"Yo, Foster." a light hand shook Sophie's shoulder.
"Hmmm?" she groaned.
"Foster, wake up. You've some awesome hair right now!"
Sophie sat up and glared at the blonde haired man sitting next to her on the bed.
"Keefe! What are you doing in my room?"
He smirked. "Our room, you mean?"
Realization dawned on her then and she fell back with a groan.
"Why'd you wake me up, Mr. Sencen? I'm going back to sleep!"
"Oh, but Mrs. Sencen, don't you wanna give a warm welcome to your dear old Forkle?" Sophie shot up and glanced at the door.
Sure enough, a large bloated and wrinkled man stood there waiting.
"You're as bad as the kids!" she groaned stomping from the bed to the bathroom.
Inside she quickly changed into a plain ice blue tunic that showed her swollen stomach, and black leggings.
Then she ran the brush through her hair and hurried out. The two men must have gone downstairs for they were not in the room.
Sophie slipped downstairs and into the kitchen to start making food for her three children and husband.
As she started to make a batch of gooey pancakes, the baby within her heaved a hard kick.
"Oh!" Sophie moaned.
Keefe rushed in when he heard this.
"What's the matter?" he asked panicedly.
"Nothing, Keefe." she choked out.
"The baby just kicked really hard is all."
He laid his hand on her abdomen and held his breath.
"Eeeeeeeek!" He squealed like a girl.
"Forkle!" he called quickly.
Mr. Forkle's bloated self, hurried into the room, worry sketched all over his face.
Keefe's bit lip smile and moon big eyes, we're enough to tell him things were alright.
"Feel." Sophie said glowing with pride.
Gently he laid his large hand on the pregnant moonlarks stomach.
When he was granted with a zesty Little kick, he smiled. "What a strong baby."
Two months later, Sophie and Keefe Sencen were blessed with a large baby boy.
"What's his name?" Biana asked, from where she stood holding the infant, a few feet away from Sophie's bed.
"Calson Loki Sencen."
Keefe replied, from the other side of the bed.
"Aww that's such a sweet name. Named after Mr. Errol Loki Forkle right?"
Biana laughed, holding Calson out Where her husband, Tam Song, could see him over her shoulder.
Sophie nodded.
"I think he definitely deserves it."
Later that day when Mr. Forkle held the precious bundle and was told it's delightful name, he cried.
Which of course made Sophie cry and Keefe leave real quick.
"Thank you." Mr. Forkle finally whispered.
Sophie smiled, tears still dripping down her pale face.
After the bloated man left, so Sophie could get some rest, Keefe returned.
"How's my bride?" he whispered, gently sitting down on the edge of the bed.
Sophie opened her eyes.
"Well she was almost asleep. But I guess you're handsome face can make up for that. Calson has your ice blue eyes."
Keefe smirked.
"But he has your lovely nose."
Sophie then drifted asleep.
A few minutes later, Keefe took the peeping baby and went downstairs to show it off to his friends.
"Awwww!" Dex squealed when he saw the small bundle. "He's so cute!"
His wife, Marella, readily agreed.
Edaline who had already seen the baby, but was still in love with him, scooped him from Keefe's arms and ran over to show Della.
"Hey! That's my kid!" he called after her.
"So are these two." a bedraggled voice rasped behind him.
He turned to see a disheveled and sleepy-eyed Fitz behind him holding the hands of two little blonde-headed children.
"Dude, when you asked me to watch these kids, I thought they'd be perfect angels, like Sophie, but man was I wrong. They have too much of you in them too ever be angels." Fitz groaned, handing the children over.
Keefe smirked and picked up the two youngsters.
"We got him good, Daddy!" seven-year-old Andy announced, proudly.
"I put a stinky frog in Stina's Makeup cabinet!" five-year-old Trey declared happily.
"Nice! Now, where's your little sister?"
Keefe asked, looking from boy to girl.
They both shrugged and pointed to Fitz.
"I-she- I left her with Stina!"
He cried nervously.
"Calla's right here." another grumpy voice said, stalking up behind Fitz, holding the blonde, curly-haired, three-year-old.
"Hi Daddy." she said shyly.
"Hi baby." he said, setting Andy on the ground and taking Calla from Mrs. Vacker.
"Guess what."
"What?" all three kids asked excitedly.
"Mommy had her baby!"
Then, father and troop, we're after Edaline to see the new baby.
After the couples, Wylie and Lihn, Jensi and Maruca, and Fitz and Stina all left, Elwin declared that Sophie and her family needed some real rest and shooed everyone else out- including himself.
Keefe then went to all three rooms of his older children to tuck them in.
"Night, Andy, my boy."
"Night, Trey, my girl."
"Night, Calla, my baby girl."
Then as he crawled into bed he whispered,
"Night, Calson, my baby boy.
Night Sophie, my favorite woman."
And then the family of six, slept.
The End.
(Sorry this is so short but I hope you like it😊)
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