Looking at the headpiece and then placing it by dress number twelve, all of this was beginning to feel more and more real every second. "Now. About your hair and the style you were going for.." we both laughed as she took my hand guiding me to a chair where I had sat down. "I'll be right back.." She walked away as I heard drawers opening and closing then saw her from the distance heading back with a few things in hand. She had been holding a garbage bin in one hand and a pair of scissors with a few clips in the other. Then had been placing each thing down while grabbing another stool to take a seat in front of me along with the garbage bin. "Alright. I am ready, when you are ready." I nodded, "Okay. I am ready." She placed her hand on my head feeling for the headband I always wore to hide my bangs.
When she removed it, all of the hair fell in front of my face. She combed some of it then started to cut. "Just so I am clear. No bangs at all. Is that what you're going for?" I shook my head yes as she then had continued the same routine of cutting and making sure it was all even. But when she stopped cutting, she turned my chair to face the mirror as I saw myself without the bangs and it looked like I was a new person. "Well. Thoughts?" She asked me even though I had felt speechless. "And if I recall you also wanted your hair to be more mid-length. So would you want me to cut your hair as well?", I thought about it for a second and felt my hair. "Well. Maybe not too much.." I mumbled as she just nodded then started to cut again, "I must say with or without bangs I want to give you advice. You will always be your true self no matter what you do to change yourself.."
I thanked her for both the advice and the trim as I continued to look in the mirror, slowly seeing the hairs fall slowly into the trash bin beside me. Taking a deep breath in then out, I was just excited to see my new look. "If I may say, what drew you to picking the Celestial theme?" She placed the scissors down then made sure that my hair was evenly cut. "Well the Celestial theme reminded me of star-crossed lovers in the play Romeo and Juliet, as the couple reminded me of Jacob and me, minus their tragic death since we are still alive."
She had smiled, "Well if you recall the play has both a tragic and romantic theme to it. Aside from that I believe I am finished." Looking at myself, I couldn't even recognize who I was with the new hair. "Wow..amazing..just..wow." she laughed as I was just speechless as I then heard footsteps coming our way. And when I looked over it was Jacob, "What is going on in here.." I see his eyes widened, "Woah. Oh my black-winged demons have happened in here.." His mom laughed as he seemed to be speechless as well. "You say it as it seems to be a bad demon that is black-winged..but it looks good to me.", "What about black-winged demons.." Rosemary had also come in as all of us laughed. "Seems good to me and it's just his sarcasm that is hard to decipher. " Jacob laughed nervously.
"Not my fault if I say what I mean sometimes the opposite meaning. So in my thoughts..I would say it is like the good of black winged demons. Even though the black-winged demon's wings had just changed to pure white and not consumed with dad's bad omens causing them to be black." Rosemary looked at him, "That is the answer I was going to say..but you made it so much more confusing.", "There is no way you were also gonna say that dingbat.." she hit him in the shoulder just when he walked up to me looking in the mirror at me as I looked right back at him. "So what are your thoughts Maya." Though I was speechless I could form a sentence to say something. But ended up being cheesy. "I would say I love it as much as I love you.." he laughed as he stuck his hand out as I held it.
"Well that is one way to put it but there's one major thing you two need to take care of?" We looked at Rosemary strangely, "What's that.." he asked, "According to some research it is considered to be cake testing..it is the part where those who plan a wedding find most joy. I will say that I am jealous that I don't get to taste any cake though.." We both nodded with laughter, "So do we fly or drive.." he looked at me strangely, "Flying..don't you think I wouldn't remember I said I'd fly us back to Oakheart if you had flown here to Oak City." I smirked as he propped his wings open. "Oh right I do remember that.." we walked to the front door to go out of his house to go fly, which happened to be in between the clouds.
No arrows, no Nathan, just a peaceful flight in the clouds. "About the cake testing Rosemary planner she suggested going to Mistledough.." He looked at me strangely, "Just because it's nearly Christmas Day over doesn't mean we need a Christmas themed cake.." I looked at him, "Okay then what about Mad Batters..that is the second place she recommended as she wrote down that they have all year-round themed cakes..even maybe a star and galaxy theme since that goes with the wedding theme.."
I shrugged, "Okay why don't we go to Mistledough and then Mad Batters..", "Sounds good to me." We had then flown and landed towards Mistledough and when we walked in, there didn't seem to be a lot of people in there. However, we did see one person as they must have been working since they were humming to the store's music. Jacob then looked at me confused and just shrugged then decided to tap her shoulder. She had then turned around and had a hand on her chest. "Oh my jingle bells you scared me.." she then laughed, "Anyways. Welcome to Mistledough, I am Malonne but you can call me Mal. What brings you in here today?" He went on to mention a few words, she then raised a brow and knew why we were there.
