a diff kind of high
A groan leaves Jeongguk's lips as he watches Taehyung roll another joint. Him, Taehyung, and Namjoon have been passing around a joint that was long gone for the past hour now, and Taehyung is taking his sweet time in rolling another one.
"Why the hell are you so slow?" Namjoon gruffs out, taking another tequila shot. "You only have to put them in the middle and roll, Jesus Christ."
"Well I'm fucking sorry for making sure it won't break, hyung," Taehyung responds, clearly annoyed. The music in the background only heightens his already high state that he screams, "I'm trying my best, okay!"
Jeongguk laughs at this. "Tae, if you failed your exam, don't pour your frustrations out on us. We're just here to get high, not to get scolded." The blunt hasn't hit him yet, and he tries to enjoy the moments of sobriety as he prepares himself to take another hit.
His phone buzzes from his pocket and he pulls it out, only to see another Twitter notification from Lalisa asking him where he was. He types out a quick reply saying, "living room table w tae."
He doesn't care if his reply comes out as cold, that's the purpose, after all. Why, you may ask.
As soon as they arrived at the party hours ago, Lalisa had left him alone at the porch claiming that she had to go and meet Jimin. Yeah, Jimin, that fucking dwarf guy.
Just as he was about to go and leave, Taehyung thankfully found him and he decided to come with them just so he wouldn't be lonely for the night. His roommate can sometimes be unpredictable and tonight is one of those nights.
Namjoon nudges his shoulder. He turns to see him holding out the newly rolled joint, already lit at the tip. "Here."
"Thanks," he murmurs, and takes a long hit that had him feeling like he's on cloud nine. "Lord, that was good."
Taehyung grins. "Duh, of course it is. Do you want--" Jeongguk watches as his smile slowly disappears from his face. "Gguk, is that your roommate?"
"Huh?" He asks in confusion, turning his head to see Lalisa running towards him in full force all across from the other side of the house. "What the fuck?"
"Does she do track and field?" Namjoon chuckles under his breath after taking the forgotten joint from his hand. "She's so fast."
"Gguk!" Lalisa exclaims just as Taehyung mutters a your jokes are so 18th century, hyung. Jeongguk instinctively braces himself for impact, seeing as she's running like a goddamn horse and then--
"What the hell, why'd you do that?!" He asks with a frown marring his face. She literally jumped over the fucking seat and bounced on the cushion like it's a trampoline or something. "What are-- what's going on? Why are were you running?"
Lalisa pants, hands gripping Jeongguk's hoodie from the front. "Listen, you big boy, you have to kiss me."
Now he's debating whether the joint was hitting because goddamn his roommate just asked him to kiss her. Like, kiss. K-I-S-S.
"What?!" Jeongguk knows Taehyung and Namjoon were nearby, but they were too occupied with exchanging 420 stories that they didn't even spare them a glance.
(Which is a good thing because if it weren't for the cheap disco lights, they would've seen the tips of his ears becoming red and would tease him until the end of his days.)
"I said, you have to kiss me."
"But why?" He argues, but the idea definitely doesn't sound bad. Fuck, Jeongguk, she's your friend. Stop it! "Are you drunk?"
"God, listen!" She slaps his arms and raises her head to look around. "There's this guy that's been trying to take my number after for the past five minutes, after that dumb bitch Jimin left me upstairs."
At the mention of Jimin, he frowns. "That fucking imbecile--"
"Don't fight him!" Lalisa shushes him before he could even finish. "Okay, so, I told him I had a boyfriend, right? And then I thought he'd leave me alone but he asked me for proof so, here we are."
"Couldn't you have just kicked his balls or something?"
"Yeah, like I could kick the balls of a freaking senior. You're so smart, Ggukie," she deadpans. "He's a member of the dance team, you idiot. Can't have my rep be damaged just because he wanted to ask for my number."
Jeongguk heaves a sigh and leans back on his seat. His mind isn't honestly working right now, he feels the cogs of his brain turning clockwise and counter clockwise and shit, the joint was hitting, he feels like he might just float at any moment now.
"So?" She asks again, gauging for his reaction. "Is it okay with you? You're the only person I trust to do this. Please say yes."
And Jeongguk is a sucker whenever Lalisa pleads. She just... looks like a kicked kitty that he couldn't find the guts to say no.
"Okay, fine," he huffs, straightening his posture. Lalisa merely claps at this and leans in, but not until-- "Hey, did you brush your teeth?"
"We brushed our teeth together, you moron. C'mon now."
"Yeah, okay, but no tongues, yeah? I'm kinda high, so--"
Her eyes widen in panic. "Oh my god, he's a few feet away--"
And suddenly, there's something soft pressing against his lips.
It's quick, but Jeongguk unconsciously cups Lalisa's jaw to angle them even better. From the distance, he thinks he hears something along the lines of, shit, her boyfriend's here before fading away along with the crowd's chatter.
But he doesn't really care. What's his mind is so focused on was how soft Lalisa's lips feel like against his, how a surge of warmth seems to just pour out from her and settle deep within his skin. Her own hands have come up to circle around his neck, both of their chests pressing against each other.
When she finally pulls away, Jeongguk couldn't even look her in the eye.
"Wow, why are you acting so shy now, you big guy?" She asks with a grin, playfully pinching his cheek.
Jeongguk rolls his eyes, but damn did he want the ground to swallow him hole. "I dunno, maybe because that was the weirdest thing that happened to me."
She laughs, tipping her head back. "You're overreacting. It was nice though."
He looks at her, and even with the pulsing lights, he can see that she's blushing. He briefly wonders if he's in the same state.
"Nice, my ass," he retorts, not knowing what to say. God, his heart is doing somersaults in his chest right now. The hell.
"Hey," her voice turns serious again, sounding a little hesitant. "Would you..."
"Spit it out."
She bites her lower lip, a habit that she does when she's nervous. "Would you... like to do it again?"
Okay, he really is high. This is euphoria.
"Uh," he mumbles. Jeongguk turns to his friends to ask for help, only to see them gone from their seats. These fuckers, he curses internally.
"If it's okay with you, of course."
It's more than okay, he thinks. So maybe he's still a little kiss-drunk, but Lalisa Manoban's lips feel like a different kind of high that he just wants to indulge himself even more.
"It's fine," he finds himself saying. "Come here."
She gives a little snort before scooting in closer, slotting their lips together for the second time that night.
Oh, this is even better than drugs.
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