The next day when I turned twenty-three was the day where I had dyed my brown hair to the color of a blackberry and also decided to get a tattoo. Hearing the buzzing sound of the tattoo gun ringing in my ears made it hard to think, as I didn't even choose what design I wanted to get. "Ok. It should be almost done Jackson..", "It's Jacobsen.." I rolled my eyes as I didn't want to be called that. "You know what, never mind forget that I said that..just call me whatever you want." I looked at the design through the mirror from its reflection.
"An Angel Wing?" I was confused, as Gene laughed a little, "What about it.." I shrugged, "Seems girlish as I never might be an Angel who was a man. It also looks like I am going soft.." he laughed again, he turned off the tattoo gun. "Anyways. Jacobsen you have to wait a month or two for it to be less painful before I can color it in to get it looking less girlish in your terms." I was surprised he recalled that my pain tolerance levels were low.
"That is okay, but can you make the edges sharp at least? I don't want to be known as a softie devil to the others who see me..." He chuckled and started the tattoo gun again and began to adjust it. "Of course I can. But between me and you, you are the sweetest guy I know, and I know you don't need to be rebellious just to have a reputation." I chuckled, "Thanks but nobody would need to know that though..I already have the pathway picked out for me, as a reputation is sort of important. So why don't you say play into the little black lie with me.." he nodded and laughed it off as when he had finished up the edges of the wings.
He told me to look again and give him some feedback. I looked at it, it looked better than before, and well sort of. "There it's perfect as can be for your 'edgy' self..." I smirked and laughed, "Thanks, Gene.." I gave him a ten-dollar tip since the tattoo was technically free due to being a family friend on my mother's side of the family but he deserved it. I left Twisted Tales Tattoos and looked at my watch.
It was only noon as Rosemary landed next to me, "Huh. Interesting..never expected you to get a tattoo..why don't you say maybe we go for a fly, like old times. Then maybe head to The Butterfly.." I looked at her, "It's actually The Bitterfly, as in B-i-t-t-e-r-f-l-y..not B-u-t-t-e-r-f-l-y..." she glared at me, "It's Butterfly..you only say Bitter when you are in a mood.." If only that were true but it wasn't. I rolled my eyes as she nudged me in the side. "Also Gene did a good job.." I thanked her but then raised a brow.
"But I mean you also happen to have the pain tolerance and actions of a thirteen-week-old dragon..even though I am older than you by two years it's still funny.." I laughed at her comment, "Sounds like a threat coming from you..as if you knew that thirteen-week old dragons are considered to be weak and brittle..and kind.." I was about to list more things but then stopped talking as she laughed as I realized I sounded stupid after downing myself. "You just admitted to yourself that you're weak and brittle..and even kind." she laughed her head off as I shoved her a little, "Yeah so I may have done that by mistake..but.."
"But what you don't have a problem calling yourself that.." she smirked, "I do but maybe I'll try and find an insult to fire back..since that would work better.." She grinned, "Good luck with that.." Both of our wings appeared, "Anyways I found the most perfect place to be at this moment..", "And where must that be?" she looked at me, "Just follow my lead.." I sighed, "I don't like the sound of that.." I mumbled as she started to fly and I followed her as she went all over the place but ended up near the beach. As on the edge of cliffs known as the North Seas Cliff, I spotted her taking a seat.
As I landed, I took a seat next to her, "Why do you have your backpack?" She brought out a cupcake with an unlit candle. "Well besides carrying around one of mom's famous confetti cupcakes.." she grabbed a lighter and lit the candle and handed it to me, "Happy Twenty-Third Birthday Jay.." I smiled and blew out the candle and tore the cupcake in half and gave her the other half. "Thank you Rose.." She smiled as we looked out to the beach, it was relaxing to see a peaceful sight. "I know I shouldn't ask this but do you know where Dad's last location was?" I looked at her with a raised brow.
"No, why do you ask?", "Well think about it. Earl was with us just last night..he is like dad's number one goon.." my eyes widened, "Earl wouldn't rat us out would he.." we both frowned, "It could mean what it always means, meaning dad is having him just checking on us and not talking to us in person as it is always the worst.", "But couldn't that also mean that dad couldn't have been far away from us..and was afraid mom would see him trying to talk to us." I continued to say as she shrugged, "I suppose.."
She looked away and back at the ocean as I looked at her, "I know I don't even want to know anymore nor do I feel like we should even care. But I am just gonna get the blame for whatever his latest 'accident' of a crime is anyway. It's never fun as it feels like one of these endless loops." She sighed as I began to eat some cupcakes to eat my feelings away as it is mom's famous confetti cake but in smaller form.
"Colton look and understand my words. I will not be your Angel! As I am someone else's Angel! I don't need to protect you! I don't want my mom to babysit me anymore! I am twenty-one and I should know how to take care of myself! And by the way, you are someone else's bolt of lightning as they can be your guardian angel of protection, as I won't be there anymore, so I refuse to be used by you, by my mom, by Roslyn, by my dad, by anyone anymore!" My eyes widened as that voice and name Colton sounded familiar, "Did you hear that?" Rosemary raised a brow as we heard a car horn go off.
We looked down and saw multiple cars driving in and out of lanes trying to avoid hitting whoever was in the middle of the road. "Get back in the car! It isn't safe!", "I'd rather walk home than drive home with you!" Rosemary's eyes widened as we both saw tail lights of a red truck turn on. "Why is he starting to drive backwards.." I raised a brow and looked down, "Oh shoot!" I stood up quickly. "He can't be serious..", "What?" She questioned, "What does it look like..he's gonna kill her.." I squinted my eyes and saw who it was.
It was Mariah, the girl I was paired with. "What's the plan..", "Rescuing her obviously.." Rosemary looked at me as if I was insane, "In broad daylight..", "Nobody but supernatural people can see us..I'll be fine..she doesn't deserve to die this way.." she sighed, "I'm only concerned that one of Dad's goons is gonna spot you that is all.." I laughed, "Well then..I better be quick and out of sight.." I snapped and my wings came out once again, "Please just be safe.." I nodded, "I will only check on your boyfriend's anger issue..and I'll go check on her.." I jumped off as I heard her yelling at me saying he wasn't her boyfriend even though they were paired together.
I flew down to the other side of the road where she was as she backed up into me. When I had both feet on the ground, I took a breath, "What were you thinking?!" I said as she looked like she was just speechless. "I..I.." I grabbed her hand and took her near the cliff. "Look. You got to trust me, and by that I mean I hope you can swim.." When I decided to jump off the cliff, bringing her along the ocean had submerged me and her as I felt my hand letting go.
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