"Oh. So you are here for cake tasting..for your upcoming wedding. Such an exciting time in a person's life.." we nodded, "Right. Okay do you guys have an appointment with us, or do a walk-in?", "Walk in..we got recommended by my sister to go here." he said as she nodded, "Is she like a wedding planner or something?" Jacob nodded, "Okay then what is the last name I could put this under?", "Willis.." he said as she looked down, "Alright..first names..", "Jacobsen and Mariah.." she smiled, "Alrighty. You're good to go! Now let's get to tasting those cakes shall we?" She then walked us to a table and sat down with us at the table. "Okay so here is how Mistledough goes for wedding cake tasting. I am going to give you guys options and you let me know which you'd like to taste and hopefully find one that suits your taste buds.."
She handed us a menu while reading off the flavors, "So we have the classic flavors of Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl, then there is Devils' Cake, a Coffee and Cream flavor, a Peanut Chip, and as for due to being around the holiday season, we also have Gingerbread." I looked at the list and saw she missed one, "What about the Peppermint Fudge.." I muttered, "I don't think I've ever heard of that flavor before.." Jacob muttered back, "So out of all the flavors, were you two thinking of or seem to be interested in trying.."
I mentioned to her about the Peppermint Fudge, to my surprise she went on about how it was one of their less popular ones which was why she didn't mention it along with the other workers. "Well, then how about we try it then..it's not like it could kill us in any way it's just peppermint and chocolate.." he said she then smiled and left the table assuming to go grab a slice. She came back as what looked like a white frosting on the edge of dark chocolate cake but it was also weird as the frosting seemed to be glistening in between the layers of a darker frosting. "Oh don't worry, that is just the peppermint dust. Bon appétit.." We each took a bite, what was all smooth had gotten a sudden crunch in the frosting. He looked at me strangely and then looked at Mal. "What is the crunch part in the frosting..is it chunks of peppermint?", "Well no the frosting itself is Nutella with chopped-up macadamia nuts." Jacob had dropped his fork, "What's wrong.." I asked him, "I should have probably mentioned it early on but I am allergic to nuts.." I dropped my fork and looked at him.
"Well that would have been helpful to note. What. What do I do!?" I began to feel panicked as I know that nut allergies tend to be more serious than other allergies. "Well that's the thing I don't know, I haven't eaten a nut before so I don't know what to expect.." Malonne looked at us, "Oh I am so fired. Why don't I get a hold of an ambulance..yes that is the best thing..an ambulance." She ran to the phone as I kept my eye on Jacob. "Seems like Christmas Eve all over again..back to the hospital.."
I laughed nervously as he looked at me. "I think I'll be fine. Most people with nut allergies usually would react right away but look I can still talk and all that. Maybe my mom might have lied to me..maybe it's Rosemary who is allergic to nuts."
I looked at him and held his hand, "I highly doubt your mom would lie about a nut allergy..but don't worry we are still going to figure this out.." he frowned then nodded as Malonne came back. "So good news Paramedics are on their way..and they want to know if you are having any bad reactions just so we can tell them anything when we see them.." he just shrugged and about to speak, but then starting to have a coughing fit.
His eyes looked watered. But inside for me, I was feeling very bad and guilty. I had stood up walking outside, seeing the people were walking by, as each one that passed by looked at me weirdly. I took a breath then asked each person walking by the same question."Does anyone have something to help with a nut allergy? My fiancé is having an allergic reaction to nuts.."
Everyone just stared as I seemed to be the one who was nuts. "Excuse me." I then saw people were being shoved out of the way. "Pardon me." Then I saw a hand in the air and tried to hand something. I couldn't decipher what it was "Use this. It's an EpiPen. You just got to stab his thigh as it should open the lungs and help him breathe." When the person placed it in my hands, I looked up and it was.."Colton.." I mumbled, "Hi. Mariah." he said but before I could say more to him, I had just ran to Jacob and he was looking paler as the minutes ticked by and before I could do what I was gonna do. Colton grabbed the EpiPen from me and used it on Jacob's thigh.
Jacob stopped having his coughing fit as his eyes fluttered closed just trying to breathe. When the paramedics came in and took him out on a stretcher hooked up to an oxygen machine; one of them gave me the number to call them in a few minutes to get updates on him. My heart was beating fast as when I turned to see Colton, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. I hit him in the shoulder from what happened so many months ago then hugged him tight. It was a way of saying thanks for saving Jacob in a way, but I also missed seeing him. I pulled away, "How did I not know this about you." he looked at me, "Well it's fairly new.." I tilt my head as that sounded strange, he then looked over at Malonne then back at me as Malonne left to clean up.
