Part 50
"Hello there guys. By the way congratulations on your match Mr. Rollins." Jane says as we sit in front of her. "Why, thank you." Seth smiles and looks at her. "Okay so, basically Mark and I came up with this new idea for your storyline." She looks at me then at Seth. "Okay." I say slowly.
"I know there's a connection between you two, and you two are suppose to hate each other but clearly you don't. I saw that you somehow helped Seth on his match tonight, and I'm pretty sure the people are confused on why you did it since you are suppose to hate him. So I thought to myself that maybe you wanted to take this to the next level." She waits a minute for all of it to sink. "And what will the next level be?" Seth asks leaning in closer.
"I found out about John and you, Nicole." She whispers. Oh gosh, rumors spread quick. "Sorry about that. But not that you are single and he is single we could involve romantic stuff. You know? I was thinking that you Nicole can turn to a heel and join Seth and the authority. It will be a great shock but I think it'll be perfect heel turn that would bring more popularity."
I've been a heel before. But not this kind of heel, and honestly I'm not so sure about it. "Don't give me an answer now, think about it. If you have an answer by tomorrow for Raw it'll be great but if you don't, then don't stress it out. You don't have to do it, but like I said it'll be great. You don't mind romantic stuff now do you, Seth?" Jane asks him, he shakes his head no "Oh trust me, Jane. I would love some romantic stuff."
"Alright great. Well that's all I wanted to say. So think about it, Nicole." She gets up and shakes our hand as we walk out the door. "What do you think?" He asks as we close the door behind. "I don't know, I love being in a storyline with you but I'm not sure about this join the authority heel turn thing." I bite my lip, "Why?"
"Because like I'm scared people will hate that character. And I'm used to crowds cheering me not booing me and stuff." I sigh just thinking about it. "Hey, crowds used to cheer for me but now they boo. It's still attention, and plus I'm pretty sure if you do this it won't be long because Brie will come back in a few months. Don't feel pressured or anything, even if you don't want to do it I'll still be here." He kisses my head and I smile giving him a hug.
"I know." I whisper against his chest. "Damn Seth." Dean groans and I let go of Seth, Dean has an ice pack on his head. "Did I hit you that hard?" He asks and Dean nods. "Yes I felt like twenty rocks hit my head at the same time." Seth tries to touch his head but he refuses. "It hurts!"
"I'm sorry Dean, but that's what you get for curb stomping me. I was out." Dean chuckles, "I could've sworn I had you right there." Seth shakes his head, "Yes but no. Sucks for you!" Dean fake punches Seth, "Whatever. But anyways I'm going to go change. See you later Justin Bieber, bye bye Bella." He smiles as he walks away. "Don't ever call me that!" Seth screams.
"You do kind of look like him." My face breaks into a smile when I see Seth's face. "I'm just kidding!" Seth frowns, "That wasn't funny, Nicole." I poke his side, "You know it was. But let's get going!" I grab his hand and pull him as we walk to the locker rooms. Seth walks into the boys and I walk into the girls.
"There she is!" Paige says as I walk in. The girls are around her squealing and congratulating her. "What am I missing?" I ask starting to change into my regular clothes. "We have to celebrate Paige's victory!" Nattie exclaims. "Oh, gosh. I would love to Paige but I'm exhausted." The girls sigh and roll their eyes. "No come on you have to come. It wouldn't be the same without you." Paige says blinking her eyes really fast and smiling.
"Paige, I love you. And I love you guys but honestly I will pass because we have Raw tomorrow and I don't want to feel bleh." They groan and I know they're annoyed. "You're turning into Brie, I swear." Eva says, "Noooo! Never say that!"
"So then come with us." Cameron smirks, "I know what you two are doing. You are trying to get in my head and make me want to say that I'll go so that I will." I squint my eyes and glare at them as they chuckle. "Come on Nikki!" Emma says wrapping her arms around me. "Guys, I really want to but I don't feel too good. I promise next time I will go, I swear on everything. Please don't be mad."
"Ugh. Fine." Paige frowns, I give her a hug and she finally gives in and hugs me back. "You better be glad I love you." She says. "Oh you bet I am glad that you do."
I wake up scared as I hear a knock on the door. It's one in the morning, maybe Paige is back and she forgot her key. I rub my eyes and open the door. "Paige-" but it's not Paige, it's Seth. He hugs me and he's shaking. "Seth? What's wrong-? Are you- okay?" He shakes his head no and keeps hugging me.
He walks in the room and closes the door behind. We sit on the bed, "What happened?" He runs his fingers through his hair. "I had a nightmare. About losing you, and I don't want to lose you Nicole. I never want to, that'll be a total nightmare. My life would be a nightmare." He's still a little shaky, "Oh Seth. You won't ever lose me. Come here." I hug him close to me until he calms down. "Can you stay here until I fall asleep?" I ask him and he nods. We lay down and I lay my head on his chest. I'm almost asleep when I hear Seth whisper, "Promise me you won't ever leave me." I open my eyes and look up, "I promise, Seth." He gives me a kiss on he forehead and then everything goes black.
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