink." Sheila rubbed her stomach and sighed. "I don't know if I like these hormones..."
Azura chuckled and grabbed Sheila a glass of water. "Do you have many pregnancy oddities?"
"The usual according to Nicolai. Nausea in the morning, sensitive breasts, you name it. And apparently, I'm only allowed to drink water. The smell of coffee in the morning is enough to get me a free ride to the bathroom. I just hope that passes soon."
"I'm sure it will!" Rose piped in.
Jeff grumbled as he appeared behind his wife."I hope so too. I have no idea how to survive the rest of the pregnancy otherwise." He kissed the top of her head and Sheila just rolled her eyes.
Even though it was nice to spend some time with her friends as if there was nothing to worry about, Azura knew she would have to address them soon. Nobody had asked her any questions yet but it was clear everyone had some and they deserved answers. Azura stepped back to the kitchen counter and occasionally sipped her beer while responding to the others when needed. After a bit, Lucas joined her as he opened his second beer. His scent blocked the rest out and she moved closer to him enjoying his close presence. He placed an arm around her and placed his lips next to her ear.
"Time to tell them, Azu. You've been postponing for long enough now."
"I know. I just don't know how to start." She took a deep breath, allowing his scent to calm her and clear her mind before she looked up at the rest.
"Thanks for coming, guys. It's nice having everyone around for a change. It was short notice so I'm quite surprised you're all here. I got some things to clarify but let's move to the living room first." Azura ushered them all to the other room and followed last. Lucas sat down on the couch while Steffen and Rose made themselves comfortable on a smaller couch that was barely used. Sheila took a chair while Jeff just sat on the rug next to her. Azura kept standing, her feet softly tapping the floor as five pairs of eyes turned towards her.
"Right," she finally spoke after a tense silence, "After the events from last week, Lucas and I decided it might be a good idea to tell you guys everything on what's been going on and happening regarding-"
"The two of you finally hooking up?" Azura had her hand raised in mid-air and her mouth hung half-open as she swallowed what she was going to say before Steffen interrupted her.
She closed her mouth as she felt her face flush red. Despite that she managed to flash Steffen a death glare and only when he looked away did she start to laugh. Sheila softly chuckled and just lightly shook her head.
"No! Well... Yes, but that's not the point!" Azura continued after winning the staredown with Steffen. "There are other things I want to tell you guys as well. I have been keeping things from everyone for different reasons including Lucas but now those reasons are gone and I feel like I should be honest with you guys."
She paused and took a few deep breaths to calm down. Even though they probably knew most of the things already, she just felt like this was needed to clear the air and kill any strange rumor that might have surfaced. Lucas took her hand and guided her around the couch and sat her down next to him. He noticed some glances between Sheila, Rose, and Steffen and before Azura could continue he stopped her and a sweet smile spread on his face.
"Alright, guys. Who won the bet?" All five of them stared at Lucas but Jeff quickly looked away spelling the word guilty on his head as he spoke too soon.
"What bet? There is no bet."
"Thank you for confirming it, Jeff. So I'm gonna ask again, who won the bet?" Lucas was still smiling as he stared at the four people who all seemed to avoid his eyes.
"I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm guessing neither do they." Jeff tried to keep a straight face.
"Jeff... I've known you guys for some time now. I know the way you guys think. Heck, I've been in these types of bets before. Never won though, unfortunately. The point is, I know there's a bet on me and Azura getting together and you have what you wished for. So, who won?"
Azura almost spit her drink out and in trying to force it back in she choked and started coughing and wheezing as she tried to keep breathing. Lucas just patted her back until she was done and her face turned back to a normal color.
"Me... I won." Sheila did not sound too enthusiastic as she said it while she raised her hand. "Though we had to restart the bet two times because the two of you were so dense!" Lucas started laughing and gave Sheila a thumbs up.
"Congratulations! Seems like the baby hormones are helping you make the right choices. So now we have that out of the way, I'll let Azu do the talking again."
"It wasn't the hormones as I placed my bet before I got pregnant. You guys just took forever." Sheila rolled her eyes but it was clear she was joking around.
Azura stared at all of them as they turned to her in anticipation. "Wait... Just like that?! You blatantly force them to tell you about a bet they had on us and after knowing who won, you expect me to just continue a serious conversation as if nothing happened?" She looked back up at Lucas who just shrugged and grinned at her. Nobody spoke up as she turned to face the rest of them.
"Alright... I've known you all for a while now to know nobody is going to say anything. Thanks a lot." She shook her head trying to think what to say next. In the end, she decided to just act like the whole previous conversation never took place.
