A/N: Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for reading my very first novel. In celebration of its completion, please enjoy a sketch I drew of Alessandro and Lance!
3 years later...
"Bye, Jené. Thanks again for the smoothies!"
"No problem. I'll see you guys!"
Alessandro exited the café while taking another sip of his cool beverage. It was a new item which had recently been added to the menu in preparation for a hot summer. Strong tastes of orange, vanilla, and cream were a bit watered down thanks to blended ice. A swirly whipped dome was decorated with orange peel shavings, a bendy straw with an umbrella penetrating the fluffy topping. The drink as a whole was reminiscent of eating popsicles on the beach after taking a refreshing swim.
Considering tomorrow was Stephan's barbecue bash at the lake, perhaps it'd be a good idea to grab some frozen treats from the market.
"Lance, honey, would you be okay with us stopping by the store? I wanted to get a few more things for tomorrow."
"Doesn't bother me, big guy. I kind of wanted to grab some extra stuff for the house anyway."
"You want me to get the car?"
"You don't have to. It's a nice day, so I don't mind walking. It'll give us an excuse to take our afternoon stroll early too."
A nod was given in both understanding and agreement. An arm was put out, and Lance took hold of it without a second thought.
Despite a climbing temperature and only fleeting moments of reprieve from a fierce sun, they didn't mind being so close. Their drinks made the heat a lot easier to handle too, which was something to also be thankful for.
Background noise from cars honking in crowded streets weren't bothersome, seeing as bellowing vehicles were considered normal in terms of bustling city life. Restaurants and clothing shop faces were partially basking in shade thanks to tall neighboring buildings. Dark leaves on slim trees danced in tandem with a faint breeze. Higher above, pigeons sat in spread out groups on swaying cable lines and atop wooden posts. The occasional squirrel ran across the sidewalk in search of food or shelter, alley cats sometimes chasing after the smaller animals.
Strangers walked around in a sea of unknown faces and voices. Conversations blended together. Footsteps rumbled against wide concrete. Shopping bags of differing textures shuffled against one another.
Fortunately, the school and post work rush had yet to commence; so the block wasn't nearly as crowded as it could've been. The couple were able to walk with a comfortable distance between them and other people.
"I'm really excited to see Leo and everyone next week." Lance smiled down at his smoothie. "They must be pretty stoked too."
"We all have a reason to be. This is a pretty big deal. It's not often that we get to plan-"
"Lance? Alessandro?"
Both men paused. With arms still connected, they turned around and gravitated closer to a storefront to stay out of the way. That, unfortunately, left them without much room to escape from the people who called out to them.
Those individuals being Kassandra and Donovan who hadn't been seen in years.
Kassandra had lost a bit of weight; her face appearing a bit sunken in and her eyes seeming more tired. Her wardrobe was plain, only consisting of a T-shirt too large to be her own and a pair of denim shorts. Thin flip flops shed light on small tan lines near her ankles. Vibrant blue hair had been dyed a bright green, but frayed strands looked dull as the color had most likely been washed out.
Donovan didn't seem very different himself. He still had his signature messy blond locks, bored brown eyes, and septum piercing. His clothes weren't stained, but they were just as plain as his girlfriend's. He smelled of cigarette smoke. One was propped against his ear like someone would do with a pencil or flower.
"Kassandra and Donovan." Alessandro looked between both people. He certainly wasn't excited to be anywhere near them, but it could've been worse. There was a sense of discomfort alongside a growing desire to walk away. There wasn't, however, a need to cower in fear. Years worth of therapy and positive feedback from his circle of allies helped to remedy most of his mental hurdles. More than anything, he just felt indifferent toward the situation. "Didn't expect to see you guys walking out and about."
"Yeah, talk about displeasure..." Lance added, taking another sip from his beverage.
"Crazy to see you guys are actually together. I always had my suspicions that you were in the beginning- or that you would be at some point- but I didn't think after so many years you'd still be an item." Donovan glanced over his prior roommate with an annoyed sweep of the eyes. "How's being your boss' sugar baby?"
"How's being a registered sex offender?" The question was aimed at both unwelcomed people and was paired with a smug grin. "You also seem to have forgotten the terms of our restraining order by even talking to us. And don't even get me started on you being anywhere near our vicinity. Would be a shame if you guys ended up in the back of a cop car again, wouldn't it?"
Alessandro tried to hide an amused laugh behind a cough. He could see a growing smile in his peripheral vision, ultimately making him snicker. It was met with a fond caress to the arm still being held.
Warm fingers shifted as Lance's smoothie was taken into his other hand. The gesture gave him free rein to move random wisps of hair out of his face. "Right, well, as riveting as this conversation is, I think we should get going-"
"Woah, woah, woah- hold on a second!" Kassandra's eyes widened, and she pointed at the couple in front of her. "Is that- is that an engagement ring?!"
Bluish gray eyes scanned the appendage now in front of him. He looked over a sparkling bundle of diamonds perched atop a white-golden band on his finger. "Yeah..? Congratulations, you know what jewelry is."
"Why are you wearing an engagement ring?!"
"Because I'm engaged..? Pretty stupid question to ask-"
"Engaged to who?!"
"Who do you think?" Lance's eyes narrowed in annoyance. "Holy shit, how about you use some fucking context clues if you're so smart."
"You- you two are..." Donovan looked between them, shocked.
"You're- you guys are engaged?! You're getting married?!" Kassandra added with an incredulous tone.
"That's what an engagement entails, yes." It was Alessandro's turn to give some sass to their strange yet oddly comical encounter. "That's what happens when two people love each other and want to take things a step further. I'm sure you guys understand that, right?"
The comment was met with small stammers.
"Oh, you two aren't married? That's crazy. You're definitely made for each other." He shrugged, swirling around his beverage by physically moving the cup. "Or maybe you two just aren't built to last. You both were very keen on keeping me and Lance apart. Maybe this is the universe's sign that you should part in terms of your own relationship. Y'know, since it's clearly not moving forward. Who knows- maybe you two would finally grow up and learn some common decency. But, hey, that's just coming from me."
"Oh, wow, look at the time!" Lance looked down at his bare wrist. "We better get going; don't want to waste the rest of this beautiful day by talking to the likes of you. Have a good life! Or, better yet, don't!"
Kassandra and Donovan were left gaping.
Alessandro and Lance took the opportunity to finally slink away with their heads held high. Their hands joined. Similar rings could be felt on opposing fingers. Lighthearted snickers escaped from both men as they continued their trek to the grocery store a few blocks away.
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