Did I do good portraying the characters? You'll know who I'm talking about....
<Sheik has updated her status>
Eyooooo Bots! Cons! Anyone there?
TwowheelersSUCK: What do you want now?
Ifyouhaveadeathwishtouchmyfinish: Probably annoy us to no absolute end
Lunar_Prime: Well, DUH. But besides that
Ilikebreakingstuff: Umm, is it more dares?
Nova: I wish! We only have one but after that, we have something else planned.
LordStarscream: Noooo no more dares...
Lunar_Prime: Too bad :P
Gladiator: -_-
HammerTime: What is it? Better just get it done and overwith
Lunar_Prime: Sheik, care to do the honors?
Sheik: You know I would love to! Sounders, PM
<Private Message>
Sheik: The dare is you have to play pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows on the Nemesis for an entire week!
Slenderman: Who is it from?
Sheik: Snivy
Slenderman: I will start the dare immediately after the conversation is over.
Sheik: Sweet! Thanks, Sounds!
Slenderman: :)
<Private Message End>
Sheik: The dare will start right after this conversation is done!
Nova: Heheheh, Snivy made a good choice
Idontknow: Wait, the dare was from Snivy?
Lunar_Prime: Yup! Too bad she isn't around to see it, she's kinda recovering from her sugar crash
Nova: Anyway, we have some new people joining us!
Ifyouhaveadeathwishtouchmyfinish: Noooo.... No more.....
Sheik: Too bad! >:D
TwowheelersRULE: Oh boy
<Three users have logged on>
ConceitedLemon: The king is in the house!
OverconfidentApple: Hey
MusicistheBOMB: What's crackin' glitches?
ClassifiedInfo: WHO ARE THEY?
Sheik: Not telling! Figure it out yourself!
Nova: Basically this has now become a game where no one can leave until the identities of the three newcomers have been figured out
Ilikedetonatingstuff: And if we don't try and figure out who they are?
Lunar_Prime: Then you all will be stuck here until you do, or we get tired of this
ConceitedLemon: Wait, LUNAR'S A PRIME?!
OverconfidentApple: WHAT?!?!
MusicistheBOMB: Guys, chillax
Sheik: I thought I already explained this to you two...
Nova: Lunar isn't a Prime. It's just a name
Lunar_Prime: I should probably change that so I can avoid this...
OverconfidentApple: Oh
ConceitedLemon: I can't believe you thought she was a Prime
OverconfidentApple: Ex-CUSE me!? You said it first!
ConceitedLemon: No, I didn't!
Lunar_Prime: Girls, girls, you're both pretty, knock it off
ConceitedLemon: Why thank you for taking notice
Lunar_Prime: Oh my Primus.....
SLASHMONKEYRULES: Wait, how are we gonna figure out who they are if we don't get any hints!
MusicistheBOMB: Hey, you like Slash Monkey?
SLASHMONKEYRULES: Uh, what kind of question is that? OBVIOUSLY! How about you?
MusicistheBOMB: Eh, I've always been a more jazz kinda person myself, little girl
Ifyouhaveadeathwishtouchmyfinish: Wait a minute.........
StingerScout: Jazz?
MusicistheBOMB: Looks like you figured it out! What's up?
Lunar_Prime: The sky
Sheik: Lunar....
Lunar_Prime: What can I say? I'm a smartaft
Nova: Sometimes more than expected...
Lunar_Prime: Heh, what do you expect from me?
I'monfire: Do you want me to answer that question?
Lunar_Prime: It was a rhetorical question, Smokes
I'monfire: Oh
Lunar_Prime: Any-WAY. Boys, you two are up to give some clues
ConceitedLemon: Well, I'm OBVIOUSLY the best Autobot ever!
OverconfidentApple: Nah, you're pretty low on that bar
ConceitedLemon: You will pay for that...
OverconfidentApple: How about no?
Hacker: Well, now we know they're Autobots...
SLASHMONKEYRULES: And they're bickering like siblings....
Nova: Alright, I'm bored of this wait!
Sheik: Boys, take it away!
OverconfidentApple and ConceitedLemon: JET JUDO!
WrenchThrower: No....
ConceitedLemon: HA! He recognizes us!
WRenchThrower: This isn't happening...
OverconfidentApple: Good to see you too, Doc!
LordStarscream: SCRAP THESE TWO
Idontknow: Who're the Terror Twins?
Lunar_Prime: Twin Autobots by the names of Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. They're two of the most dangerous 'Bots, and earn their name through causing sheer terror through the Decepticon ranks
ConceitedLemon: Why thank you kindly for telling more about us in such a high way!
Lunar_Prime: -_- Sunstreaker, don't you even dare. You know what I can do when I'm annoyed
ConceitedLemon: Bring it on then
Lunar_Prime: I would, but you aren't worth my time
ConceitedLemon: WHAT?!
OverconfidentApple: HA!
ConceitedLemon: You little-
<FaceBook has crashed. Please try again later>
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