Part 47
"Oh my gosh. I'm so done." Nattie says walking in the locker room mad. "What's wrong Nattie?" I ask walking to her. "Freaking Tj. I can't even deal with him right now." She sits down and rubs her temples. "Oh God. What did he do now?" Cameron asks. "He's just in a bad mood and he's taking out on me. So yall know how he just recovered from his injury right?" We all nod as she continues to talk.
"And like ever since he's back the crowd screams 'Natties husband' every time he's having a match and that bothers him because he doesn't feel like he's here because of his talent, he feels like he's here because he's my husband. And I've told him he's really talented and stuff but won't understand. I don't know what else to do." I rub her back as she shakes her head. "Give him some time, it'll get better. He won't listen to you right now, talk to him in private. Go eat some dinner with him or something." I say. "Yeah, Nikki is right. Give him some time, you know boys are hardheaded." Emma says.
"Don't feel bad, we're here for you." Eva says. We all give her a great group hug and Nattie smiles. "Thank you guys." She says. "I'll see you guys later, Ima get my makeup done." I tell the girls waving bye and walking out.
Sandra starts to apply my makeup while another girl straightens my hair. A few minutes later they're done and I get going looking for Seth. I find him just on time before we go out. "I missed you." He says wrapping his arms around me. "You just saw me like thirty minutes ago."
"It seemed like an eternity to me." He says squeezing me tighter. "Rollins, you're going to break me!" He lets go smiling, "Sorry, Bella." We wait for Seth's music and once it starts playing we walk out together. I start to smile even though I'm suppose to be all serious, Seth looks at me and smiles too. "Nicole, stop making me smile! I'm suppose to look tough." He whispers as we walk. This makes me smile bigger and I know Jane won't be too happy about this smiley me. He hands me his briefcase so I can hold it.
Seth gets a microphone and starts to talk. "On Raw I was defeated by Heath Slater, but it wasn't because Heath defeated me. It was because of that lunatic Dean Ambrose." He stares straight at the camera, "He caused me my match! I could've easily won, and if it wasn't for that nosey freak I would be the one picking a stipulation for Summerslam! I would be the one picking what kind of mat-" before he can finish his argument Dean comes out.
The crowd goes nuts as Ambrose slides in the ring, Seth steps back as Dean grins. "Happy to see me, Seth?" He says laughing. Seth steps back once again bumping into me, "Oh no, no, I'm not here to beat your ass- yet. Maybe in a few minutes when I get done saying what I want to say, then maybe I will kick your ass."
"Oh really Ambrose? Really?" Seth says into the microphone, "Yes really." Dean says getting closer to Seth. "What do you want Ambrose?" He asks rolling his eyes. "I came out here to say my stipulation. You know I was thinking about it a lot, because I need a good match. I need something that won't allow you to run away like you always do. Because you're always hiding, either behind Kane or behind Randy or behind Triple H. Now you're even hiding behind Nikki Bella, which by the way you forced her to be your assistant."
"I don't hide behind nobody! Now get to the point." Seth shouts as Dean grins, I guess he enjoys making him mad. "Ha! You know it's true! But anyways, we were once in The Shield, we made lots and lots of enemies ever since we got here and you know that. Those enemies wouldn't dare to let you run away now would they?"
"What do you mean?" Seth raises an eyebrow. "I want a lumber match." Deans smile gets big. "A lumber match? Yeah I don't think so. In fact I don't even want to fight you at Summerslam, you're not worth my time or my energy. I'm done with this, let's go Bella." Seth indicates me to hand him his briefcase but as I'm about to Dean hits Seth from the back. I quickly get out of the ring so they won't end up punching me. Seth rolls out of the ring and goes behind me, "Oh no you ain't." Dean says as he steps in from of me and tries to reach for Seth. I am in between them and Seth is screaming at Dean to back off from him and I. "You're squishing me!" I tell them both. "Get away Ambrose!" Seth tells Dean but then Dean grabs Seth by the hair and that's when part of the authority comes out.
Dean lets go of Seth as he sees Randy Orton and Kane come out. Seth stays behind me rubbing his head and Randy and Kane attack Dean. The crowd is booing the authority for attacking Dean. After they're done beating up Dean, Seth grabs the microphone, "You know what Ambrose? I will face you at Summerslam and I don't care if it's a lumber match hell, I don't even care what kind of match it is. But be ready cause I will walk out victorious!" He drops the microphone on Dean who's on the floor trying to recover from the punches he received from Kane and Randy. Seth's music hits and he taps my shoulder indicating me to walk with him. I walk beside him as Randy and Kane walk behind us, once he's walking by the people he grabs the briefcase from my hand and puts it up in the air grinning big and wide.
"I didn't know Kane and Randy were coming out." I say as we walk backstage, he puts his briefcase down as he wipes the sweat off his chest with a napkin. "Me either, but you know how crazy Dean is. He wasn't even suppose to come out on smackdown yet he did." I chuckle as Seth laughs with me. Randy goes by us giving us a weird look. "He creeps me out." I whisper to Seth. "Oh Bella, everything creeps you out." He snickers giving my forehead a kiss.
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