By time Naruto had started running he lost sight of Kakashi so he took off in any direction he thought his sensei might have gone in.
Kakashi was able to to keep up with the two boys and noticing them both slowing down, they must have been tired from trying to outrun him. One of the two hooded boys hap tripped and fell, the other quickly stopping to try and pull him up, that one wrong foot movement, gave Kakashi enough time to block them from trying to move.
"So, would you like to give me that picture back, and explain to me why you took it?" He asked in a serious yet calm tone of voice. One boy kept his head down avoiding any and all eye contact with Kakashi, the one hiding his face from view was the one who had tripped, his knee was bleeding, but he seemed to be trying to hide that as well.
The other boy on the other hand was going to be a hand full, he was quick to try and push Kakashi away from touching the other boy. His purple eyes stared up at Kakashi, he was glaring in a threatening matter, but Kakashi wasn't threaten in the least, these were children, he wasn't scared of them.
Kakashi let out a chuckle as he could see the young boy was about to try and fight with him. "Come on kid, I'm not going to fight you, just give me the picture back." Kakashi started to reach for the picture out of the boys hand, but he only quickly pulled back as he noticed sharp pointed teeth and where ready to bite him.
"I'm not just some kid, old man." The boy looked up, his hood falling and his white hair and pale skin now visible. The boy gave the picture he was holding to the boy behind him, the other boy took the picture and tucked it in his cloak.
"Take this." He spoke as he did this action. "I'll handle this man, and you can take the picture and run." The other boy was quick to grab his hand as he pulled away from the transfer.
"Don't... you can't win...not against him." The others voice was low and shallow, hardly spoke above the tone of a whisper. "We will not fight, but we will not hand over the picture." The boy spoke.
"Oh come on! I can take him!" The white haired boy said, speaking as if Kakashi wasn't standing right in front of them, he could have taken them out all ready if he really wanted to.
"Stop Suigetsu, I told you, we are no match for him, and we are in no condition to fight, lets just get out of here."
Kakashi wondered if they had known who he was, for the hooded of the two boys kept saying how they didn't stand a chance against him, meanings the boy knew he was strong, yet they still kept the picture instead of just handing it over.
Kakashi stood up straight, "You two aren't going anywhere tell I get that picture back."
The boy with white hair, his name was supposedly Suigetsu turned his attention back to Kakashi.
"Make me!" He said in a teasing tone.
Kakashi was starting to lose his cool, this Suigetsu was starting to get on his nerves. "Gezz, kid you just don't know when to give up."
Kakashi had enough of this, if he was going to fight the kid, then he would fight, but he wouldn't injure them, so he choice to just reach for the other boy who was still sitting on the ground hiding the picture.
Kakashi was quick to notice the shape teeth of other boy had bitten down on his wrist, the pain was minimal, but was definitely there, his first reaction was to push the boys mouth of his wrist, so using his other hand he swatted towards the boys face, only to see the boy straight turn into liquid, water, and then form right back to normal.
He was stunned. "Run" Suigetsu called back towards the other boy. "I'll hold him off, and catch back up to you!"
Kakashi watched as the hooded boy took off, he started to go after him but was stopped by Suigetsu. "Naw, hold on old man, if you wanna get him, you got to go threw me first." He smirked, causing his shark like teeth to be shone again.
Kakashi didn't have time to fight a kid, he didn't want to hurt him, he was honestly I little worried for the other boy who had taken off running on a hurt leg, but he had to find a quick way to talk this kid out of fighting him.
Naruto had been running through the trees, he figured he would have found some sigh of Kakashi by this point but nothing yet. He did however find a small cabin, which was nice for him, cause boy did he have to use the bathroom, and maybe they would let him. He would have just gone back at the hotel room, but Sakura had hit him hard in the head and took the bathroom for herself, saying how badly she needed a shower.
Naruto walked up to the cabin and looked at the door, there appeared to be a note taped to the door, if he wasn't so short however he might have been able to read it, or if he had cared to even try and read it.
Naruto knocked a few times on the door, he waited to see if he could hear footsteps coming close to the door, after no sound, he knocked again, then he could hear the sounds of wood floors creaking and them coming his way.
The door opened and he felt fear take over his entire body.
"My, my, my, how the tables of turned, wasn't it just a year ago I did the same to you?"
Naruto slowly looked up, it was him for sure, Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke older brother, the man who had knocked on his door before trying to kidnap him.
"Y-...Y-you..." Naruto stuttered out.
"You say that as if I was the one that came to you and knocked on you're door again, I am just standing here doing nothing and you came and bothered me, so if you wouldn't mind telling me way you're here, or leaving I have things to do, so please make you're choice quickly."
Naruto would have tried to call out for Kakashi, or anyone since they were looking for the Akastuki and he just happened to run into one, but his reason for knocking on the cabin door in the first place quickly took priority in that very second.
"Ba-bathroom?" He stuttered out.
Itachi titled his head, a bit confused by the single word which was thrown his way. "Bathroom? You came all the way out here to use a bathroom?"
Naruto nodded his head very quickly, his signature 'I gotta pee' dance had already started, he was bouncing back and forth a little holding his legs closed tightly, as if it would help.
Itachi couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, he stepped to the side of the door and point to a room right across the room. "Bathrooms there." He chuckled out, as he watched the boy quickly run through his small living space.
Naruto was in heaven for a few seconds, the bathroom had sounded like a waterfall from Naruto. Itachi had walked off to the kitchen soon hearing a small high pitched scream from the bathroom.
The scream to Itachi surprise was Naruto. "Whats wrong?" he called out.
"There's a tiny person stealing the toilet paper!!"
"Oh yeah, he likes to do that, sorry about that, theres more under the sink."
Naruto quickly left the bathroom seeing the tiny boy run around with the toilet paper in hand. Itachi returned and he had two cups of tea. "Kagami, please put that back in the bathroom, we've talked about this."
"awww, but kaa-chan~!"
"No buts Kagami, just cause you're father said he did it to our base doesn't mean you can do it to our house."
With those words the little boy, Kagami, took the toilet paper back to the bathroom, Itachi sat down with the two cups of tea. "Please, have some, I have no intentions of kidnapping you, so you can relax."
Naruto slow, sat down taking the tea in hand, he sniffed it a few times, fearing it might be poisoned, but after nothing smelled off he took a sip, his mind running three trains of thought at the same time.
One: why had Itachi just let him, and treated him actually decently, he didn't feel a need to be scared or wary of him.
Two: Who the heck was this kid? And why had he called Itachi mom? And why did the kid steal toilet paper out of all things?
Three: This tea is actually pretty nice.
If only he could think straight for once in his hyperactive brain.
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