Part 9
The hotel in Virginia is pretty cool. We'll be staying here for two weeks. So four shows in total. Two Raws and two Smackdowns. The thing is this hotel has a pool! And a jacuzzi! I start unpacking and so does Natalya. Eva volunteered to stay with Aj since one of us had to stay with her and obviously I want nothing to do with her since she hurt my sister.
John has been calling and texting to apologize. On the way he was apologizing and I told him it was fine but I've been acting distant with him so he know that he really hurt me. Its Wednesday and kinda late so we'll start working out and training tomorrow for smackdown. "Do you miss Brie?" Nattie asks. "You have no idea how much. Its going to suck doing matches without her." Nattie nods, "Yeah I bet, I hope she gets better."
Natalya takes out a red dress and heels, "Going out tonight?" I ask. "Yeah, Tj is being an asshole so I need to distract myself." Tj is her husband and lately they've been having lots of problems. "Why don't you come with us? You need distraction too." she says taking off her clothes and putting on the red dress.
"Nah, I'm good. I'm kinda tired anyways." Natalya starts applying makeup. "Come on Nikki. You love to party." I chuckle, "Yeah but not tonight."
After the girls leave theres a knock on my door when I open it I see John standing there with a box of chocolates and a candle. I can't help to smile because I love chocolate and candles even though he hates them. "I'm sorry love, forgive me for being a douche. Please?" I squeeze my eyes shut, how can I say no to that? He leans in to kiss me and I don't hesitate.
John leaves at midnight since Natalya should be getting back soon. The bed feels empty without him and all of the sudden I am bored and alone. I look outside my window and the moolight hits me. After staring at the sky forever I look through my suitcase for a sports bra and some shorts. I grab my purse and put in pepperspray just in case some creeper tries to do something, cause you never know. Then I put an oversized shirt over it, as I go downstairs to the pool I'm wondering if its opened.
To my surprise its open. Its empty and thats just what I want. I take off my shirt and tie my hair up in a pony tail. The floor is cold and wet, suddenly there's a noise. In the pool. Its bubbles. The door is feet away and the pool is too. If I try to run I could easily slip or whoever is in the pool can get me. I reach to get my pepper spray in my purse. My knees are shaky.
There's a loud splash and I scream spraying the pepper spray. "Fuck!" I hear. When I open my eyes to see who's there, I drop my pepper spray and jump in to get him. He's screaming a lot and rubbing his eyes. I take him out the pool and hes blinking fast, "Why the hell did you do that for?!"
"Rollins it was your fault for scaring me like that!" hes still rubbing his eyes and cursing. "Here hold on." theres a bottle of water in my purse and I grab my oversized shirt then put some clean water on the shirt.
"It burns!!" he screams, "Don't be such a baby, Rollins." he keeps moving his legs a lot. "Oh yeah? How about I spray you with pepper spray and see how you like it."
"Oh God no. Now stay still." I grab his face with one hand and I start to wipe his eyes with my shirt hoping that'll help. After a few minutes, he blinks slowly until his eyes meet mine. His eyes are a brownish caramel color, something I've never noticed. "I can see now." he says, his eyes are a little red but he's not blinking as much.
I stop holding his face and feel my face get hot, "You've got soft hands, Nicole." he says. "Its Nikki. And um thanks?" he laughs, "No problem. But try not to pepper spray me again, would ya? Those were the worst five minutes of my life." I smile, "I'll try my best. But try not to give me a heartattack."
He smirks, "Oooh, I can't help giving you a heartattck. I'm just that sexy." he rubs his stomach and that's when I realize he's shirtless! My eyes widen and I look away, I hear laughter. "You're acting like you've never seen me shirtless."
I have seen him shirtless, plenty of times actually. But only on tv. Never person to person. "Put on a shirt, nobody wants to see that." I close my eyes trying to keep it cool. "Oh really? Why are you blushing then, Bella?" he pokes my cheek and I open my eyes. "I'm not blushing okay? It's just really hot in here." he nods. "Yeah, its hot cause I'm here."
"Pshhhh, don't think of yourself too much Rollins." he moves his wet hair out of the way, "Just admit it Nicole, I'm hot." I shake my head no, "You wish you were." he blinks rapidly and shakes his head, "No, no, I don't wish I know I am."
"You know what? I am done arguing with you, Rollins. Why am I still here anyways?" he pokes my cheek again, "Because you love spending time with me." I laugh, "Whatever helps you sleep at night." I get up and grab my purse and shirt. He gets up with me and puts on his shirt, his chest and stoamch are wet so they stick to his shirt. "Stop checking me out, I feel violated." I look away quickly noticing I was staring hardcore. But how can I not? Jesus, they guy has a six pack.
"I wasn't even looking at you!" I say walking to the door, he follows me behind. I wanted to stay and swim a little but there's no way I'm staying now, I've already embarrassed myself. Plus if I try to stay Seth will too and I don't want to be in a pool alone with him. The hotel floor is really cold agaisnt my wet feet. I almost slip but Seth catches me from behind. "Bella what is up with you and trying to fall to the floor?"
"I didn't mean to do that." I say getting balance, I walk over to the elevator and push the button. "Bye bye Nicole." he says with a grin. "Gosh! Rollins! Its NIKKI!" he smiles big, "Yeah, yeah whatever. Oh and by the way nice panties." he winks and walks the opposite way.
I turn my head and look at my butt. My pink panties show through my shorts! I close my eyes cursing myself as I feel beyond embarrassed.
Seth Rollins saw my panties.
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