"As I said before, I have some things to share with you guys. Most of it you already know, some parts may be new, but we thought it might be a good idea to just get everything out there so you are all on the same level." She stopped again and she couldn't stop the wicked smile that formed. "For one, stop fucking with me because I am a blue-eyed snow leopard and am considered to be the most dangerous one here. Second, a phoenix decided it would be a good idea to become a part of me, part of it. I don't know. All I know is that It killed me and I killed it and when I woke up, we were one. So that makes me double as dangerous, so seriously, don't piss me off."
"Wait, hold up!" It was Steffen who interrupted her. "Are you saying you died and then came back to life?"
"Yep. That's exactly what I'm saying." She replied.
She took the last sip of her beer and placed the empty bottle on the side table. When she returned her attention to Steffen her heart stopped. Time slowed down. All heat seemed to leave her body as all sounds became background noise to the crackling of lightning in her ears. Flashes of light danced before her widened eyes and a searing pain erupted from her stomach.
This isn't you anymore. You're more than this.
The words repeated in her head over and over. The Phoenix warmed her from the inside, pushed past her fear, and forced her to open her eyes. Time had slowed down. Steffen's hands were brightly glowing with energy. He moved them around, his smile falling as he looked at her but it happened so slowly. Azura turned her head around and noticed how Lucas had his mouth open as if he was yelling something while his arms were in the process of wrapping around her. He was trying to protect her.
Keep looking. Focus on him.
The 'him' was Steffen. The Phoenix did not need to call his name and Azura did what the entity asked of her. She focused on him, on the white energy around his hands. It had hurt her but it wasn't the same. The more she looked, the less threatening it became. He had not tried to kill her. It was not the same energy that had surged through her.
Lightning marked you, not this. You're not that girl anymore.
Time sped up again. The sound was the first that returned but she was pulled against Lucas's chest soon after. Azura gasped but her body relaxed straight after. The energy Steffen had drawn died out as Lucas shouted at him. The blonde man looked shocked as he pulled back but before he could say anything Azura pushed herself away from Lucas and onto two feet.
"Stop!" She was breathing heavier than normal, her legs were shaking but she dismissed it as she shushed Lucas before relaying her focus to a shocked Steffen.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know," He began, "I was just joking-"
"It's one of the things I wanted to tell you guys." She cut him short before lifting her sweater and exposing her scarred stomach and back to everyone to see. "An energy caster did this."
Rose had seen it before but aside from Lucas, she was the only one. She felt their eyes burn on the ridges of rough and red skin. She observed them as they watched her. After a minute she put her sweater down and sat back down between Lucas's legs as she nestled herself against his chest.
"I had no idea, if I had known I would have never done that. I'm really sorry, Az." It was weird seeing Steffen so self-conscious as he was fidgeting around uncomfortably.
"Don't worry. It happened a long time ago. I was a different person back then." The truth of that hit her hard but she knew the fact to be true. She flashed Steffen a reassuring smile to which he seemed to relax.
"It was lighting, right? I have only heard of one guy being able to do that. He was kind of an asshole I heard."
"A dead asshole." Azura chuckled. "I killed him. But I'm getting ahead of myself."
She lifted her hand and focused on the familiar Phoenix as flames appeared from out of nowhere on the palm of her hand. She twisted her hand around and let the flames dance along her hand before strands of it reached down her arm before she killed it.
"So... that wasn't a figment of my imagination when you decided to go all flamy with big gigantic wings and kicked Nathan's butt?" Rose exclaimed loudly.
She and Lucas were the only ones who had seen it. Jeff and Sheila had heard what happened, but seeing only a small bit was enough for them to be dumbstruck and unable to say anything.
"It's very real, Rose. The Phoenix is part of me, makes me who I am now, keeps me sane. It took a while to realize and accept it. After fighting Nathan the Phoenix left me as I had always wanted it to ever since I knew about it, but that resulted in me going crazy last week. I'm not the same woman I used to be. Yesterday I had some sort of epiphany and it came back to me. It belongs with me. It makes me whole, sane, warm, and fuzzy. It's who I am."
Memories and facts ran through her head like a stampede. There was just so much to be said and it already felt like she was jumping from pillar to post. There was only one thing to do to start making sense and that was to start from the beginning.
"Everyone still good with drinks? Because I gotta start from the beginning." At her remark, the man behind her pushed her a bit forward so he could get up and get everyone some drinks.
"Alright, here we go." When everyone was provided for she continued. "Several years ago when I was in college, there was a special conference. That's where I first met Lucas. At that point, me and some others already knew of the growing threat of the Phoenix and it was not long after we learned I had to fight it together with my best friend Nora. We shared a blood bond. Something so strong that even a wolf's mate bond looks weak in comparison. Since Nora was a werewolf and had a mate, I've had first-hand experience with that; the guy probably still hates me. Back to college. The day of the conference we were attacked by three men whose intentions at first were unclear. They hurt several people and kept us hostage. Eventually, they got bored and two of them picked me and Nora to enjoy themselves. When they brought us somewhere else I saw one dead body against the wall. My boyfriend at the time. They had killed him with a single gunshot between the eyes. That got me angry and when one of the two wanted to rape Nora, I lost it and killed both of them in pure rage. I took the knife one of them carried and went back up where the last one was."