"I assume we both need answers.." he nodded, "Yes. So maybe we should go grab a coffee to talk.." Coffee? He doesn't drink coffee, even though I was confused while also glancing at my phone with no call yet from the paramedics, I just agreed. "You drink coffee now..okay. Fine but let's limit talking for at least an hour then I am going to go check on Jacob." he had sighed when we headed out and walked to the nearby coffee shop. We had ordered our drinks as I felt like he kept looking at me. "I have so many questions. Like you're into coffee now? And also what are you doing here? Coming to announce to me that you suddenly have a peanut allergy.." he hadn't broken eye contact with me which was sort of giving me a weird feeling, "Also stop staring at me like that.." I said, "Sorry..it's just been a wild year since your birthday.."
"More of an awkward one. I remember that day very clearly..it was like I was gonna be killed by you and if Jacob hadn't flown in to save me I'd be dead lying in my grave right about now." he raised a brow, "Huh? What are you talking about?" I forgot how humans can't understand how one flies minus going on a plane. As for seeing wings or understanding anything supernatural would just sound like any myth told. "Nevermind that. I had also heard from Rosemary that you two turned into well fools' love.."
"Yeah. Just like your parents." I sighed heavily as the only thing in my mind was Jacob. Hoping he was okay. "She also went on to mention to me that you started drinking. Reminds me of your dad.." that is when he broke eye contact and looked away. I know he hated hearing his name or even anything about him. "I thought we said we don't talk about him." He muttered then he looked back at me. "Look Maya. I want to say..", "Say what.." My heart began to pound as I was scared and nervous. "Well that was my thoughts when I thought we had something..way before the testing..that day your father got remarried. That day we were about to kiss. I just wanted to go for it..but your mom just caught us before I could.."
I looked at him with a raised brow, "Oh..really?", "Yes. Mariah, I still feel this way..about you.." I began to think back to the wedding as I could hear my laughter and his head against mine. I shake my head trying to get that out of my head as he seemed to be off. He kept switching from Mariah to Maya and or Maya to Mariah. "Colton. You got to understand that..I ju-", "Yes?" I felt like I was about to hurt his feelings just like Rosemary. "Just can't.."
"Is that what your heart is saying or is it saying that out of everyone in Oakheart, you belong with what they call him in Oakheart. The Devil. Or would you rather be with someone like a friend you've grown up with your entire life and already form a connection to." Why was he making this so serious by asking me something like that, why is talking about if I would ever get with him and be a couple be a good thing for the both of us. "What if he is just playing around with your heart and it ends up being a fool's love..just like your parents down the road. And maybe you will end up just like me and Rosemary..", "I got to go check on Jacob.." I was beyond uncomfortable. I had to leave. I stood up from my seat, grabbed my drink, and walked out of the coffee shop. But he then grabbed my hand and pulled me in close to him. "Mariah..think about it..", "It' s Maya. And let go of me Colton.."
I stared at him trying to tug away however I felt my engagement ring fall off and he had just leaned his head against mine. Flashes of memories brought me back to the alternate universe where I and Colton kissed and got together. He then kissed me and I screamed trying to pull away. I then kicked him causing him to release his grip as I then went and grabbed my ring to place it back on my finger. "You know what. Just stay away. Stay away from me and Jacob.."
When walking away from him all I heard was him yelling my name but I just continued to run instead, as an unknown number was calling me. I picked up the call as it was the paramedics, thank god. They went on to tell me that Jacob was breathing okay and set aside an Epipen and antibiotics for emergencies' in case it happens again. Then proceeded to tell me to come see him when I got the chance. "Thank you so much. I will be there soon..again thank you.." I had hung up as I continued to hear his voice. He was beginning to drive me crazy in the worst way.
I turned to see him not too far behind, "I think you forgot what I said. Stay away from me and Jacob..", "Look. Please..just forgive me..." I laughed, "Right. I would have forgiven you if you didn't kiss me..", "At least let me drive you to the hospital where Jacob is.." The hospital was far and couldn't exactly fly there as he would be looking at me more confused than ever and seeing me just float in mid-air. "Fine. But I'll ride in the back seat.."
We walked in silence to his car, I had then seen Blaze a half-mile away. When we got to his car, he opened my door as I sat down in the backseat. He then went to his side and started the engine as that is when we headed out. I was mainly silent on the ride to the hospital staring out the window avoiding his eye contact with me. "Can you at least tell me if you liked the kiss at all..just so I know if I am a good kisser or not.."
I looked at him, "What. Oh. No. I didn't like it one bit." It was weird kissing my once best friend, once thought to be ever having a crush on. At the moment I was just truly annoyed with him along with myself. I had cheated on my fiance, that is like the worst thing that could happen. So when we pulled up at a red light, I placed my hand on my chest feeling it get tight. I had to calm myself down and forget about the stupid kiss or else I'll have a panic attack over it. When trying to take deep breaths, my thoughts intermingled with the kiss from Colton and worrying about Jacob.
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