Part 19
I bite my lip as John's music hits, this is it. The main event. I've been a nervous wreck since Friday night. I am hoping and praying Seth won't show up. But deep inside I kmow he will. I begged John not to do it, but since I told him about the storyline with Seth he's been in this really pissy mood and he won't listen. He's angry and jealous. He will take it all out on Seth. Its not that I don't think Seth can handle John, I know he can but .. it's just something about them two fighting. Its crazy because- I don't want neither of them to get hurt. I try to tell myself to only worry about John, I should only be worrying about him but I can't help to worry about Seth too.
John takes off his shirt and I'm biting my nails, "What's wrong?" Nattie asks sitting beside me on a chair backstage. She looks at the tv and then at me, "Ohhhh worried about John? Don't worry, he's got this." she rubs my back and I smile, oh I'm not just worried about John. Seth's music hits and I curse myself. "Fuck!"
Nattie gives me a look, "What?" I shake my head, "No, nothing." Seth walks in with his briefcase, he's looking right at John. They both look angry and frustrated. Seth enters the ring and puts his brief case down and then takes off his shirt. John looks at him from head to toe and gives him a disgusted look. The match starts and by this time I'm halfway done with my nails. John punches Seth not once or twice but three times.
Seth tries to defend himself but John's got him in a corner, Seth kicks John in the face and John shakes his head while trying to focus. I know that feeling, when you get kicked right in the face. Its horrible, and painful. Plus it leaves you confused and with a blurry sight. This gives Seth an advantage as he puches him over and over. The crowd is cheering and booing at the same time.
John gets up and when Seth runs to him John elbows him in the nose, Seth falls on the ring and holds his nose. John is going to get him and Seth rolls out of the ring, the referre tells John to back off but he crawls out of the ring. Seth moves out the way as John runs to him and John ends up running into a pole. Seth's nose is bleeding horribly and when he goes to hit John, he catches Seth and throws him into the steel stairs. Seth screams in pain as he holds his back, I close my eyes because I can't watch anymore.
"John's doing pretty good." Nattie says and I just nod. I hear the crowd go crazy but I don't want to look I'm too afraid. "John taking out a table! And chairs!" Nattie says, I look up and see Seth in the ground while John fixes the table and he's got chairs all over the ring. "What is he going to do?" I ask but I already know what. John goes out of the ring to get Seth back in. When Seth is in the ring he grabs a chair and hits John but that doesn't stop him. He kicks Seth so hard in the head Seth falls back and he doesn't move. "He's out." Nattie says as John picks up Seth and throws him over his shoulders.
The crowd is screaming and John is screaming too. I chew on my lip and then he does his finisher, the f-5, on Seth. He crashes into the table. My heart sinks as I see him down, his chest is moving slowly and I can tell he's in pain even though he's not moving. John pins Seth down and he doesn't kick out so John wins.
His music hits as he grins, the referre puts his hand up. I watch as medical people go in the ring to check on Seth. "He won! Wait where are you going?" Nattie asks as I get up from my chair. I ignore her question and walk down the hall to see John entering backstage. He smiles happily, "Aren't you glad I won?" I nod as I fake smile. He gives me a kiss and I hug him. "Congrats." I say on his chest. But I can't take my mind of Seth.
I knock on the door as I adjust my jacket. "I don't want to talk right now." Seth says, I peek in the doctors room, "Not even to me, Rollins?" his face expression changes quickly. "Oh, to you Nicole I'd talk to any time." I step in the room and I see him sitting down in a smallish bed with an ice pack on his back. He's got some bruises on his shoulder from hitting the stairs, and I can still see some blood on his nose. John had bruises too. Lots of them.
"How- how are you?" I ask sitting down in a chair facing him. "Eh kinda sore." he sighs, and I look down at my lap. "I told you I didn't want you to get hurt." I say, he chuckles soflty. "Well he got punched and got bruises too so I'm completely fine with getting hurt." I look up at him, "Well I'm not okay with it." I say and he smiles. "Is it that you care about me, Ms. Bella?" oh that smile of his!
"No- no, I just uhh..-" I got no exuse. "Uhhhhh what ma'am?" I look around the room not knowing what to say. "Just- agh! I just wanted to check on you." I say scratching my neck. "Okay well thank you, Nicole. I appreciate it." he says with a small smile. I see a pink cup beside him. "I didn't know you liked pink cups, Mr. Rollins." he looks at the cup. "Oh that's not mine its Leighlas."
I groan and roll my eyes because its ugh- Leighla. "What?" he asks, I shake my head. "Nothing. I should get going cause Leighla might come back." I say getting up. "Well she went to get something so I'll doubt she'll be back soon." he tries to reach the ice pack behind him and I walk over to him and remove it. I gasp when I see a really bad bruise. "I'm used to it. My back hit the stairs twice and then the chairs and then the table so I can imagine it looks bad." he says and I nod rubbing my finger on it, he winces and I stop doing it.
"Sorry." I say, "Its okay." he reaches over to get his briefcase, when he opens it of course a periwinkle flower is there. He gives it to me, "I was waiting to see you and give it to you." I take it. "Why didn't you give it to Leighla instead?" he shrugs, "Because those flowers are just for you, Nicole. Feel special."
"Do you and Leighla go out?" I ask. He looks at me, "We've been on dates. We are talking. But-" he stops and looks away. "But what?" I ask, he looks down at his lap.
"I can't stop thinking about you, Nicole." my heart melts and I feel a huge knot in my throat. I look at him, he still hasn't looked up. "Me too." I whisper softly as a tear falls from my eye.
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