Lucas gently squeezed her hand as she stopped talking. She had just confessed to killing two men to her friends and the third would follow. For a moment the thought crossed her mind that they would hate her, call her a murderer, and would not want to have anything to do with her anymore. She quickly shook those ideas out of her head and continued.
"The last one was the energy caster, something I didn't know of at the time. He saw me, partly undressed, beaten up, and covered in blood and it took him off guard. I attacked and ended up pinning him down with my knife to his throat. As he attacked me with his lightning, I slit open his throat. I watched him die and after I lost consciousness myself due to severe blood loss. That's how I got this scar and met Lucas. Well, technically I had met him three days prior. Eventually, it turned out that the three men were a distraction to the official theft of very old documents about the Phoenix. These guys were part of a large group who believed the Phoenix would come to cleanse the earth. Still with me guys? Oh, I forgot to mention I was adopted by my foster parents at around 3 years old. They were human and even though they knew I wasn't they still raised me as one. It wasn't till I was ready for college that I started to learn more about the world and different races altogether. Right, I kind of got adopted and trained by a pack of werewolves seeing the bond I had with Nora. Most of them liked a werecat, except for Nora's mate... I still don't think he likes me... Blames me for her death."
"Azu?" Lucas wrapped his hand around her mouth preventing her from talking. "You're starting to ramble. What do you say we have a little break to give their heads some time to process what you just said."
It was a much-needed break even though Azura had not been talking for that long. She made her way outside and leaned against the house with her eyes closed. Her breath crystallized in the air but the cold didn't get to her. Talking about what had happened didn't upset her anymore, but still, she had a hard time keeping her story clear and understandable to others. It was all so clear in her head and when the words came out it was as if everything got scrambled together. One on one talks were fine, easier. Addressing five people of whom four only knew snippets was another task.
"So should I be afraid of you?" The deep masculine voice betrayed Jeff standing next to her. He was joking with her as he softly shoved her shoulder and Azura smiled back up at him.
"I should have told you guys sooner. I once believed I would be able to fix all my problems by myself. It brought me nowhere. brought me here so that's not all true."
"It's alright. We already knew there was more to you than you would let us know. Like killing three people to prevent others from getting hurt." Her eyes shot up at him trying to find out if he was judging her or not. "I think you did the right thing Azu. It must've been hard."
"Actually no... It was easy. And to be honest, I never did it to save the other people there. That thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I just wanted revenge. I wasn't in control, just acted out of instinct. That's what makes us blue-eyes so dangerous and why you guys think we go feral. The only thing I remember is the rush it gave me to kill them. It felt so damn good. Like getting high, but a thousand times better."
"I never took you for a girl who has done drugs." The deep laugh that reverberated from his chest lightened her mood.
"Really, Jeff? that's the one thing you concluded from that?" He made her feel good, relaxed, and the topic at hand a whole lot less heavy. Something she had always admired in Jeff. "I did my fair share when I was young and stupid though." She softly added.
After talking a little bit more, they went back inside. Jeff made his way to the living room leaving Lucas and Azura alone together. Lucas handed her what seemed to be a regular coke. She sniffed it and glared at him. He just winked at her.
"You want to get me drunk? At two PM? Fine, but then I'll tell you this now while I'm still sober. Before Jeff joined me outside I was thinking of something. I've been completely ignoring and neglecting everyone back at Greenwood for a couple of reasons. I see now that that was a stupid choice so... I need to go back there." She took a sip of the spiked coke and grimaced as the strong alcohol filled her mouth.
"Careful, it's a strong mix. I thought it might help a little bit with loosening you up for part two. You're doing great, Azu. About Greenwood... You might not know it, but I've always been in touch with Andreas since you came here. He asked me if I could do that after the first time I called him, so I did. I updated them once in a while about your progress but kept some details away. I'm sure they would love to see you again and I would love to join you whenever you decide to go." Azura grabbed his hand as one of the happiest smiles he had seen emerged on her face.
"Perfect! And after Greenwood, I'll accept Killian's invitation to go to their territory. I really hope you'll join me there as well." Lucas stared at her for a moment before he reluctantly nodded and kissed her shortly.
"Can't let you go alone. The invitation was for the two of us remember? I just want you to know we need to be careful. We need a plan. We don't know what to expect and for all we know, they might just want to kill us. Don't rush into this."
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